Operations Day -- 335/1997 (1 Dec 97)
Nominal pass although - once again - the number of frames dropped during the 
SSR playaback was five times the nominal average for the first 80 days of 
the mission.  The FOT is continuing to trouble shoot this issue - but - even 
with this large increase in frame drops the FOT has been able to redump 
enough data to ensure a daily data capture of 99% or greater. 

15:12 - AOS D24
15:36 - ADC downlink format started, 76384 rate
15:39 - SSR B placed in record format
15:42 - SSR A dump started
18:35 - SSR A redumps complete
18:52 - RTSW downlink format, 434 rate started
19:00 - EOT 

Operations Day -- 336/1997 (2 Dec 97)
Status: RO

Todays pass included a 13 minute telemetry drop out in the middle of an 
attitude correction maneuver.  The outage was caused by router problems and 
the IP NOCC needed to reconfigure and reboot some of the Isis equipment.  The 
maneuver completed nominally and the FOT completed some SWIMS commanding that 
needed to be done prior to the upcoming pre-OSM high-voltage ramp down that 
will be performed later this week.  High-voltage ramp downs will be performed 
for SWICS, SWIMS, SWEPAM, and ULEIS beginning on Thursday and ending on 
Saturday with Sunday (12/7) and Monday (12/8) reserved for any anomolies that 
come up prior to the beginning of the HOI (scheduled to start on 12/9).

G97-101 - Router went down during maneuver that caused loss of telemetry from 
16:47 to 17:00

15:18 - AOS D24
15:35 - ADC downlink format, 76384 rate started
15:38 - Radial catbed heaters on
15:41 - SSR A placed in record format
15:44 - SSR B dump started
16:45 - Attitude maneuver started
16:47 - Telemetry outage - Anomaly G97-101
17:00 - Telemetry received  again
17:03 - Radial catbeds off
17:49 - OCR 97-0091 completed - SWIMS pre-HOI commanding
18:35 - SSR B redumps complete
18:53 - RTSW downlink format, 434 rate started
19:00 - EOT 

Operations Day -- 337/1997 (3 Dec 97)
Today's pass with Madrid had - once again - had a large number of dropped 
frames during the SSR playback.  Also, a number of frames were received that 
appeared to be corrupted resulting in a crash of the TPOCC system.  These 
data problems are being investigated by replaying DSN CDR files to 
determine if the corruption/missing data is happening in the spacecraft-to-
DSN link or the DSN-to-MOC link.  The FOT also used this pass to check the 
status of all of the active C&DH Autonomy bins (results were nominal).

G97-102 - Packet extractor crash during recorder playback

11:53 - AOS D61
11:57 - ADC downlink format started, 76384 rate
12:04 - SSR B placed in record mode
12:07 - SSR A dump started - 486 slices
12:16 - Switched to Autonomy 1 format
12:22 - Switched to Autonomy 2 format
12:26 - Switched back to Primary format
13:18 - Packet extractor crash - Anomaly G97-102
13:26 - TPOCC back up
14:47 - SSR B redumps complete
15:12 - RTSW downlink format started, 434 rate
15:20 - EOT D61

Operations Day -- 338/1997 (4 Dec 97)
Todays pass included 70 lost VC2 frames during the initial SSR dump along 
with a TPOCC Packet Extractor task crash due to the receipt of a corrupt VC1 
frame in the MOC.  In addition, there was a ~10 minute delay in beginning 
high rate operations due to a problem with telemetry channel #1 at station 
D24.  This pass included ramping down both SWEPAM E&I in preparation for next 
week's HOI activities and power-cycling the CRIS instrument to try to recover 
from a data dictionary problem that was noticed on Sunday (day 334).  The 
recovery went nominally.  A diagnostic procedure will now be run every 
few days by the FOT to keep a close eye on the CRIS instrument to try to 
catch this dictionary corruption earlier.  ULEIS will ramp down on day 339 
and SWICS and SWIMS will ramp down on day 340 to complete preparations for 
the upcoming maneuver.

The FOT continues to investigate the data corruption/loss problem (although 
so far this problem has in no was prohibited the FOT from meeting the 98% 
data capture requirement (99.0% or greater is being recovered each day)).  
Replay of a DSN CDR file from day 334 shows that the CDR file also has 
missing and corrupted data in the playback data.  The FOT is investigating 
how the CDR file is created to try to narrow down where the data is being 

G97-103 - High rate acquisition delayed due to channel 1 problem at D24
G97-104 - Packet extractor crash during recorder playback

15:31 - AOS D24
15:51 - Telemetry seen at 76384 following Anomaly G97-103
15:54 - SSR A placed in record mode
15:58 - SSR B dump started, 664 slices
16:08 - SWEPAM-E and -I high voltage ramp-down started
16:25 - SWEPAM-E and -I high voltage ramp-down complete
16:33 - OCR 97-0092 started - CRIS power-cycle
17:31 - OCR 97-0092 complete
17:34 - Packet extractor crash - Anomaly G97-104
17:43 - TPOCC back up
18:47 - CRIS command entered to dump errors
19:15 - SSR B redumps complete - 10 min. tlm outage and 18.6% of frame drops 
redumped (13 of 70)
19:33 - RTSW fromat, 434 rate started
19:40 - EOT D24

Operations Day -- 339/1997 (5 Dec 97)
Status: RO

A nominal pass which included an attitude correction maneuver and ramp-down 
of the ULEIS instrument in preparation for the upcoming HOI activities.  In 
addition, the FOT ran a diagnostic procedure for the CRIS instrument team to 
assess the instrument's state of health (results were nominal).  This CRIS 
procedure will be run on a daily basis (time permitting) until the CRIS team 
has finished analyzing the health of the instrument.

