Operations Day -- 60/1998 (1 March 98)
Pass Summary: 
Although today's pass was only 3.25 hours in length the FOT was able to 
complete the SSR replay along with retrieving the remaining SSR data that 
could not be dumped on day 59.

14:55 - BOT D16
15:01 - AOS
15:07 - ADC downlink format started, 76384 rate
15:09 - SSR A redumps started
15:26 - ADS software started
15:35 - SSR A redumps complete
15:36 - SSR A placed into record format
15:38 - SSR B dump started
15:39 - ADS software terminated
15:40 - Science downlink format started
15:52 - Started C&DH A block bin dump
16:16 - Received VC1 drop - restarted block bin dump
16:40 - Received VC1 drop - restarted block bin dump
16:54 - Received VC1 drop - aborted block bin dump
16:55 - C&DH A bin dump activity complete - not successful
17:54 - ADC downlink format started
18:09 - SSR B dump complete - no redumps done due to lack of time
18:13 - RTSW downlink format started, 434 rate
18:15 - EOT D16

Operations Day -- 61/1998 (2 March 98)
This pass was only 50 minutes long due to DSN resource constraints.   In 
addition, there was no ranging performed during this pass due to a last 
minute DSN resource conflict.  Becasue of the short duration of the pass, 
the FOT was only able to dump ~5 hours of the 24 hours of SSR data that 
needed to be retrieved.  In addition, the FOT was unable to perform requested 
instrument commanding during this short pass.  A second pass has been 
scheduled for later today to retrieve some additional SSR data - but - this 
pass is also limited in length and will not permit full data recovery.  The 
remaining SSR data will hopefully be recovered on day 62.
*  CMTS support on D17 took D16's Ranging equipment.  As a result, no 
Ranging data was available during pass.  Our rise at Goldstone was at 155408, 
so it was requested Carrier be brought up at 1555.
145500 BOT - Earlier BOT due to D16 not having to configure for Ranging
150000 BOT - Original
150331 S/C Commanded to 76k ADC Downlink Format
150521 SSR B put in Record Operate Mode
150651 SSR A put in Playback Operate Mode
151157 S/C Commanded to Science Downlink Format
153813 Abort BIT sent to SSR A
154035 SSR Contingency Autonomy Bins enabled
154346 Poke Command sent to Active C&DH
154403 Poke Command sent to Inactive C&DH
154902 S/C Commanded to RTSW Downlink Format
155000 EOT D16

Operations Day -- 61/1998 (2 March 98) -- addendum
Pass Summary: 
This second day 61 pass allowed the FOT to recover additional 
SSR data.  Since this pass was only 1.5 hours in duration, there was not 
enough time to dump all SSR data.  The remaining data will be retrieved on 
day 62.
211500 BOT D46
211735 S/C commanded to 76k ADC Downlink Format
212045 SSR A put in Playback Operate Mode
212325 S/C commanded to Science Downlink Format
223504 Abort BIT sent to SSR A
223626 Autonomy Bins Enabled
224101 S/C commanded to ADC Downlink Format
224132 Poke Command sent to Active C&DH
224151 Poke Command sent to Inactive C&DH
224554 S/C commanded to 498 RTSW Downlink Format
224700 EOT 

Operations Day -- 62/1998 (3 March 98)
Pass Summary: 
Today's pass was moved from station D24 to D16 so that the 34 meter antenna 
could be used to support a SOHO spacecraft emergency.  The pass was nominal 
and the FOT was able to recover all of today's SSR data as well as the 
remaining day 61 SSR data that was not dumped due to the short length of 
yesterday's pass.
*  Due to SOHO S/C Emergency, ACE's original pass on D24 was deleted.  
As a result, Station D16 came up to support ACE.
152100 AOS - D16
152320 S/C commanded to 76k ADC Downlink Format
152554 SSR A Dump Begun ---> Slices 409 - 560
160534 SSR A put in Record Operate Mode
160655 SSR B put in Playback Operate Mode
160757 S/C Commanded to Science Downlink Format
184106 SSR B Slices 477 - 480 Redumped
185351 S/C Commanded to ADC Downlink Format
184745 Poke Command sent to Active C&DH
184802 Poke Command sent to Active C&DH
185351 S/C Commanded to RTSW Downlink Format
190000 EOT  

