Operations Day -- 1/1998 (1 Jan 98)

Operations Day -- 1/1998 (January 1, 1998)
Mission Day -- 130
Orbit Number -- 98001

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                  D61           13:00              16:30

Pass Summary:
Today's pass was fairly nominal although there was a high number of VC2
frames dropped during the SSR playback (~30 frames were dropped in a dump
of 24 hours of data).


12:35 RTSW telemetry put on-line  (D61)
13:00 Commanding enabled (D61)
13:09 Changed downlink format to ADC - 76k data rate
13:11 SSRA placed in record mode
13:15 SSRB placed in playback mode
13:16 Changed downlink format to Science
16:00 ADS software started for FDF
16:10 SSRA playback completed
16:11 Changed to ADC downlink format
16:20 ADS software terminated
16:22 Changed to RTSW downlink format - 434 data rate
16:30 EOT D61

Operations Day -- 2/1998 (2 Jan 98)

Operations Day -- 2/1998 (January, 1998)
Mission Day -- 131
Orbit Number -- 98002

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS            LOS
                  D24          16:40          20:40

Pass Summary:
Nominal pass which included full SSR data recovery and a high-voltage
ramp-up session for the SWICS instrument.  In addition, CRIS diagnostic
procedures were run at the request of the instrument team.


16:40 AOS D24
16:46 Downlink format changed ADC - 76k rate
16:52 SSRA placed in record mode
16:55 SSRB placed in playback mode
16:57 Downlink format changed to Science
17:11 CRIS diagnostic procedures started (error_cntr_dump & memory_snapshot)
17:24 CRIS diagnostic procedures completed
18:32 Started SWICS HV ramp-up session
18:36 Completed SWICS HV ramp-up
20:15 SSRB playback completed
20:16 Changed downlink format to ADC
20:30 Changed downlink format to RTSW - 434 rate
20:40 EOT D24

Operations Day -- 3/1998 (3 Jan 98)

Operations Day -- 3/1998 (January 3, 1998)
Mission Day -- 132
Orbit Number -- 98002

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                LOS
                  D24          16:40              20:40

Pass Summary:
DSN support for today's pass was nominal although a bad VC1 frame was
received that caused the MOC software to crash.  SSR playback data lost
during the ten minutes it took to reboot the MOC was recovered after the

G-75 TPOCC crashed when bad VC1 frame received at MOC

16:38 AOS D24
16:44 Changed downlink format to ADC - 76k rate
16:53 SSRB placed in record mode
16:57 SSRA placed in playback mode
17:01 Changed downlink format to Science
17:30 ADS software started for FDF
18:10 ADS software terminated
18:50 Changed toi Autonomy 1 and Autonomy 2 Housekeeping format to evaluate
bin states (nomnal)
18:56 MOC software crashed (bad VC1 frame received)
19:05 MOC software back up and running
19:50 SSRA playback complete
20:09 Changed downlink format to ADC
20:29 Changed downlink format to RTSW - 434 rate
20:40 EOT D24

Operations Day -- 4/1998 (4 Jan 98)

Operations Day -- 4/1998 (January 4, 1998)
Mission Day -- 133
Orbit Number -- 98003

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                LOS
                  D24          16:40              20:40

Pass Summary:
For the second consecutive day the MOC software crashed after receiving a
corrupted VC1 frame.  Full SSR data recovery was achieved and C&DH A block
bins were dumped and checked against the GRI (nominal result).
Pass with no instrument activities
G-076 TPOCC Packet Extractor crashed when corrupt VC1 frame arrived at MOC

16:40 AOS D24
16:46 Changed downlink format to ADC - 76k rate
16:50 SSRA placed in record mode
16:53 SSRB placed in playback mode
16:55 Changed downlink format to Science
17:15 Started ADS software for FDF
17:27 Started C&DH A block bin dump (C&DH state-of-health check)
18:05 ADS software terminated
18:10 C&DH A block bin dump complete (no miscompares with GRI)
18:12 MOC software crashed (bad VC1 frame received)
18:17 MOC software restart complete
19:56 SSRB playback completed
19:57 Changed downlink format to ADC
2024 Changed downlink format to 434 bps RTSW
20:40 EOT D24

Operations Day -- 5/1998 (5 Jan 98)

Operations Day -- 5/1998 (January 5, 1998)
Mission Day -- 134
Orbit Number -- 98005

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS             LOS
	          DS24        16:42           20:45

Pass Summary:
Completed a successful recorder dump.  Performed a 2-part attitude
maneuver to repoint the HGA.  Performed SWEPAM-I igh voltage ramp-up

Anomalies:  Failure of backup fanout 3 box over the weekend
necessitated a reboot.  Reboot caused a break in data reaching ASC from
1843 to 1930.  The connection was re-established on time to complete the
SWEPAM activities.
The IP NOCC is reviewing all the connectivity issues with ASC.