18:57 - AOS D42
19:10 - ADC format started, 76384
19:13 - Radial catbed heaters on
19:16 - SSR B placed in record format
19:19 - SSR A dump started
20:21 - Attitude maneuver started
20:25 - Attitude maneuver completed
20:30 - Radial catbeds off
20:54 - CRIS error dump activities done
21:23 - ULEIS high voltage ramp-down satrted
21:28 - ULEIS high voltage ramp-down complete
22:40 - SSR A redumps complete - Redumped 33 of 40 drops
22:56 - RTSW format started, 434 rate
23:05 - EOT

Operations Day -- 340/1997 (6 Dec 97)
Status: O

Nominal pass (frame drops are still plauging us during SSR playbacks) which 
included voltage ramp downs for the SWICS and SWIMS instruments.  With the 
completion of these ramp downs the spacecraft is now configured for HOI 
maneuver activities.  In addition, the FOT uploaded new memory dump 
instructions to the CRIS instrument.  The FOT will begin running a daily CRIS 
memory dump procedure along with a daily CRIS error count procedure to assist 
the instrument team in assessing the health of the instrument.  These 
procedures will be run each day (time permitting) until the CRIS team has 
completed there assessment.

15:26 - AOS D24
15:57 - ADC downlink format started, 76384 rate
16:00 - SSR A placed in record format
16:04 - SSR B dump started - 495 slices
16:07 - ADS started in MOR
16:12 - ADS started in MAR
16:15 - SWICS high voltage ramp down started
16:30 - SWICS high voltage ramp down completed
16:33 - SWIMS high voltage ramp down started
16:54 - SWIMS high voltage ramp down completed
17:00 - Started OCR#97-0094 - CRIS memory activity
17:28 - OCR#97-0094 complete
17:28 - CRIS memory dump activity complete
18:23 - MOR ADS stopped
18:25 - MAR ADS stopped
18:56 - SSR B redumps complete - redumped 42 of 69 drops
19:11- RTSW downlink format started, 434 rate
19:20 - EOT D24

Operations Day -- 341/1997 (7 Dec 97)
Status: O

Nominal pass which included execution of the daily CRIS health assessment 
procedures.  In addition, the FOT performed a number of procedures for the 
SIS instrument team to analyze non-nominal instrument performance.

19:07 - AOS D42
19:15 - ADC downlink format started, 76384 rate
19:20 - SSR B placed in record format
19:23 - SSR A dump started, 652 slices
19:35 - MOR ADS started
19:37 - MAR ADS started
19:40 - OCR 97-0093 started - SIS segment testing started
19:55 - OCR 97-0094 redone - CRIS SDump memory dump completed
19:56 - CRIS error dump completed
22:16 - OCR 97-0093 completed - SIS segment testing
22:40 - SSR B redumps completed - redumped 21 of 33 slices
22:40 - MOR ADS killed
23:01 - RTSW downlink format started, 434 rate
23:05 - EOT D42

Operations Day -- 342/1997 (8 Dec 97)
Nominal pass with commanding to the CRIS and SIS instruments to troubleshoot 
ongoing issues completed by the FOT.  Due to upcoming HOI activities (day 343-
346) there will be no instrument commanding for the next four days unless 
these activities are deemed 'critical' by the ACE Project.

15:34 AOS D16
15:37:48 Commanded S/C to 76k ADC Downlink Format
15:44:15 SSR A placed in Record
15:49:38 SSR B placed in Playback
16:13:26 Commanded S/C to Science
16:40:07 CRIS OCR #97-0095 started
16:54:00 CRIS OCR #97-0095 completed
18:00:31 SSR B Redump started
19:03:54 SSR B Redump completed
17:41:45 SIS OCR #97-0096 started
18:39:53 SIS OCR #97-0096 completed
19:08:38 Commanded S/C to ADC Downlink Format
19:24:58 S/C commanded to RTSW

Operations Day -- 343/1997 (9 Dec 97)
Today's pass was the first of four scheduled days of Halo Orbit Insertion 
(HOI) maneuvers. Today's activities were supported by the 34 meter 
activities at Goldstone and Canberra.  The initial attitude correction 
maneuver did not perform nominally, resulting in a large level of nutation 
that required 4-5 hours to damp out prior to initiating the initial HOI 
segment.  Because of this anomaly, only two HOI segments were completed 
instead of the four that were planned.  In addition, the RF configuration was 
left with the primary C&DH connected to the -Z broadbeam (radiating LR ADC 
format telemetry), and the inactive C&DH on the +Z broadbeam antenna with a 
RF Watchdog Terminal count set to 3 hours.  This configuration was chosen so 
that the spacecraft could be safely left at a HGA angle exceeding the HGA 
pointing requirements.

