ACE News Archives | ACE News #170 - September 5, 2014 |
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Left: Proton intensities (10-30 MeV) for the 11 April 2013 event from
STEREO-A, ACE (background corrected) and STEREO-B; (inset) relative longitudes
of the spacecraft and flare. Middle: Longitude distributions of He, O, and
Fe at 12-33 MeV/nuc from event-integrated fluences at STEREO-B (58°) and ACE
(-77°). Right: He mass histograms from ACE/SIS for this event and two
cycle-23 Fe-rich SEP events.
During the rise to solar cycle 23 maximum, ACE observed several large solar
energetic particle (SEP) events with surprisingly enhanced Fe/O abundances.
These events typically also had 3He/4He values 4-10 times the solar wind
value. Although there was a consensus that flare-accelerated SEP material was
being mixed with shock-accelerated material, there was debate as to how this
occurred: through direct mixing or by shock acceleration of remnant flare
suprathermal ions. One possible discriminator is the longitudinal dependence
of the Fe/O ratio, which can be best measured by multiple spacecraft. Such an
opportunity presented itself on 11 April 2013 when an M6.5 X-ray flare
occurred in active region 11719, accompanied by a moderately fast (~800 km/s)
and wide (~150°) coronal mass ejection. The resulting SEP event was
observed by ACE and both STEREO spacecraft (left panel), although only
STEREO-B and ACE observed heavy ions at measureable intensities with energies
>10 MeV/nuc.
The longitude of the footpoint of the magnetic field line passing through each
spacecraft was determined assuming a Parker spiral corresponding to the
observed solar wind speed (the relative positions of the three spacecraft are
given in the left panel inset). In the middle panel the He, O, and Fe
event-integrated fluences (at 12-33 MeV/nuc) from ACE and STEREO-B are plotted
versus the longitudinal separation between these magnetic footpoints and the
flare location. Assuming a Gaussian distribution centered at the flare
location, the longitudinal dependences of the elemental fluences are given by
the solid curves. These suggest a Fe/O ratio ~1 at positions magnetically
connected directly to the flare, although the longitudinal dependence of the
Fe/O ratio is not strong; the ratio decreases by only 44% over 135° (from
STEREO-B to ACE). This is consistent with the direct flare contribution
scenario proposed by Cane et al. (2003, 2006). The alternative scenario of
Tylka et al. (2005) in which SEP composition is determined by the orientation
of the shock and the composition of the seed particle population is another
possible interpretation of the fact that both ACE and STEREO-B observed
enhanced Fe/O abundance ratios despite neither being magnetically well
connected to the flaring region. In this interpretation, the fact that the
measured composition was slightly different at the two spacecraft might result
from a longitudinal dependence to the orientation of the shock and/or the
composition of the seed particle population. Given the large separation
between the two spacecraft, this is not unreasonable.
Surprisingly, unlike the Fe-rich events of cycle 23, the 11 April 2013 event
did not exhibit enhanced
ratios. He mass histograms from ACE/SIS are
shown in the right panel for this event and two cycle-23 events. The 6 May
1998 event exhibited the largest (4%)
ratio and 2 May 1998 the lowest
(< 0.2%) of the Fe-rich events of cycle 23. The 11 April 2013 event appears
to have less
than in 2 May 1998. Additional details on this event are
given in Cohen et al. (ApJ, 793, 35, 2014).
This item was contributed by
C.M.S. Cohen and R.A. Mewaldt (Caltech), G.M. Mason (APL), and
M.E. Wiedenbeck (JPL/Caltech).
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