1642	DSS24 AOS
1650	Commanded spacecraft to 87,648 bps ADC downlink format
1653	Turned on radial cat bed heaters
1655	Placed SSRB in record mode
1658	Placed SSRA in playback mode
1800	Started first attitude correction maneuver
1823	Started second attitude correction maneuver
1843	C. Spinolo started reboot of Fanout 3
1853	Commanded spacecraft to Science format
1928	Started SSR redump
1940	Ended SSR redump
1948	Start SWEPAM operations
2020	Ended SWEPAM operations
2026	Commanded spacecraft to Bin Dump format
2039	Commanded spacecraft to low rate RTSW downlink format
2045	DSS24 LOS

Operations Day -- 6/1998 (6 Jan 98)
Today's pass include a ~3 minute telemetry drop-out during an SFG swap and 
problems with the transfer of 5-16 Monitor block data from JPL to the MOC.  
Changes had been made at DSN early in the mission as a patch to put Monitor 
data in the same Isis group as Command Echo.  Somehow this patch was undone 
today and Monitor and Echo data began flowing over two separate streams which 
is incompatible with the MOC software.  Otherwise, today's pass was nominal 
and included execution of CRIS diagnostic procedures.

G98-001  (DR# Not Avail)  JPL equipment swap out (SFG 1 to SFG 3)  3 min 3 
sec loss of Telem etry
G98-002  (DR#G03216)  D16 Power AMP failure  ( loss of 1 min of command 

1611  AOS w/D16
1629  VC2 acquired at MOC - ADC Format
1634  SSR A placed in Record Mode
1639  SSR B placed in Playback Mode
1727  S/C commanded to SCIENCE Mode
1904  SSR B replay of missing frames started  (all slices with missing frames 
1935  CRIS command operations (Error counter dump and memory snapshot 
exectuted with no problems
1946  S/C commanded to ADC format
1953  Poke commands issued to active and inactive 
2000  S/C commanded to RTSW format
2015  LOS 

Operations Day -- 7/1998 (7 Jan 98)
Pass Summary: 
For the second consecutive day DSN 5-16 Monitor blocks were not 
transferred correctly to the ACE MOC.  The Ops Chief and IP NOCC were 
unable to help and the FOT was asked to call George Crouse at JPL (someone 
who worked on the JPL Isis interface at one time), as he and Cris Spinolo 
are the only ones who know what the correct configuration is for Monitor and 
Echo data to be received at MOC.  The FOT left a message for Mr. Crouse (who 
is is no longer working on the Isis interface) to attempt to resolve this 
problem.  Otherwise, the pass was nominal and included execution of the CRIS 
diagnostic procedures.

1604  AOS w/D16
1614  VC2 acquired at MOC -- ADC downlink format -- 76k bit rate
1620  SSR B placed in RECORD mode
1624  SSR A placed in PLAYBACK
1650  CRIS Commanding executed -  Cris error counter dump and memory snapshot 
1701  S/C commanded to SCIENCE downlink format
1915  SSR A replay of missing frames completed -  All slices with missing 
frames redumped
1920  S/C commanded to ADC downlink format
1927  Poke commands issued to active and inactive
1931  S/C commanded to RTSW downlink format - 434 bit rate
1940  EOT w/ 

Operations Day -- 8/1998 (8 Jan 98)
Nominal pass which included execution of high-voltage adjustment procedures 
for the SWEPAM instrument and the nominal CRIS diagnostic procedures.  In 
addition, although the FOT was not informed of any changes, the DSN 5-16 
Monitor data began arriving correctly at the MOC during this pass.  A change 
was made to put this data back in the Command Echo Isis group which is 
required for proper processing in the ACE MOC.  The FOT will follow up on this
to determine how it was resolved and if any further actions are necessary to 
make this configuration the 'standard' ACE Monitor block transfer 