Operations Day -- 63/1998 (4 March 98)
Pass Summary: 
Today's pass was nominal except for a ~13 minute telemetry outage due to 
problems with equipment at D16.  The FOT performed a dump of all timetag bins 
on the inactive C&DH and compared the dump against the TPOCC ground image.  
The result of this comparison was nominal.
*  DR# G03457 - TGC Reset --->  Telemetry static from 181536 - 182809
150000 BOT D16
150633 S/C Commanded to 76k ADC Downlink Format
150824 SSR B put in Record Operate Mode
150930 SSR A put in Playback Operate Mode
151037 S/C Commanded to Science Downlink Format
173532 Inactive C&DH Time Tag Bin Dump on to SSR B Sequence Begun
175457 Inactive C&DH Time Tag Bin Dump on to SSR B Sequence Completed
181058 S/C Commanded to ADC Downlink Format
181101 Poke Command sent to Active C&DH
181118 Poke Command sent to Inactive C&DH
182809 S/C Commanded to RTSW Downlink Format
183000 EOT 

Operations Day -- 64/1998 (5 March 98)
Pass Summary: 
Nominal pass which was used by the FOT to perform maintenance and health 
evaluation tasks with the inactive C&DH and Sun Sensor  The major activity 
today was the first post-launch power up and health evaluation of Sun Sensor 
B.  At the completion of the daily SSR playback - the idle SSR was 
reconfigured to C&DH B where it recorded the Sun Sensor B turn-on.  After ~20 
minutes of recording, the Sun Sensor was powered off, the SSR was reconfigured
 to C&DH A and the SSR data was retrieved.  During the time Sun Sensor B was 
powered on - FDF generated an attitude solution with Sun Sensor A.  This 
solution will be compared against a solution that will be generated during a 
playback of the Sun Sensor B data.  Initial indications are that Sun Sensor B 
is healthy and operating nominally.  Since the Sun Sensors are not cross 
strapped - the health of Sun Sensor B would have a great impact on any 
Project decisions to fail over to C&DH B in a contingency situation.  The Sun 
Sensor B turn-on event, which was seen by C&DH A, will also be used to 
evaluate the C&DH B clock accuracy (since the C&DH B clock value is not 
downlinked via C&DH A) by comparing the 'time' that this event was seen by C&
DH A compared to the 'time' seen by C&DH B.  
152000 BOT D24
152316 S/C Commanded to 76k ADC Downlink Format
152619 SSR A put in Record Operate Mode
152743 SSR B put in Playback Operate Mode
154101 S/C Commanded to Science Downlink Format
160516 Set Inactive Selectable Telemetry Byte = Hotfilldrn_vlv_t
175720 SSR B Playback Completed
175823 S/C Commanded to ADC Downlink Format
180121 Sun Sensor B Autonomy Safing Bin Loaded and Enabled
180213 SSR B began recording ADC data from Inactive C&DH 
180346 Sun Sensor B powered ON
182604 Sun Sensor B powered OFF
182729 SSR B put in Playback Operate Mode
184048 Poke Command sent to Active C&DH
184105 Poke Command sent to Inactive C&DH
184745 S/C Commanded to 498 RTSW Downlink Format
185000 EOT 

Operations Day -- 68/1998 (9 March 98)
Nominal pass which included an attitude correction maneuver. 
G98-0037  TPOCC packet extractor crash
1205 BOT D66
1214 VC2 acquired  - ADC downlink format
1216 SSR A placed in Record mode
1217 SSR B placed in Playback mode
1221 TPOCC Packet Extractor crash
1227 Telemetry back online after Packet Extractor crash
1231 Radial catbeds enabled for scheduled attitude maneuver
1338 Attitude maneuver started
1344 Attitude maneuver completed
1346 Radial catbed disabled for completion of attitude maneuver
1401 S/C commanded to Science downlink format
1505 SSR B playback completed  -  Redumped approx. 80% of missing frames
1511 S/C commanded to ADC downlink format
1512 Poke command issued to active and inactive C&DH's
1522 S/C commanded to RTSW downlink format
1535 EOT D66

Operations Day -- 69/1998 (10 March 98)
Today's pass included a 12 minute telemetry outage due to T-1 line 
maintenance at JPL.  A SWICS software patch was performed today in addition 
to some analysis of RF switch telemetry using the selectable telemetry bytes.
* 12-minute delay in data acquisition due to Special Function Gatewway SFG3 
not active at JPL Comm--DR #N45509
* SEPICA activities (OCR SEP-017) postponed until tomorrow in order to update 
1533 BOT D16
1536 Commanded spacecraft to 87,648 bps ADC downlink format
1537 Placed SSR B in Record mode
1539 Began SSR A playback
1631 Set Active/Inactive Selectable Telemetry Bytes to RF switch 
configuration byte to verify values
1640 Returned Active/Inactive Selectable Telemetry Bytes to nominal values
1658 SWICS operations (OCR SWX-002, PHA Patch)
1845 SSR A dump completed
1850 Commanded spacecraft to ADC downlink format
1851 Last Resort Timer reset commands sent 
1859 Commanded spacecraft to RTSW downlink format - 498 bps rate
1910 EOT D16