*  During the morning's Attitude Correction Burn, the firing occurred  
following every other sun pulse.  This was unexpected and was due to the 
cycle time exceeding the period between sun pulses.  Excessive nutation 
occurred as a result, on the magnitude of ~ 6.5 degrees.  HOI #1 
Segment #1 was delayed until nutation had dampened to an acceptable level.
1620  AOS D24
163422 Commanded S/C to 76k ADC Downlink Format
164609 Reconfigured Active C&DH to -Z Broadbeam Antenna
164947 Downlink Format set to 498 LR ADC
170241 Reconfigured Inactive C&DH to +Z Broadbeam Antenna
165403 Powered ON Radial Catbed Heaters
175659 Attitude Correction Maneuver Begun
180515 Attitude Burn Completed
200002 Catbed Time Tag Bin Reset
2132 Inactive C&DH reconfigured to -Z Broadbeam
2201 Inactive C&DH reconfigured to +Z Broadbeam
223500 Station Handover to D42
  000000  Catbed Time Tag Bin Reset
 003003  HOI #1 Segment #1 Begun
 011955  HOI #1 Segment #1 Completed
 013403  HOI #1 Segment #2 Begun
 022219  HOI #1 Segment #2 Completed
 025003  Spin Down Maneuver performed
 025019  Spin Down Burn completed
 025507  Radial Catbeds Powered OFF
 030800  Command Mod OFF
 031000  Telemetry Terminated
 043000 End of Track D42

Operations Day -- 344/1997 (10 Dec 97)
 This was day-2 of Halo Orbit Insertion (HOI) activities.  The FOT performed 
spacecraft housekeeping duties early in the pass while FDF generated an 
attitude solution and attitude correction maneuver plan.  Three HOI Segments 
were completed (250 pulses each) using station D24 prior to the handoff to 
station D42.  After the handoff was completed, a fourth OSM segment was 
completed.  Finally, a spin down maneuver was performed to return to 5.0 rpm 
and an attitude correction maneuver returned the spacecraft to within the HGA 
pointing constraint so that the FOT could return operations to the HGA for an 
SSR playback.  The playback was performed over the last 2 hours of the pass 
and the FOT focused on recovering the SSR data that was recorded during day 
343's DSN pass so that the nutation induced from that day's initial attitude 
maneuver could be analyzed more closely.  This 2 hour SSR playback resulted 
in only 6 dropped VC2 frames.  The FOT is analyzing what differences there 
were in this configuration since for the last two weeks the VC2 frame drop 
rate has been much higher.

Also, after maneuver operations were completed the FOT noticed that the Star 
Scanner current draw had increased from 0.25A to 0.37A and the Scanner's lens 
temperature had risen from around 0C to over 12C and the detector temperature 
was fluctuating between -2C and +2C.  Discussions with the APL Attitude 
Determination System Engineer (Jack Hunt) pointed to changes in the 
spacecraft thermal environment during the maneuvers and the Scanner's 
detector 'chiller' trying to keep the detector under 0C as the probable cause 
for these current and temperature fluctuations.  The FOT will continue to 
monitor the scanner to ensure that these fluctuation settle out.  Overall, 
the HOI activities have upset the thermal balance of the spacecraft and 
almost all temperture sensor readings which had been steady for the past 
month are now fluctuating over a 2 to 6 degree span as the spacecraft tries 
to return to equilibrium.

161148 AOS with D24
164540 Inactive C&DH reconfigured to +Z Broadbeam
164953 Commanded S/C to LR HSKPG
 Performed S/C State of Health Check
165203 Commanded S/C to LR ADC
165331 Radial Catbeds Powered ON
 Scrolled through Autonomy 1 and 2 Housekeeping Formats
183523 Attitude Correction Maneuver Begun
183851 Attitude Correction Maneuver Completed
191019 HOI-2 Segment #1 Started
195939 HOI-2 Segment #1 Completed
200306 Catbed Time Tag Bin Reset
201507 HOI-2 Segment #2 Started
210335 HOI-2 Segment #2 Completed
210635 Transponder Heater Disabled
211750 HOI-2 Segment #3 Started
220459 HOI-2 Segment #3 Completed
220856 Catbed Time Tag Bin Reset
221235 Inactive C&DH reconfigured to -Z Broadbeam
223500 Handover from D24 to D42
223500 D24's Telemetry taken Offline and put in Record at the Site
224304 Inactive C&DH reconfigured to +Z Broadbeam
225123 HOI-2 Segment #4 Started
223835 HOI-2 Segment #4 Completed
225000 EOT - Goldstone D24
  001403  Spin Down Maneuver Begun
 001435  Spin Down Maneuver Completed
 004947  Attitude Reorientation Maneuver Begun
 005315  Attitude Reorientation Maneuver Completed 
 005937  Catbed Time Tag Bin Reset
 013659  Radial Catbed Heaters Powered OFF
 020714  Commanded S/C to 6944 ADC Downlink Format
 021022  Abort BIT send to SSR B
 021135  Record Science Segment 0 SSR B
 021507  Playback Segment 0, Slices 592 - 1010 SSR A
 023122  Transponder Heater Disabled
 040135  Record Science Segment 0 SSR A
 040438  Abort Bit sent to SSR A
 040526  SSR Contingency Safing Bin Enabled
 041055  Poke Command sent to Active C&DH
 041111  Poke Command sent to Inactive C&DH
 042041  Commanded S/C to RTSW
 043000  EOT - Canberra D42