16:05 DSS16 AOS
16:22 Commanded spacecraft to ADC downlink format - 76k bit rate
16:23 Commanded SSR A to record mode
16:28 Commanded SSRB to playback mode
16:30 Commanded spacecraft to SCIENCE downlink format
17:00 Began SWEPAM operations 
18:34 Completed SWEPAM operations
18:56 Began SSRB redump - 31 frames dropped
19:33 Began CRIS operations
19:42 Completed CRIS operations
19:50 Commanded spacecraft to ADC downlink format
20:04 Commanded spacecraft to RTSW downlink format - 434 bit rate
20:15 DSS16 

Operations Day -- 9/1998 (9 Jan 98)
Nominal pass which included an attitude correction maneuver.  In addition, 
the FOT set the C&DH B selectable telemetry byte to point at the C&DH A 
current reading.  This was done as part of an ongoing investigation into 
variations in the C&DH B current as read by C&DH A.  The inactive selectable 
telemetry byte will be used to see if the C&DH A current as read by C&DH B 
has the same variations (it does not vary when read by C&DH A).  If 
variations are detected it may prove that the variations are more due to how 
the 'opposite' C&DH reads the other C&DH's current.

1620  AOS w/D24
1646  VC2 acquired at MOC --  ADC downlink format
1649  Rad catbed htrs enabled for Attitude manuever
1651  SSR B placed in RECORD mode
1655  SSR A placed in PLAYBACK mode
1730  Selectable telem byte on Inactive side set to CDH A Current (2107) 
1758  Attitude manuever started
1802  Attitude manuever completed
1805  Rad catbed  htrs disabled for completion of day manuevers
1849  S/C commanded to Science downlink format
2008  SSR OPS completed  -  32 missing frames all frames redumped
2011  S/C commanded to ADC format
2017  Poke commands issued to active and inactive CDH's for LRT
2028  S/C commanded to RTSW format
2040  LOS 

Operations Day -- 10/1998 (10 Jan 98)
During today's pass the FOT dumped the active C&DH block bins (0 
miscompares) -  Checked autonomy bin enable/disable and fire flags and 
executed a SWEPAM-I CEM level change.  In addition, diagnostic 
procedures were run for the CRIS instrument.  Today's SSR playback contained 
only 11 missing frames

1318  AOS w/D66
1337  VC2 acquired at MOC - ADC downlink format
1339  SSR A placed in Record mode
1343  SSR B placed in Playback mode
1346  S/C commanded to Science downlink format
1350  Began dump of active  C&DH block bins  -  unsuccessful due to VC1 frame 
1506  Restarted dump of active C&DH block bins -  successful with 0 
1549  Executed OCR # 98- 0099 (SWEPAM ION CEM level adjust  (CEM to level 0)
1555  Started ADS program  (run time of 40 min)
1609  Checked autonomy bin enable/disable and fire flags  
1606  SSR B playback complete  (all missing frames redumped)
1614  CRIS command operations (CRIS  error counter dump and memory snapshot 
indicate no problems
1635  S/C commanded to ADC downlink format
1641  Poke commands issued to active and inactive C&DH and LRT
1647  S/C commanded to RTSW downlink format
1700  LOS w/D66

Operations Day -- 11/1998 (11 Jan 98)
The MOC software crashed during today's pass.  Data began to buffer up in
TPOCC and event messages indicating a telemetry dropout were generated.
However Isis was queing up data during this period and then sporadically
TPOCC would start receiving data again.  This steadily got worse throught out
the pass and at 15:25z the MOC software was restarted and appeared to fix
problem.  This problem was also noted on day 009 but not as bad.  It seems
that this problem occurs when ADS program is running.  The FOT will
investigate the cause of this anomaly.  Otherwise, today's pass was nominal
with no special activties scheduled.