Operations Day -- 70/1998 (11 March 98)
Pass Summary: 
Nominal pass.  The SEPICA software patch that was loaded a few weeks 
ago was unpatched today at the request of the SEPICA instrument team.  A 
repatch was deemed unecessary at this time.
1411 BOT D66
1424 VC2 acquired in MOC - ADC downlink format
1426 SSR A placed in RECORD mode
1427 SSR B placed in PLAYBACK mode
1444 S/C commanded to SCIENCE downlink format
1519 Started SEPICA command operations - GAS unpatch/re-patch  (OCR's  SEP-
017 & SEP-018)
1645 SEPICA command operations completed  
1648 SSR B recorder dump completed with no redumps due to time 
1654 S/C commanded to ADC downlink format
1655 Poke commands issued to active and inactive C&DH's
1701 S/C commanded to RTSW downlink format
1715 EOT D66

Operations Day -- 71/1998 (12 March 98)
 Pass Summary:
 Today's pass focused on uploading a software patch to the ULEIS instrument 
(OCR ULEIS-220).  394 separate loads were uplinked to complete this task.
After completion of the load sequence, ULEIS was not returned to full 
operational status (completed 2 of 9 high-voltage steps) due to a shortage of 
- JPL Comm reported alarms due to incorrect configuration of telemetry 
channels at DSS-66.  After DSS-66 changed configuration, VC2 data dropped out 
and VC1 frames became corrupted with duplicate frames as seen from ACE MOC.  
TPOCC packet extractor crashed and TPOCC had to be restarted during ULEIS 
commanding.  ULEIS flight load procedure was successfully resumed after TPOCC 
1256 DSS-66 AOS
1304 Commanded spacecraft to 87,648 bps ADC downlink format
1306 Commanded SSR B to Record mode
1308 Began playback of SSR A
1309 Commanded spacecraft to Science downlink format
1317 Began ULEIS flight code upload operations (OCR ULEIS-002)
1521 Communications problems--lost data and duplicate frames from DSS 66. DR 
1521 Packet extractor crash.  TPOCC software unable to read telemetry but 
ULEIS commands still being uplinked to ACE.
1530 Brought down TPOCC software and restarted it
1547 DSS returned to original configuration.  ACE FOT now receiving VC1 
(real-time) telemetry but not VC2 (recorder dump).  23 slices of lost 
recorder data will be redumped tomorrow.
1547 Resumed commanding for OCR ULEIS-002 with load #273
1647 ULEIS operations terminated due to shortage of time.  Stopped after step 
2 of high-voltage step-up procedure.
1647 Commanded spacecraft to ADC downlink format
1653 Commanded spacecraft to 498 bps RTSW downlink format
1706 DSS-66 LOS

Operations Day -- 72/1998 (13 March 98)
Pass Summary: 
Performed upload of new ULEIS flight code during today's pass.  The load was 
completed but ULEIS HV was not re-enabled due to a limited time remaining in 
the pass after completion of the flight code load.  The voltage ramp up is 
currently scheduled for day 73.  

G98-0038   TPOCC system failure during ULEIS procedure  
1342 BOT D61
1410 VC2 acquired in MOC - ADC downlink format
1412 Redumped 5 min of SSR A data from day 71
1419 SSR A placed in RECORD mode
1421 SSR B placed in PLAYBACK mode
1423 S/C commanded to SCIENCE downlink format
1424 Executed SWEPAM Electron and ION weekly calibrations
1425 Started OCR  ULEIS-002 with OCR addendum -  Reload of instrument Flight 
1440 Recycled TPOCC software due to system degradation
1449 TPOCC system re-initialized
1459 Began execution of ULEIS Flight code - 394 commands
1700 Command operations of ULEIS stopped 
1711 SSR B playback completed - redumped missing data (9min) due to TPOCC 
1716 S/C commanded to ADC downlink format
1717 Poke commands issued to active and inactive C&DH's
1725 S/C commanded to RTSW downlink format
1730 EOT 

