ACE News Archives | ACE News #172 - November 18, 2014 |
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The acceleration of the solar wind requires an energy source that is today not
well understood. Parker's original theory invoked electron heat flux.
Many theories make use of wave propagation and several resonant or
non-resonant dissipation processes. Still other theories invoke magnetic
reconnection or turbulence. At present, our most detailed insights are
provided by measurements of the solar wind atomic, isotopic and charge-state
composition in union with theoretical treatments that attempt to understand
the relative efficiency of acceleration for different particle types.
Charge state composition provides a direct indication of electron temperatures
(mean energy) within the acceleration region. Hot electron backgrounds
produce solar wind ions with greater charge states. ACE has been instrumental
in revealing charge-state variations in association with different wind speeds
which strongly indicates that fast and slow winds originate in regions of
different electron temperature (called freeze-in temperature). This, in turn,
provides insight for theories attempting to describe the altitude above the
solar photosphere where the acceleration takes place.
The data show that charge states (e.g., the O7+/O6+
and C6+/C5+ abundance
ratios) evolved through the extended, deep solar minimum between solar cycle
23 and 24 (i.e., from 2006 to 2009) reflecting cooler electron temperatures in
the corona. Schwadron et al. (2014) extended previous analyses to study the
evolution of the coronal electron temperature through the protracted solar
minimum and observed not only the reduction in coronal temperature in the
cycle 23-24 solar minimum, but also a small increase in coronal temperature
associated with increasing activity during the "mini-maximum" in cycle 24. The
study went on to use a new model of the interplanetary magnetic flux since
1749 to estimate coronal electron temperatures over more than two centuries.
The reduction in coronal electron temperature in the cycle 23-24 protracted
solar minimum is similar to reductions observed at the beginning of the Dalton
Minimum (~1805 - 1840), when the estimated freeze-in temperature for 500-600
km/s wind dropped to ~1 MK. If these trends continue to reflect the evolution
of the Dalton Minimum, then in the future we will observe further reductions
in coronal temperature in the cycle 24-25 solar minimum. Preliminary
indications in 2013 do suggest a further post-cycle 23 decline in solar
activity. Thus, the work of Schwadron et al. (2014) extends understanding of
coronal electron temperature using the solar wind scaling law, and compares
recent reductions in coronal electron temperature in the protracted solar
minimum to conditions that prevailed in the Dalton Minimum. For additional
information see Schwadron et al., JGR 119, 1486, 2014.
This item was contributed by
Charles W. Smith and Nathan A. Schwadron on behalf of the ACE Team.
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