G98-003  TPOCC system Crash  (SW recycled )

1237  AOS w/D61
1306  VC2 acquired at MOC - ADC downlink format
1313  SSR A placed in Record mode
1317  SSR B placed in Playback mode
1329  S/C commanded to Science downlink format
1331  Started ADS software  (run time 30 min)
1525  Terminated TPOCC software due to system being hosed
1533  TPOCC S/W reinititialized and receiving data
1558  Completed SSR B playback (redumped SSR from time when TPOCC was down -
Slices 475 - 527)
1559  S/C commanded to ADC downlink format
1605  Poke commands issued to active and inactive CDH (LRT)
1614  S/C commmanded to RTSW downlink format
1625  LOS w/D61

Operations Day -- 12/1998 (12 Jan 98)
Commanding today was stopped 20 minutes early after the ground station 
reported that the antenna was dropping below the 10 degree commanding mask. 
The FOT was unaware that Madrid had this masking (the ACE NOPE had reported 
pre-launch that only Goldstone had a 10 degree mask).  The NOPE will be 
contacted to ensure that FDF is using the correct masking when generating 
Predicts for all sites.  Otherwise, this was a nominal pass.

G98-004 - Interlock limit reached at 16:53 due to 10 degree limit reached - 
drive off, reacquired 1 way at this time.

12:45 - AOS
13:20 - ADC format started, 76384 rate
13:29 - SSR A placed into record format
13:33 - SSR B dump started
16:00 - SSR B dump complete
16:32 - Redumps complete - 16 of 19 drops redumped
16:46 - RTSW format started, 434 rate
16:53 - Anomaly G98-004
17:10 - 

Operations Day -- 13/1998 (13 Jan 98)

Operations Day -- 13/1998 (January 13, 1998)
Mission Day -- 142
Orbit Number -- 98013

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                LOS
                 D16         17:29:52           21:35:00

Pass Summary:
SSR dump collected successfully.  Performed selected instrument activities.
The Multi function Receiver 1 had power problems.  The station switched to
MFR 2 and the problem cleared up.

G98-0005 - Telemetry outage from 20:01 to 20:03 due to MFR1 problem at
site. MFRs were swapped, and telemetry came back in.

17:29 - AOS
17:45 - ADC format started, 76384 rate
17:48 - SSR B placed in record format
17:52 - SSR A dump started
18:05 - SWICS high voltage activities started
18:09 - SWICS high voltage activities complete
20:01 - Anomaly G98-0005 - Telemetry outage
20:14 - OCR#98-0100 execution started (SEPICA error flag activity)
20:23 - OCR#98-0100 execution complete
20:45 - SSR A dump complete
21:12 - SSR A redumps complete
21:24 - RTSW format started, 434 rate
21:35 - EOT

Operations Day -- 14/1998 (14 Jan 98)

Operations Day -- 14/1998 (January 14, 1998)
Mission Day -- 143
Orbit Number -- 98014

Pass Highlights:  Station           AOS                LOS
                  D66              13:12:38           16:55:00
                  D16              16:00:00           18:15:00
Pass Summary:
Experienced numerous equipment problems with station D66.  IMOC system
crashed repeatedly due to bad telemetry from the DSN TGC.  After switching
to  another TGC and rebooting it, valid data was received from D66.
Switched contact to station D16 to ensure successful completion of the
day's dump.

G98-0006 - Station could not acquire 87648 telemetry with TGC1, swapped to TGC3
G98-0007 - TGC3 sent bad data to us, had to reboot TGC3 to correct problem.

13:12 - AOS
13:25 - Anomaly G98-0006 - Station could not acquire on 87648 rate
13:50 - Resent commands to configure S/C for high rate
14:00 - Reconfigured S/C for 498 bit rate, RTSW
14:10 - Reconfigured S/C for 87648 rate, ADC format
14:21 - D66 swapped to TGC3, 87648 rate ADC telemetry seen
14:25 - TPOCC crash due to bad data from D66 TGC3
14:38 - another TPOCC crash due to bad tlm from TGC3
14:45 - Another TPOCC crash due to bad tlm
14:50 - Anomaly G98-0007 - Asked D66 to reboot TGC3
15:05 - Valid telemetry seen from D66
16:00 - AOS D16
16:20 - Telemetry off line from D66, tlm on line from D16
16:29 - SSR B dump complete
16:30 - Carrier transfer from D66 to D16
16:35 - SSR B redumps satrted
16:55 - EOT D66
17:36 - OCR#98-0101 executed - SEPICA alarm turn-off
17:45 - SSR B redumps complete
18:01 - RTSW format started, 434 rate
18:15 - EOT D16