Operations Day -- 73/1998 (14 March 98)
Nominal pass with completion of OCR ULEIS-002 items left over from Friday.  
Instrument engineer operated from GAS facility due to telemetry flow problems 
at ASC.
* No instrument data received at APL.  IP NOC determined that open-side 
fanout is operating but ASC not outputting telemetry.  No ASC troubleshooting 
available on the weekend.
1232 DSS61 AOS
1252 Commanded spacecraft to 87648 bps ADC downlink format
1254 Commanded SSR B to Record mode
1255 Began SSR A recorder playback
1257 Commanded spacecraft to Science downlink format
1438 Began ULEIS commanding
1545 Commanded spacecraft to ADC downlink format
1555 Commanded spacecraft to 498 bps RTSW downlink format
1615 DSS61 LOS

Operations Day -- 74/1998 (15 March 98)
Nominal pass
* Did not lock on both receivers after D66 initial sweep for uplink - 
Requested doubling sweep range and receivers locked up.
1248  - D66 BOT
1309  - VC2 acquired at MOC -  ADC downlink format
1311  - SSR A placed in RECORD mode
1312  - SSR B placed in PLAYBACK mode
1319  - S/C commanded to SCIENCE downlink format
1541  - SSR B playback completed
1556  - S/C commanded to ADC downlink format
1557  - Poke commands issued to active and inactive C&DH's
1600  - Started ADS program - in ADC downlink format
1610  - Terminated ADS program
1616  - S/C commanded to RTSW downlink format
1630  - D66 

Operations Day -- 75/1998 (16 March 98)

Operations Day -- 075/1998 (March 16, 1998)
Mission Day -- 204
Orbit Number -- 98075

Support Team: SA- G. Wofford     SC - D. Malone

Pass Highlights:  station      AOS                   LOS
                                  DSS-66     12:53:44          17:05:00

Pass Summary:
The SEPICA 30KV was turned off by the S3DPU during the HV ramp-up.  The HV
activities were restarted and completed nominally

S98-0006 - SEPICA 30 KV shut off by S3DPU during 30 KV ramp-up. 30 KV level
dropped to 2 KV. High voltage ramp-up operations restarted.

12:53 - AOS
13:00 - BOT
13:05 - ADC format started, 76384 rate
13:06 - SSR B placed in record format
13:08 - SSR A dump started
13:09 - Science format started
13:43 - Continuation of OCR#SEP-015 began - SEPICA high voltage operations
14:42 - Anomaly S98-0006 - SEPICA 30 KV shutdown
14:44 - SEPICA High voltage activities restarted - recovery from S98-0006
15:37 - SEPICA high voltage activities complete
15:48 - SSR A redumps complete
16:38 - ADC format started
16:56 - RTSW format started, 434 rate
17:05 - EOT

Operations Day -- 76/1998 (17 March 98)

Operations Day -- 076/1998 (March 17, 1998)
Mission Day -- 205
Orbit Number -- 98076

Support Team:  SA - G. Wofford     SC - D. Malone

Pass Highlights:  station      AOS                   LOS
                                 DSS-24     14:11:42          18:45:00

Pass Summary:
Nominal pass during which SWIMS High Voltage ramp-up activities were
performed.  Also executed OCR#15 for SEPICA high voltage activities

14:11 - AOS
14:45 - BOT
14:50 - ADC format started, 76384 rate
14:52 - SSR A placed in record format
14:54 - SSR B dump started
15:09 - SWIMS High voltage activities staretd
15:22 - SWIMS High voltage activities complete
15:29 - OCR#SEP-015, Step 15 started - SEPICA High voltage activities
17:34 - SSR B redumps complete
17:58 - OCR#SEP-015 operations complete
18:20 - ADC format started
18:32 - RTSW format started, 434 rate
18:45 - EOT

Operations Day -- 77/1998 (18 March 98)

Operations Day -- 077/1998 (March 18, 1998)
Mission Day -- 206
Orbit Number -- 98077

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                                 DSS-66      12:50:05          16:50:00

Pass Summary:
All pass activities were nominal.  An attitude correction maneuver was
successfully completed.  Additional SEPICA high voltage activities were
performed with the SEPICA team.