Operations Day -- 345/1997 (11 Dec 97)
Today's pass include 6 HOI maneuver segments (5 of 250 pulses and 1 of 125
pulses).  Both D24 and D42 supported today's activities with a handoff to D42
performed between the 5th and 6th segements of the day.  The FOT maintained a
RF configuration during the day of C&DHB connected to the +Z broadbeam and C&
DHA connected to the -Z broadbeam (with RF Watchdog timeout values of 3 hours
on each side).  The final HOI segment had to be aborted after 217 pulses due
to the same 'every other spin' phenomena that caused the large nutation
during the first pre-HOI attitude maneuver on day 343.  During this 6th
segment the spacecraft spin rate was shortening to approximately one spin
every 11.1 seconds or less.  This incremental reduction in spin period along
with spin period fluctuations caused by minor maneuver induced nutation
appear to have caused the firing sequence period to once again go beyond the
spin period (resulting in firings every other spin cycle only).  After the
maneuver was aborted the spacecraft was nutating slightly and the decision
was made to end maneuvering for the day and remain on the broadbeam antennas
overnight.  In addition, it was decided to leave the spin rate at 5.41 rpm
overnight and plan a spin down maneuver for day 346 prior to the start of the
final day of HOI activities.  Since there would be no chance of dumping the
spacecraft SSRs during the remainder of the pass the FOT instructed D42 that
the remainder of the pass would be unatteded with tracking data should
continue to be forwarded until the scheduled EOT and that telemetry should be
recorded until this time.  The FOT also requested that the D42 command
system be disabled at the beginning of the unattended period.

 During HOI-3 Segment #6, the Thruster Abort command was given at 004514.
The Burn was incomplete with 33 of the 250 pulses not occurring.

160455 AOS D24
163445 Commanded S/C to 76k ADC Downlink Format
164754 Radial Catbeds Powered ON
175538 Attitude Correction Maneuver Begun
180322 Attitude Correction Maneuver Completed
182946 HOI-3 Segment #1 Begun
191938 HOI-3 Segment #1 Completed
192300 Catbed Time Tag Reset
193226 HOI-3 Segment #2 Begun
202146 HOI-3 Segment #2 Completed
202426 Transponder Heater Disabled
203802 HOI-3 Segment #3 Begun
212546 HOI-3 Segment #3 Completed
212940 Catbed Time Tag Reset
214010 HOI-3 Segment #4 Begun
220322 HOI-3 Segment #4 Completed
221324 Reconfigured Inactive RF to + Z Broadbeam
223500 Handover from D24 to D42
224500 EOT - D24
224545 Reconfigured Inactive RF to - Z Broadbeam
225406 HOI-3 Segment #5 Begun
234026 HOI-3 Segment #5 Completed
235006 HOI-3 Segment #6 Begun
  004514  Thruster Abort Command Sent/Verified.  Pulse 217 out of 250.
 005036  Catbed Time Tag Reset
 012826  Radial Catbeds Powered OFF
 013036  Poke Command sent to Active C&DH
 015500  Cmd Mod OFF
 015500  Telemetry taken offline and put in Record at D42
 042800  Range Mod OFF
 043000  EOT - D42

 S/C was left in 498 LR ADC overnight.  Its spin rate was 5.41

Operations Day -- 346/1997 (12 Dec 97)
Status: RO

Today's pass concluded the ACE HOI maneuver activities.  Today's activities 
began with an attitude spin down maneuver and an attitude reorientation 
maneuver.  Once these burns had placed the spacecraft in the proper 
configuration for the HOI burns the FOT completed 4 HOI segements (three 250 
pulse burns and one 147 pulse burn).  After the fourth burn an attitude 
reorientation maneuver was executed to point the spacecraft to within 4.3 
degrees of the HGA and to prepare for the day's final burn which used the 
bottom deck axial thrusters to perform a final Mid-Course-
Correction burn (~18 minutes of continuous burning on both thrusters).

With the maneuvers completed, the FOT and the ACE Project decided to 
reconfigure the primary RF chain to the HGA with the HGA angle at 4.3 
degrees.  The decision was also made to only go to the 6,944 bps data rate at 
this angle so as not to risk losing the downlink singal.  The result was that 
the FOT did not dump the SSR data and the pass was changed to unattended for 
the final hour.  The spacecraft will be drifting to within the 3.5 degree HGA 
constraint overnight and the SSR data will be replayed at this time.  FDF 
will also be working during the next few days to determine the need and 
amplititude of an additional Trim maneuver that has been tentatively 
scheduled for day 353.