Operations Day -- 15/1998 (15 Jan 98)

Operations Day -- 15/1998 (January 15, 1998)
Mission Day -- 144
Orbit Number -- 98015

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS               LOS
                  D66          12:45:11          16:30:00

Pass Summary:
Performed the mission's first stationkeeping maneuver using the Axial
thrusters 1A, 2A.  The maneuver lasted129 seconds.  The maneuver was
successful.  Executed the weekly attitude reorientation maneuver using
thrusters 2R, 4RP, 4RM.
The final spin rate is 4.94 rpm.  A spin up was not deemed necessary
(constraint: 4.9 to 5.1 rpm)


12:45 - AOS
13:01 - Saw duplicate 434 VC1 frames, station swapped TCA channels
13:07 - ADC format started, 76384 rate
13:11 - Station doubled sweep range and reswept to get rcvr B in lock
13:15 - Axial catbed heaters on
13:16 - Radial catbed heaters on
13:17 - SSR B placed in record format
13:21 - SSR A dump started
14:17 - Station keeping maneuver complete
14:24 - Axial catbed heaters off
14:52 - Attitude reor complete
14:59 - Radial catbeds off
15:40 - SSR A dump complete
16:05 - SSR A redumps complete
16:22 - RTSW format started, 434 rate


Operations Day -- 15/1998 (January 15, 1998) Addendum
Mission Day -- 144

 NOAA personnel contacted the FOT to inform us that the signal from the S/C
was lost at approximately 1920Z and that the air force station had been
unable to reacquire data
A pass was obtained with station D16 and following that with station D24.
DSN successfully locked on telemetry.
Analysis of the telemetry revealed that the loss of downlink acquisition
was due to the triggering of the RF watchdog reset on C&DH A.
Following the day's maneuvers the rf watchdog terminal count was left at 3
hours instead of 48 hours during the daily pass.
The rf watchdog trigger reconfigured C&DH A to the -Z broadbeam antenna and
switched to a data format which is not compatible with the air force
network (LR ADC) which is why NOAA lost the downlink.  The S/C behaved

To reconfigure the spacecraft to the nominal operations state:  The FOT
reset the antenna configuration to its nominal state: C&DH-A on the High
Gain, C&DH-B on the -Z broadbeam.
All S/C subsystems and instruments were verified to be operating nominally.
The data rate was switched to RTSW.
Verified NOAA could again lock up on the RTSW data and terminated the contact.
All systems are nominal.

Operations Day -- 16/1998 (16 Jan 98)
Today's pass included a 20 minute loss of telemetry due to the incorrect TGC 
software being used at D61 and problems with Isis.  During the remainder of 
the pass the FOT performed high voltage ramp up sessions for the SWICS and 
SWIMS instruments and diagnostic commanding for the CRIS instrument.

G98-0008 - INIF router reboot from 14:07 to 14:13, no tlm during this time

13:44 - AOS
13:55 - D61 TGC swap from TGC5 (w/out phase 2 software) to TGC1 (with phase 2 
14:07 - Anomaly G98-0008 - INIF router reboot
14:13 - Telemetry back on line
14:18 - ADC downlink format started, 76384 rate
14:22 - SSR A placed in record format
14:26 - SSR B dump started
14:38 - DPS restarted, due to previous session in idle mode 
14:54 - Saw SEPICA alarm , attempted to contact M. Popeki - he was not there
14:57 - Started SWICS high voltage adjustments
15:13 - SWICS high voltage adjustment complete
15:13 - Started SWIMS high voltage adjustment
15:17 - SWIMS high voltage adjustment complete
15:20 - Started CRIS error dump procedures
15:27 - CRIS error dump procedure complete
15:49 - SWICS stepping table load procedure complete
16:20 - SWICS configuration change procedure complete
16:59 - SSR B dump complete
17:06 - SSR B redumps complete
17:10 - Autonomy bin 9 miscompare - Not reenabled after yesterday's firing
17:22 - RTSW downlink format started, 434 rate
17:30 - EOT

Operations Day -- 17/1998 (17 Jan 98)
A  four minute telemetry drop out was the only problem encountered today.  
The RF Watchdog related autonomy bin on C&DH A that turns on the transmitter 
after the first time-out was re-enabled during this pass (it had triggered 
during the day 15 anomaly).