12:50 - AOS
12:53 - ADC format started, 76384 rate
12:59 - SSR B placed in record format
13:00 - SSR A dump started
13:02 - Radial catbed heater turn on
14:10 - Attitude reor maneuver started
14:15 - Attitude reor maneuver complete
14:16 - Radial catbed heater turn off
14:31 - Science format started
15:10 - OCR#SEP-015 step 15 execution started - SEPICA High voltage operations
15:11 - OCR#SEP-015 execution complete
15:18 - SSR A redumps complete
16:30 - ADC format started, 76384 rate
16:41 - RTSW format started, 434 rate
16:50 - EOT

Operations Day -- 78/1998 (19 March 98)

Operations Day -- 078/1998 (March 19, 1998)
Mission Day -- 207
Orbit Number -- 98078

Pass Highlights:  station      AOS                   LOS
                                  DSS-66    12:52:33          17:00:00

Pass Summary:
Nominal pass with all routine activities completed successfully.  Conducted
a test to perform data rate changes automatically from time-tagged
commands.  The test was successful.

12:52 - AOS
13:00:00 - BOT
13:05 - ADC format started, 76384 rate
13:07 - SSR A placed in record format
13:08 - SSR B dump staretd
13:10 - Time tag bin 2 loaded to switch data rates to RTSW at 16:50:00, as
per OCR#S98-002
13:14 - Science format started
13:28 - Block bins 6, 7, 8, 78 loaded for time tag data rate switching, as
per OCR#S98-002
15:36 - SSR B dump complete
16:34 - ADC format started
16:38 - Time tag bins 0 and 1 loaded for data rate change to ADC76K at
15:15:00 on Day 080, as per OCR#S98-002
16:50 - Time tag bin 2 executed
16:51 - RTSW format started, 434 rate
17:00 - EOT

Operations Day -- 79/1998 (20 March 98)


Operations Day -- 079/1998 (March 20, 1998)
Mission Day -- 208
Orbit Number -- 98079

Pass Highlights:  station      AOS                   LOS
                                  DSS-24     14:52:28          18:35:00

Pass Summary:
Nominal pass.  Performed weekly calibration activities for SWEPAM-E and
SWEPAM-I instruments.  The new automated data rate changes via  time-tagged
and block bins was used.  All the data rate transitions were performed

14:52 - AOS
15:10 - BOT
15:15 - AOS time tag bin fired
15:19 - ADC format started, 76384 rate
15:21 - SSR B placed in record format
15:23 - SSR A dump started
15:24 - LOS time tag bin loaded
15:39 - Science format started
15:51 - SWEPAM-E calibration performed
15:51 - SWEPAM-I calibration performed
18:09 - SSR A redumps complete
18:17 - ADC format started
18:21 - AOS time tag bins loaded
18:25 - LOS time tag bin fired
18:32 - RTSW format started, 434 rate
18:35 - LOS

Operations Day -- 80/1998 (21 March 98)


Operations Day -- 080/1998 (March 21, 1998)
Mission Day -- 209
Orbit Number -- 98080

Pass Highlights:  station      AOS                   LOS
                                  DSS-24    16:51:45          20:35:00

Pass Summary:
Performed weekly dump of active C&DH bins.  The pass was nominal with all
data recovered and all regular activities completed.  The automated data
rate change process was used successfully.

16:51 - AOS
17:05 - BOT
17:10 - AOS time tag bin executed to switch to ADC format, 76384 rate
17:10 - ADC format seen
17:12 - SSR A placed in record format
17:13 - SSR B dump started
17:16 - ADS started
17:26 - ADS terminated
17:27 - Science format started
17:29 - C&DH A bin dumps started (block, autonomy, time tag)
18:54 - C&DH A bin dumps completed - telemetry frame drops extended nominal
bin dump time
19:56 - SSR B redumps complete
20:25 - LOS time tag bin executed to switch to RTSW 434 rate
20:27 - RTSW format started, 434 rate
20:35 - EOT

Operations Day -- 81/1998 (22 March 98)

Operations Day -- 081/1998 (March 22, 1998)
Mission Day -- 210
Orbit Number -- 98081

Pass Highlights:  station      AOS                LOS
                  DSS-24       17:12:32          20:35:00

Pass Summary:
The automated data rate transition test was successfully completed today.
The FOT will be implementing this process permanently in mid-April.
All the data rate transitions, at the beginning and end of the pass, will
execute from the on-board timetag bin 5 - 10 minutes before or after the
pass.  This will reduce the DSN data rate transitions that have to be
coordinated with the stations
The SEPICA 30KV power supply was turned off by the S3DPU when it violated a
current limit.  This has happened a few times before and the S3DPU
performed as expected.

S98-0007 - SEPICA 30KV voltage shut off by S3DPU automatically overnight.
This was the same response that the S3DPU had for anomaly S98-0006, except
the 30 KV level had not been changed prior to this shutdown.

