ACE News Archives | ACE News #155 - September 13, 2012 |
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Left: ACE/CRIS measurements (filled circles) of the
galactic cosmic ray carbon spectrum during selected solar rotations compared
with curves obtained from a model of interstellar propagation and solar
modulation and with measurements from the HEAO-C2 experiment in 1979-1980
(open circles). Center: Time dependence of the cosmic-ray modulation
parameter, φ, obtained by comparing CRIS measurements with model spectra
templates. Right: Time dependence of φ from CRIS (red) compared with
long-term variation inferred from neutron monitor and ionization chamber
In the energy range covered by the ACE/CRIS
instrument, ~50 to ~500 MeV/nuc, the cosmic-ray intensity undergoes a
significant solar-cycle variation. This phenomenon of solar modulation is
caused by cosmic ray interactions with magnetic fields carried outward by the
expanding solar wind. Intensities at CRIS energies change by approximately an
order of magnitude over a solar cycle whereas at energies above a few GeV/nuc
the effect is significantly smaller. The resulting variation of the shape of
cosmic-ray energy spectra has been used to monitor the temporal dependence of
the strength of solar modulation, which is commonly characterized by a
parameter φ, expressed in megavolts (MV).
The left figure shows
CRIS measurements (filled circles) of the cosmic-ray carbon spectrum at four
selected times over the 15 years of ACE operations: the lowest and highest
intensities were encountered in January 2001 and January 2010 (see ACE News
#122 and #134), respectively, while the August 2012 data show the most
recently measured spectrum during the increase of solar cycle 24 activity.
The fourth time period, March 2000, was chosen to correspond as nearly as
possible to the solar modulation level characteristic of 1979-80 when the
HEAO-C2 experiment made precise measurements of elemental spectra in the
GeV/nuc range (Engelmann et al. 1990, open circles). The curves show energy
spectra at 1 AU calculated from the combination of an interstellar cosmic-ray
propagation model and a spherically-symmetric solar modulation model (Davis et
al. 2000).
Using the same calculated interstellar spectrum for each 27-day solar
rotation, the value of φ that gives the best fit to the measured CRIS energy
spectrum was found. The same type of analysis has been applied for each of
the elements C, O, Mg, Si, and Fe to obtain the curves showing the time
dependence of φ in the middle figure. The curves derived from different
elements typically agree to within ~±25 MV near solar minimum and ~±100
MV near solar maximum. The systematic dependence of the derived φ on atomic
number, Z, may be associated with differences in the energy ranges covered by
CRIS for the different elements and with the different mean M/Z ratios, which
particularly distinguishes Fe from the other elements shown. Abrupt increases
in φ often correspond to the occurrence of large CME-driven shocks that
produce Forbush decreases in the cosmic-ray intensity. Examples can be seen
around the times of some well-known, large solar energetic particle events
such as Bastille Day 2000, Halloween 2003, and Inauguration Day 2005. The
right figure shows the φ values from CRIS in the context of modulation
parameter values inferred from neutron monitor and ionization chamber
measurements extending back to 1936 (Usoskin et al. 2011).
This item was contributed by
Mark Wiedenbeck (JPL/Caltech), Kelly Lave (Washington U.), and Andrew Davis (Caltech).
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