15:51 - AOS D24
17:03 - C&DH B to +Z deck
17:55 - Attitude reor complete
18:11 - Spin-down complete
18:50 - HOI  segment 1 start
19:40 - Segment 1 complete
19:55 - HOI segment 2 start
20:44 - Segment 2 complete
20:59 - Segment 3 start
21:47 - Segment 3 complete
22:30 - AOS D42
22:45 - EOT D24
22:55 - Segment 4 start
23:23 - Segment 4 complete
00:06 - Pre-MCC attitude reor
00:40 - MCC-4 axial burn start
00:56 - MCC-4 axial burn comnplete
01:11 - MCC-4 axial burn 2 start
01:15 - MCC-4 axial burn 2 complete
01:50 - Spin-up maneuver
02:25 - C&DH B back to -Z
02:34 - C&DH A to HGA
02:39 - ADC rate started, 6944 rate
03:10 - RTSW format started, 434 rate
03:15 - Command mod off, tlm off line, unattended
04:30 - EOT 

Operations Day -- 347/1997 (13 Dec 97)
Status: RO

Nominal pass which included recovery of SSR data collected during the Day  
345 HOI activties (including recorded telemetry from the final aborted HOI 
segment).  The only anomaly today was acrash of the TPOCC Packet Extractor 
task during the SSR playback.  Otherwise, the playback had very few frame 
drop errors.

1555 AOS D24
1636 Commanded S/C to 76k ADC Downlink Format
1637 NOOP to active CDH
1637 POKE active CDH
1637 NOOP inactive CDH
1638 POKE inactive CDH
1645 SSR B placed in Playback (A already recording)
1722 Packet Extractor Crash
1731 Recover complete from pkt extr crash
1759 Commanded S/C to Science
2015 Commanded S/C to ADC Downlink Format
2021 Poke Command sent to Active C&DH
2021 Poke Command sent to Inactive C&DH
2026 S/C commanded to RTSW
2046 LOS 

Operations Day -- 348/1997 (14 Dec 97)
Status: RO

Nominal pass with recovery of SSR data from day 347/348.  Today's pass 
included only 19 dropped frames during an extra-long SSR playback (this is 
consistent with the frame loss prior to the recent high drop rate period).  
In addition, the FOT commanded the Inactive C&DH Selectable Telemetry Byte to 
the hot_fill_drain_valve during this pass.

163000 BOT - D24
163608 Commanded S/C to 76k ADC Downlink Format
164018 SSR B put in Record Operate Mode
164245 SSR A put in Playback Operate Mode
164421 Commanded S/C to Science Downlink Format
200933 Abort BIT sent to SSR A
201149 Commanded S/C to ADC Downlink Format
201834 Poke Command sent to Active C&DH
201850 Poke Command sent to Inactive C&DH
202225 Commanded S/C to RTSW
203000 EOT - 

Operations Day -- 349/1997 (15 Dec 97)
Nominal pass with full SSR recovery.  The number of dropped frames noted 
during the SSR playback has been significantly lower since the end of the 
HOI.  The FOT is investigating what changes in the recovery process may have 
resulted in this increased recovery percentage.

1925  AOS D42
1936  VC2 acquired at MOC -- ADC downlink format
1941  SSR A placed in Record mode
1944  SSR B placed in Playback mode
1952  S/C commanded to Science downlink format
2229  Replayed SSR B missing frames
2238  S/C commanded to ADC downlink format
2243  Poke command to CDH A
2243  Poke command to CDH B
2247  S/C commanded to RTSW downlink format
2300 LOS D42

Operations Day -- 350/1997 (16 Dec 97)
Nominal pass which included extensive commanding to the CRIS instrument.  
During initial setup of the MOC real-time system the Spacecraft Controller's 
(SC) terminal froze up.  After recycling the MOC software the problem seemed 
to clear itself up.  Also, while commanding the CRIS instrument, a FORTH 
instruction which should have included a lower case 'o' was built by TPOCC as 
an upper case 'O' even though it was entered in lower case by the SC.  The 
FOT will investigate why the command was built with the incorrect ASCII 

G97-106  TPOCC AC1WS3 froze up after pre-cal and would not accept user inputs
S-0018    CRIS VSTRING statement command incorrectly accepted by instrument

1930  AOS D42
1954  VC2 acquired at MOC -- ADC downlink format
1957  SSR B placed in RECORD mode
2000  SSR A placed in PLAYBACK mode
2009  S/C commanded to Science downlink format
2027  Executed OCR # 97-0097 for uplink of CRIS firmware patch for memory 
corruption problem
2212  completed CRIS commanding
2230  Replayed missing frames from SSR A replay -- not all frames replayed 
due to time constraint
2235  S/C commanded to ADC downlink format
2240  Poke commands sent to CDH A (active) and CDH B (inactive)
2252  S/C commaned to RTSW downlink format
2305  LOS D24

Operations Day -- 351/1997 (17 Dec 97)
At the start of today's pass, telemetry was arriving at the MOC improperly 
blocked.  Investigation revealed that D42 was not using the Phase-2 
software in their TGC.  After resolving this issue an Isis problem (fanout 
went down) caused an additional delay in acquiring telemetry.  Once the 
telemetry arrived at the MOC the remainder of the pass was nominal with an 
attitude maneuver performed.  The pass was extended by 30 minutes to ensure 
that full SSR data recovery would be achieved.  