G98-0009 - Telemetry outage from 17:11 to 17:15 due to pointing error at D16. 
Station reloaded predict tables, and was able to lock up on the spacecraft.

16:10 - AOS
16:25 - ADC downlink format started, 76384 rate
16:28 - SSR B placed in record mode
16:32 - SSR A dump started
16:38 - ADS started
16:55 - Attempted to contact M. Popeki about SEPICA alarm 
17:09 - Switched to Autonomy 1 housekeeping format and re-enabled Autonomy 
bin 9
17:11 - Telemetry outage - Anomaly G98-0009
17:15 - Telemetry received again
17:19 - Returned to Primary housekeeping format
17:30 - ADS terminated
19:40 - SSR A redumps complete
20:11 - RTSW downlink format started, 434 rate
20:20 - 


Operations Day -- 18/1998 (18 Jan 98)
Nominal pass which included SEPICA commanding in response to alarm conditions.

S98-0102 - SEPICA fan 1 pressure alarm went off, necessitating exercise of 
fan pressure valves.

16:12 - AOS
16:19 - ADC downlink format started, 76384 rate
16:23 - SSR A placed in record format
16:26 - SSR B dump started
16:32 - ADS software started
16:38 - SEPICA SSSPC3P parameter at 4.21 torr - less than at LOS on day 017
17:56 - OCR#98-0102 - SEPICA gas pressure valve exercising start
18:51 - OCR#98-0102 complete
18:51 - SSR B dump complete
19:18 - SSR B redumps complete
20:06 - RTSW downlink format started, 434 rate
20:15 - EOT


Operations Day -- 19/1998 (19 Jan 98)
Nominal pass which included high voltage ramp-up sessions for the SWICS and 
SWIMS instruments along with commanding to the SWEPAM-I and SEPICA 
171500 BOT
172351 S/C commanded to 76k ADC downlink format
172657 SSR B put in Record Operating Mode
173029 SSR A put in Playback Operating Mode
173430 S/C commanded to Science downlink format
180214 SWEPAM-I Command Operations Begun  
183349 SWICS High Voltage Adjustment Begun  
184428 SWICS Commanding completed
185738 SWEPAM-I Commanding completed
185758 SEPICA OCR # 98-0103 Begun  
191156 SEPICA Commanding Completed
200512 SSR A Redumps Begun  
202814 Redumps Completed
2029-05 S/C commanded to ADC Downlink Format
203533 Poke Command sent to Active C&DH
203550 Poke Command sent to Inactive C&DH
203922 S/C commanded to 498 RTSW Downlink Format

Operations Day -- 20/1998 (20 Jan 98)
Today's pass was nominal with the exception that the D16 ranging 
system was down for the entire pass.  SWICS and SWIMS high voltage ramp up 
sessions were completed today along with CRIS commanding to raise the matrix 
detector threshold, SIS commanding to reset the hydrogen and helium timers, 
and SWEPAM-I commanding to continue instrument characterization using the 
on-board pulser.
*  DR # G03280 - Station called and informed MOC that their Range equipment 
was Red.
160000 BOT - D16
160510 S/C commanded to 76k ADC Downlink Format
160724 SSR A put in Record Operate Mode
161126 SSR B put in Playback Operate Mode
161913 S/C commanded to Science Downlink Format
172721 SWICS High Voltage Adjustment Begun
173332 SWICS High Voltage Adjustment Completed
173411 SWIMS upload of VFPS Stepping Table Begun
175112 SWIMS upload of VFPS Stepping Table Completed
180440 SWEPAM-I Commanding Begun
180909 CRIS/SIS OCR #98-0104 Begun
181558 CRIS/SIS OCR #98-0104 Completed
184122 SWEPAM-I Commanding Completed
184245 SSR B Redumps Begun
191559 SSR B Redumps Completed
191649 S/C Commanded to ADC Downlink Format
192540 Poke Command Sent to Active C&DH
192555 Poke Command Sent to Inactive C&DH
194657 S/C Commanded to RTSW
200000 EOT - D16

Operations Day -- 21/1998 (21 Jan 98)
An attitude maneuver was performed today that pushed the high-gain antenna 
angle out to 3.9 degrees (violating the 3.5 degree requirement). There was no 
observed impact on operations and FDF is analyzing why the maneuver performed 
non-nominally.  In addition, high voltage ramp up session were performed 
today with the SWICS and SWIMS instruments.

