ACE News Archives | ACE News #153 - August 16, 2012 |
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As the solar system moves through the local interstellar medium (LISM) neutral
helium atoms flow into the heliosphere. These atoms are gravitationally
focused by the Sun, forming a neutral helium enhancement directly downwind
from the direction of interstellar flow. The structure of this cone is
determined by the loss rates (ionization) of neutral helium in the heliosphere
and properties of the LISM gas. When ionized, these particles are embedded in
the solar wind as pickup ions and can serve as a proxy for neutral
interstellar gas (Top Figure).
During its cruise orbit enroute to Mercury, MESSENGER traversed the
gravitational focusing cone at 0.3 AU several times. During this time, the
Fast Imaging Plasma Spectrometer (FIPS) sensor on MESSENGER made the first in
situ measurements of pickup He+ inside Earth's orbit. These data are
compared with analogous data collected by SWICS on ACE at ~1 AU. The bottom
figure shows unscaled measurements of He+ during 2007-2009 for (a)
MESSENGER/FIPS and (b) ACE/SWICS. In each panel the ecliptic longitude (λ)
variation with time is also shown, as is (c) the radial distance of each
spacecraft from the Sun.
An enhancement was clearly observed near the predicted downwind direction (≃
75°) at all distances, with MESSENGER having passed through the cone once
near R = 0.6 AU and then several times at R = 0.3 AU, and ACE traversing the
cone yearly at R = 1 AU. We find similar structure in terms of downwind
enhancement, cone width, and cone center directions for both MESSENGER and ACE
observations, and find that these derived parameters are in good agreement
with previous determinations of the direction of interstellar flow.
These new observations of the focusing cone at multiple heliocentric distances
place strong constraints on any longitudinal transport of pickup He+ inside
Earth orbit. This multi-spacecraft study therefore demonstrates that ACE/SWICS
measurements at 1 AU serve as an excellent proxy for the longitudinal
distribution of neutral helium in the inner heliosphere. For additional
details, see Gershman et al. 2012, currently in revision for JGR-Space
This item was contributed by
Dan Gershman, George Gloeckler, and Thomas
Zurbuchen of the University of Michigan.
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