During the past few days the FOT has noticed that both the spacecraft and 
ground site AGC values are drifting to values which are close to a loss-of-
lock situation.  Working with FDF it was determined that the sites needed 
updated predicts.  The updated predicts were sent out and will be used to 
support the next pass.  Also, the frame drop problem noted a few weeks ago 
has mysteriously dissapeared.  The FOT continues to investigate potential 
causes for this anomaly. 

G97-107 (DR# A02094)  D42 was not using the phase II software required by ACE 
G97-108  AC1WS3 (SC control) displays crashed while executing procedure

1937  Initial AOS with D42 - wrong phase software being used
2002  D42 flowing data with the correct phase 2 software - 
2002  IP NOCC notified that Isis was down
2022  498 data received at MOC
2025  VC2 acquired at MOC - ADC downlink format
2033  Radial catbed heaters enabled for Attitude manuever
2036  SSR A placed in RECORD mode
2038  SSR B placed in PLAYBACK mode
2217  Attitude manuever started  (procedure A1997351_01cmds)
2222  Attitude manuever completed
2235  Radial catbed heaters disabled for completion of attitude manuever
2309  S/C commanded to Science downlink format ( Science format 7 min to 
check science telemetry)
2310  Replay of missing SSR B frames started (replay  for 5 minutes - not all 
slices replayed)
2317  S/C commanded to ADC downlink format
2322  Issued poke command to active ( A) and inactive ( B)  CDH's
2338  S/C commanded to RTSW downlink format
2345  LOS with D42  (pass extended 30 min)

Operations Day -- 352/1997 (18 Dec 97)
A nominal pass which included Post-HOI high-voltage ramp up for the ULEIS 
instrument and some diagnostic procedures for the CRIS instrument.

16:20:00 DSS24 AOS
16:35:00 Spacecraft dommanded to 76,384 bps ADC downlink format
16:41:00 SSR B placed in Record mode
16:41:00 SSRA placed in Playback mode
16:46:00 Spacecraft commanded to Science downlink format
17:30:00 ULEIS high-voltage procedures begun (procedure ULEIS_HV_VAC).  
Raised voltage to level 8 (3500v)
18:41:00 SSR A playback complete
18:50:00 CRIS OCR #97-098 to check CRIS dynamic memory after reloading
19:03:00 SSR A redump begun.  Redumped 15 of 15 lost frames.
19:33:00 Commanded spacecraft to ADC downlink format
19:47:00 Commanded spacecraft to 434 bps RTSW downlink format
20:00:00 DSS24 

Operations Day -- 353/1997 (19 Dec 97)

Operations Day -- 353/1997 (December 19, 1997)
Mission Day -- 117
Orbit Number -- 97353

Support Team:

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                                   D24     15:52:38           20:43:00

Pass Summary:
Completed 2 HOI trim maneuvers, 1 spin correction manuever, 2 Attitude
reors.  This completes the post-HOI corrections.  Support was changed to an
unattended tracking pass after all daily activities and maneuvers were
18 frames dropped during SSR replay


1552  AOS with D16
1610  VC2 acquired at MOC -- ADC format
1622  Commanded Axial and Radial catbed heaters on for manuevers
1626  Placed SSR A in RECORD mode
1631  Placed SSR B in PLAYBACK mode
1730  Started HOI trim manuever #1 (Jets 3a 4a 16 min continuous burn)
1822  Started HOI trim manuever #2 (Jets 3a 4a 7  min continuous burn)
1835  Axial catebed heaters disabled for completion of axial burns
1850  Started Spin correction manuever (40 seconds )
1902  Redumped missing frames from SSR B playback (some frames not replayed)
1932  Started Attitude Reor #1
2005  Started Attitude Reor #2
2010  Radial Catbed heaters disabled for completion of manuevers
2013  S/C commanded to SCIENCE format
2018  S/C commanded to ADC format
2023  Poke commands for active and inactive
2035  S/C commanded to RTSW
2043  Telemetry offline from D16 -  Remainder of pass changed to unattended
tracking pass

Operations Day -- 354/1997 (20 Dec 97)

Operations Day -- 354/1997 (December 20, 1997)
Mission Day -- 118
Orbit Number -- 97354

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                               D24             1630                2040

Pass Summary:   Pass included recorder dump and CRIS opperations.
Anomalies:  Apparent error in SOE caused station DSS24 to turn off ranging
and command mod at 1938 (one hour early). They then turned ranging and
command mod back on for the remainder of the pass.

Delta limits for S3DPU (SSDVERSION, SSDCMDERR, SSDSCMDERR) only flagged
twice during pass (usually they flag dozens of times).

AGC for both spacecraft receivers increased slowly all during pass.

