Post-Leonid Status
The ACE spacecraft was reoriented to ~106 deg from Leonid radiant on Nov 16
(prior to the storm peak), for optimal shielding of science instruments.  An
attitude maneuver was performed on November 19th to return ACE to nominal
orientation. This was one day later than planned, due to concerns that the
peak of the Leonid storm might occur later than predicted.

Spacecraft status and status of the science instruments appear to be nominal,
but the data are still being evaluated at this time. Instruments which were
commanded to a safe mode before the Leonid storm are now being returned to
their normal operational modes.

The SEPICA Fan 2 proportional counter was refilled after the Leonid
maximum had passed, and the fill rate and operating condition were
found to be nominal. There were no new leaks in the counter windows.

The SEPICA team have concluded that the Fan 2 pressure decay on 11/9/98
was due to spontaneous valve closure, as has been seen before, and was
not due to a puncture of the counter window.  The valves were not
in active regulation because they had settled into a partially open
state, flowing gas smoothly through the proportional counters at a
reasonable pressure. These valves are expected to close occasionally.