155500 BOT - D16
155857 S/C Commanded to 76k ADC Downlink Format
160119 SSR B put in Record Operate Mode
160458 SSR A put in Playback Operate Mode
160736 Radial Catbeds Powered ON
171409 Attitude Burn Begun
171947 Attitude Burn Completed
172241 Radial Catbeds Powered OFF
173919 S/C Commanded to Science Downlink Format
180914 SWICS High Voltage Adjustment Begun
181548 SWICS High Voltage Adjustment Completed
183111 SSR A Redumps Begun
191842 SSR A Redumps Completed
193217 S/C Commanded to ADC Downlink Format
193852 Poke Command sent to Active C&DH
193909 Poke Command sent to Inactive C&DH
194730 S/C Commanded to RTSW Downlink Format
195500 EOT - D16

Operations Day -- 23/1998 (23 Jan 98)
Nominal pass which included upload and testing of a software patch on the 
SWEPAM instrument.  The performance of the patch was not what was expected 
and an OCR was performed at the instrument team's request to remove the patch.

175000 BOT
175522 S/C Commanded to 76k ADC Downlink Format
175737 SSR B put in Record Operate Mode
180144 SSR A put in Playback Operate Mode
180833 S/C Commanded to Science Downlink Format
182019 SWEPAM Activities Begun
184621 SWEPAM Activities Completed
203722 SWEPAM OCR -  0103 Begun
203825 SWEPAM OCR -  0103 Completed
205209 SSR A Redumps Begun
212005 SSR A Redumps Completed
212806 Poke Command sent to Active C&DH
212835 Poke Command sent to Inactive C&DH
214001 S/C Commanded to ADC Downlink Format
214717 S/C Commanded to RTSW

Operations Day -- 26/1998 (26 Jan 98)
Today's pass included a 50 minute telemetry outage during SWICS commanding.  
This outage was caused by Nascom network problems.  Although the FOT was able 
to recover all of the day-25 SSR dump, today's problems prohibited the FOT 
from completing the day-26 SSR dump.  The result is that 1.5 hours of the 
day-26 SSR dump will be moved to day-27's dump.  At this point it will take 
a number of nominal DSN contacts to retrieve all of this SSR data along with 
the daily dumps.

G98-013  49 minute telemtry outage due to ISIS(IP) routing protocol failure

1608  AOS w/D16
1619  VC2 acquired at MOC - ADC format
1622  Performed redump of previous Day (025) missing slices
1655  Completed redump of previous day data
1658  Placed SSR A in PLAYBACK mode
1700  Placed SSR B in RECORD mode
1706  Command S/C to SCIENCE  format
1721  Began SWICS command operations
1748  Tlm outage due to Routing Protocol in Nascom
1837  Tlm active again after routing protocol problem
1850  Completed SWICS command operations
1910  Issued SSR B abort BIT due to lack of time finish daily SSR B dump  - 
Need redump 513 - 628
1911  Completed SSR playback complete - with no redumps
1913  Commanded S/C to ADC format
1921  Issued poke commands for active and inactive
1931  Commanded S/C to RTSW format
1940  LOS 

Operations Day -- 27/1998 (27 Jan 98)
Today's AOS was 10 minutes later than scheduled due to problems at D66.  
Once contact was established the FOT performed the nominal SSR playback 
along with the playback of 1.5 hours of data from day 26 that had not yet 
been recovered.  To recover all of this SSR data the FOT scheduled an extra 
one hour support with D16.  A handoff was performed from D66 to D16 at 
17:05z.  Other activities today included an attitude maneuver and commanding 
to the SEPICA instrument to restart the 30kV power supply due to an out-of-
limits current reading.
10-minute delay in acquisition due to problems at DSS66.
1350 DSS66 AOS
1354 Commanded spacecraft to 87,648 ADC downlink format
1356 Turned on cat bed heaters
1356 Placed SSRB in Playback mode (redump)
1501 Began attitude correction maneuver
1506 Completed attitude correction maneuver
1520 Completed redumps from yesterday
1520 Placed SSRB in record mode
1522 Placed SSRA in playback mode
1528 Placed spacecraft in Science downlink format
1636 SEPICA OCR #98-104 (reset alarm and restart 30kV power supply after 
current went out of limits over the weekend).  
1700 DSS16 AOS
1703 DSS66 data off-line
1704 DSS16 data on-line.  Receiver B out of lock.  Decided to postpone 
resweep until SSR dumps completed.
1717 SEPICA operations continued
1732 Packet extractor crash in MOR.  TPOCC software recycled.
1737 TPOCC back up and running
1740 Began SSR A redumps
1748 Telemetry dropout (6 min.) due to ISIS problem
1749 DSS16 reswept  uplink.  Receiver B acquired lock.
1752 SSR A redump aborted
1805 Commanded spacecraft to 498 RTSW downlink format
1810 DSS16 EOT