16:30:00 DSS24 AOS
16:48:00 Commanded spacecraft to ADC 87648 bps downlink format
16:51:00 Placed SSR B in record mode
16:56:00 Placed SSR A in playback mode
17:00:00 Commanded spacecraft to Science format
19:20:00 Began SSR A redump.  Redumped 9 of 21 missed frames
19:38:00 DSS24 turned ranging and command mod off
19:39:00 DSS24 turned command mod and ranging on
19:48:00 Ran OCR 97-098 (CRIS memory dump check).  Operation was not
monitored by CRIS experimenter.
20:03:00 Commanded spacecraft to ADC format
20:21:00 Commanded spacecraft to RTSW (498 bps) downlink format
20:40:00 DSS24 LOS

Operations Day -- 355/1997 (21 Dec 97)

Operations Day -- 355/1997 (December 21, 1997)
Mission Day -- 119
Orbit Number -- 97355

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                  D61       11:51:00                 16:00:00

Pass Summary:
Beginning of SSR playback high amount of frame drops received.  Contacted
JPL com and OPS chief and informed them of drops, as this seemed to
correspond to SOHO who was also in high rate.  After about 10 min these
frame drops subsided to nominal levels.
Talked to IPNOC who informed us that we were being routed through White
sands while AT@T was putting in a different T1 card.  The time the IPNOC
gave for this activity seems to relate to frame drops.


1151  AOS with D61
1213  VC2 acquired at MOC - ADC format
1222  SSR A placed in RECORD mode
1226  SSR B placed in PLAYBACK mode
1230  S/C commanded to SCIENCE format
1427  Started Replay of missing frames from SSR B playback
1455  Redump of ssr  b complete
1528  S/C commanded to ADC format
1533  Poke commands to Active and inactive CDH's
1545  S/C commanded to RTSW format
1600  LOS with D61

Operations Day -- 356/1997 (22 Dec 97)
Status: RO


Operations Day -- 356/1997 (December 22, 1997)
Mission Day -- 120
Orbit Number -- 97356

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                 D66        12:24:08           16:10:00

Pass Summary:
All pass activities were nominal.  The SWIMS, SWICS, and SWEPAM instruments
performed their post-HOI high voltage ramp up activities.

12:24 - AOS
12:46 - ADC format started, 76384 rate
12:51 - SSR B placed in record format
12:54 - SSR A dump started
13:53 - OCR 97-0098 executed - CRIS memory dump activities
14:18 - SWICS High voltage ramp up started
14:27 - SWIMS High voltage ramp up started
15:00 - SWIMS High voltage activities complete
15:12 - SWICS High voltage activities complete
15:23 - SWEPAM E High voltage ramp up started
15:40 - SWEPAM E High votage activities complete
15:44 - SWICS stepping table loaded
15:47 - SSR A dump complete
16:08 - RTSW format started, 434 rate
16:10 - EOT

Operations Day -- 357/1997 (23 Dec 97)
Status: RO


Operations Day -- 357/1997 (December 22, 1997)
Mission Day -- 121
Orbit Number -- 97357

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                  D61         12:05:21          16:00:00

Pass Summary:
All pass activities wer nominal.  SWICS, SWIMS, and SWEPAM continued with
their high voltage ramp-up activities.


12:05 - AOS
12:09 - ADC format started, 76384 rate
12:12 - Radial catbeds turned on
12:13 - SSR A placed in record format
12:17 - SSR B dump started
13:40 - Attitude reor Segment 1 completed
14:05 - Attitude reor Segment 2 completed
14:21 - SWEPAM-I high voltage ramp-up started
14:49 - SWEPAM-I high voltage operations completed
14:52 - SWICS high voltage activities started
14:50 - SWICS high voltage activities completed
15:02 - SWIMS high voltage activities started
15:11 - SWIMS high voltage activities completed
15:25 - OCR #80, step 3 completed
15:27 - SWEPAM-I high voltage activities started
15:35 - SWEPAM-I high voltage activities complete
15:36 - SSR B dump completed
15:51 - RTSW format started, 434 rate

Operations Day -- 358/1997 (24 Dec 97)
Status: RO


Operations Day -- 358/1997 (December 24, 1997)
Mission Day -- 122
Orbit Number -- 97358

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                  D61         12:49:14          16:25:00

Pass Summary:
All pass activities were nominal.  Executed one OCR for SWICS activities


12:49 - AOS
13:06 - ADC format started, 76384 rate
13:09 - SSR B placed in record format
13:13 - SSR A dump started
14:14 - Executed OCR #80 steps 1,2,7 - SWICS activities
16:02 - SSR B dump and redumps complete
16:17 - RTSW format started, 434 rate
16:25 - EOT

Operations Day -- 359/1997 (25 Dec 97)

Operations Day -- 359/1997 (December 25, 1997)
Mission Day -- 123
Orbit Number -- 97359

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                 D66          11:19:06               15:10:00

Pass Summary:
Nominal pass which included full SSR data recovery


11:19 - AOS
11:34 - ADC format started, 76384 rate
11:36 - SSR A placed in record format
11:40 - SSR B dump started
11:49 - ADS started
12:49 - ADS terminated
14:20 - SSR B redumps complete
15:01 - RTSW format started, 434 rate
15:10 - EOT

Operations Day -- 360/1997 (26 Dec 97)

Operations Day -- 360/1997 (December 26, 1997)
Mission Day -- 124
Orbit Number -- 97360

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                  D61         12:08:08           16:15:00

Pass Summary:
Today's pass was shortened by approximately one-half hour because station
d61 initially was configured with the Phase-1 TGC software instead of
This anomaly resulted in bad frames of telemetry being forwarded to the MOC
which crashed the MOC software and delayed the start of the pass.

G-0075 -  Station initially configured TGC with incorrect software, but
reconfigured before BOT. TPOCC was recycled, but when invalid telemetry was
received the MOC software crashed.

12:08 - AOS
12:18 - Recycled TPOCC
12:42 - Recycled TPOCC and INIF, valid telemetry seen - Anomaly G-0075
12:45 - ADC format started, 76384 rate
12:48 - SSR B placed into record format
12:51 - SSR A dump started, 602 slices
12:59 - ADS software started
13:56 - ADS software terminated
15:50 - SSR A redump complete
16:07 - RTSW format started, 434 rate
16:15 - EOT

Operations Day -- 361/1997 (27 Dec 97)

Operations Day -- 361/1997 (December 27, 1997)
Mission Day -- 125
Orbit Number -- 97361

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                  D61         12:35:12          15:45:00

Pass Summary:
The start of today's pass was delayed by 20 minutes due to problems at
station D61.  Activities included full SSR data recovery and an attitude
correction maneuver.

G-0076 - Late AOS due to reflector problems at D61

12:35 - AOS
12:38 - ADC format started, 76384 rate
12:41 - Radial catbed heaters on
12:42 - SSR A placed in record mode
12:44 - SSR B dump started, 570 slices
13:48 - Attitude reor segment 1 complete
14:17 - Attitude reor segment 2 complete
14:24 - Radial catbed heaters off
15:20 - SSR B redumps complete
15:36 - RTSW format started, 434 rate

Operations Day -- 362/1997 (28 Dec 97)

Operations Day -- 362/1997 (December 28, 1997)
Mission Day -- 126
Orbit Number -- 97362

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                  D24         16:36:17          20:05:00

Pass Summary:
Nominal pass


16:36 - AOS
16:46 - ADC format started, 76384 rate
16:49 - SSR B placed in record format
16:50 - SSR A dump started
17:04 - ADS software started
19:29 - ADS software terminated
19:41 - SSR A dump complete, no time available for redumps
19:58 - RTSW format started, 434 rate
20:05 - EOT

Operations Day -- 363/1997 (29 Dec 97)

Operations Day -- 363/1997 (December 29, 1997)
Mission Day -- 127
Orbit Number -- 97363

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                  D66              12:40          16:10

Pass Summary:
Nominal pass


12:40 - AOS
12:45 - ADC format started, 76384 rate
12:50 - SSR A placed in record format
12:54 - SSR B dump started
15:00 - SSR B dump complete, no time available for redumps
16:05 - RTSW format started, 434 rate
16:10 - EOT

Operations Day -- 364/1997 (30 Dec 97)

Operations Day -- 364/1997 (December 30, 1997)
Mission Day -- 128
Orbit Number -- 97364

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS             LOS
                 D42          20:25            00:20

Pass Summary:
Nominal pass which included ramp up sessions for both the SWICS and SWIMS
instruments.  During todays pass the FOT continued monitoring/analyzing a
jump in the Star Scanner lens temperature from -5C to 11C that occurred
during the HOI maneuver period.


20:25 AOS D42
20:32 Change to ADC downlink format - 76k data rate
20:40 SSRB placed in record mode
20:43 SSRA placed in playback mode
20:43 Changed to Science downlink format
20:46 SWICS high voltage adjust started
20:47 SWICS hv adjust completed
20:55 SWIMS hv adjust started
21:08 SWIMS hv adjust completed
21:29 SWICS hv adjust started
21:31 SWICS hv adjust completed
23:55 SSR Dump complete (no redumps done due to lack of time)
23:56 Change to ADC downlink format
00:02 Change to RTSW downlink format
00:20 EOT D42

Operations Day -- 365/1997 (31 Dec 97)
Operations Day -- 365/1997 (December 31, 1997)
Mission Day -- 128
Orbit Number -- 97365

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                  D61          12:10              16:40

Pass Summary:
Today's pass included an attitude correction maneuver (done in 2 segments)
and high voltage ramp up activties for the SWICS instrument.  In addition,
diagnostic procedures were run at the request of the CRIS instrument team.


13:10 AOS D61
13:15 Downlink format changed to ADC - 76k rate
13:18 Radial catbeds powered on
13:23 SSRA placed in record mode
13:27 SSRB placed in playback mode
14:34 Attitude maneuver segment #1 started
14:36 Segment #1 completed
15:00 Segment #2 started
15:05 Segment #2 completed
15:17 Downlink format changed to Science
15:18 SWICS high voltage adjust activities started
15:36 SWICS hv activities completed
15:37 SSRB playback completed
15:38 CRIS diagnostic procedures started (error_cntr_dmp & memory_snapshot)
15:50 CRIS diagnostic procedures completed
16:15 Downlink format changed to ADC
16:30 Downlink format changed to RTSW - 434 rate
16:40 EOT D61