Operations Day -- 28/1998 (28 Jan 98)
Pass Summary: 
Nominal Pass.  Performed instrument commanding to SIS, SWICS,SWIMS and SEPICA 

2110  AOS w/ D16
2120  VC2 acquired at MOC - ADC downlink format
2126  Started SSR Redump activities for Previous day (027) missing data
2204  Completed SSR Redump 
2133  SSR A placed in RECORD mode
2138  SSR B placed in PLAYBACK mode
2153  S/C commanded to SCIENCE downlink format
2157  Executed OCR SWX-001 -  Upload of new Fligh Load table for SWICS 
2208  SWIMS load procedure executed
2213  SWICS and SWIMS command operations completed
2216  OCR 98-0104 executed for setting SEPICA 30 Kv Discharge Flag
2227  OCR SIS-001 executed for Lowering SIS matrices and thresholds
0043  SSR B playback completed
0045  S/C commanded to ADC downlink format
0052  Poke commands issued to active and inactive LRT
0104  S/C commanded to RTSW downlink format
0115 LOS w/ D16

Operations Day -- 29/1998 (29 Jan 98)
Nominal pass which included high-voltage ramp-up operations for the SEPICA 

1910 DSS16 AOS
1926 Commanded Spacecraft to 87,648 bps ADC downlink format
1929 Placed SSR B in Record mode
1932 Placed SSR A in Playback mode
1934 Commanded spacecraft to Science downlink format
2006 SEPICA 30kV ramp-up operations (steps 9-12)
2222 Commanded spacecraft to ADC downlink format
2240 Commanded spacecraft to RTSW 498 bps downlink format
2252 DSS16 

Operations Day -- 30/1998 (30 Jan 98)
Nominal pass which included SEPICA high voltage ramp up session

2107 AOS w/ D42
2127 VC2 acquired at MOC -  ADC downlink format
2131 SSR A placed in RECORD mode
2133 SSR B placed in PLAYBACK mode
2143 S/C commanded to Science downlink format
2218 Executed OCR # SEP-001 -  (SEPICA 30 kv high voltage rampup)
0013 SSR B playback completed  -  no redumps due to time
0014 S/C commanded to ADC downlink format
0019 Poke commands issued to active and inactive  for LRT
0031 S/C commanded to RTSW downlink format -498 bps rate
0040 LOS w/ 

Operations Day -- 31/1998 (31 Jan 98)
Today's pass included almost 1.5 hours of degraded/dropped telemetry.  
Telemetry flow problems at JPL prohibited the FOT from completing the 
scheduled SSR data recovery - remaining SSR data will be recovered on day 32.
Data dropouts from 1627Z to 1745Z due to problems at JPL Comm.  Most of lost 
SSR data was successfully redumped.  DR number not available at end of shift.
1537 DSS24 AOS
1600 Commanded spacecraft to 87648 bps ADC downlink format
1603 Placed SSR B in Record mode
1604 Placed SSR A in Playback mode
1612 Commanded spacecraft to Bin Dump downlink format
1627 Began repeated data dropouts due to equipment problems at JPL Comm
1714 Commanded spacecraft to Science downlink format
1745 JPL Comm switched to "Little Pipe."  Normal data flow resumed.
1758 Began SSR A redumps.  All except 8 minutes of lost dumps recovered 
(remainder to be dumped on day 32)
1901 Commanded spacecraft to 498 bps RTSW downlink format
1910 DSS24 LOS