17:05 - BOT
17:10 - AOS time tag bin fired to switch to ADC format, 76384 rate
17:12 - AOS - 76384 ADC format
17:14 - SSR B placed in record format
17:15 - SSR A dump started
17:17 - ADS software started
17:27 - ADS software terminated
17:28 - Science format started
17:30 - Anomaly S98-0007 - SEPICA 30 KV shutdown
19:45 - SSR A dump complete
20:14 - ADC format started
20:25 - Time tag bin fired to change to 434 RTSW format
20:27 - RTSW format started, 434 rate
20:35 - EOT

Operations Day -- 82/1998 (23 March 98)

	Operations Day -- 082/1998 (March 23, 1998)
	Mission Day -- 211
	Orbit Number -- 98082

	Pass Highlights:  station      AOS                LOS
	                  D24          143026            180500

	Pass Summary:
	The pass was nominal with all data recovered and all planned
activities completed successfully.  The ramp up of the SEPICA 30KV HV was

	  *  None

143500	BOT
144000	Time Tag Bin Kicks OFF reconfiguring S/C to 76k ADC
144244	SSR A put in Record Operate Mode
144353	SSR B put in Playback Operate Mode
145314	S/C Commanded to Science Downlink Format
150607	SEPICA OCR SEP-020 Begun
165527	SSR B Playback Completed
174059	SEPICA OCR SEP-020 Completed
174745	S/C Commanded to ADC Downlink Format
174841	Poke Command sent to Active C&DH
174858	Poke Command sent to Inactive C&DH
175500	S/C  commanded to RTSW Downlink Format
180500	EOT

Operations Day -- 83/1998 (24 March 98)

	Operations Day -- 083/1998 (March 24, 1998)
	Mission Day -- 212
	Orbit Number -- 98083

	Pass Highlights:  station      AOS                   LOS
	                  D16          155033              192000

	Pass Summary:
	Completed the ramp up of the SEPICA 30KV HV.  Performed SWICS and
SWIMS high voltage ramp down in preparation for the stationkeeping maneuver
scheduled for 3/25
	All S/C subsystems are nominal and the recorder dump was recovered

	     *  None

155500	BOT
155633	S/C Commanded to 76k ADC Downlink Format
155800	SSR B put in Record Operate Mode
155907	SSR A put in Playback Operate Mode
160114	S/C Commanded to Science Donwlink Format
163341	SEPICA OCR SEP-020 Completed
165540	SWICS High Voltage Ramp Down Begun
170125	SWICS High Voltage Ramp Down Completed
170143	SWIMS High Voltage Ramp Down Begun
170842	SWIMS High Voltage Ramp Down Completed
183256	SSR A Playback Completed
190050	S/C Commanded to ADC Downlink Format
190143	Poke Command sent to Active C&DH
190201	Poke Command sent to Inactive C&DH
191259	S/C Commanded to RTSW Downlink Format
192000	EOT

Operations Day -- 084/1998 (25 March 98)

Operations Day -- 084/1998 (March 24, 1998)
Mission Day -- 213
Orbit Number -- 98084

	Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS               LOS
	                  D61          132326            165500

Pass Summary:
Successfully executed the third stationkeeping maneuver of the
mission.  A spin -up maneuver was performed to return the S/c to the 5rpm
spin rate.  This was followed by an attitude maneuver to point hte HGA.
Data recovery is nominal.

	  *  None

132500	BOT
132752	S/C Commanded to 76k ADC Downlink Format
132920	SSR A put in Record Operate Mode
133053	SSR B putin Playback Operate Mode
133357	Axial Catbed Heaters Powered ON
133436	Radial Catbed Heaters Powered ON
144025	Station Keeping Maneuver Begun
144618	Station Keeping Maneuver Completed
145203	Axial Catbed Heaters Powered OFF
151017	Spin Up Maneuver Begun
151027	Spin Up Maneuver Completed
154228	SSR B Playback Completed
155424	Attitude Correction Maneuver Begun
155824	Attitude Correction Maneuver Completed
160046	Radial Catbed Heaters Powered OFF
161611	S/C Commanded to Science Downlink Format
163514	S/C Commanded to ADC Downlink Format
163604	Poke Command sent to Active C&DH
163623	Poke Command sent to Inactive C&DH
164134	S/C Commanded to RTSW Downlink Format
165500	EOT

Operations Day -- 085/1998 (26 March 98)


Operations Day -- 085/1998 (March 26, 1998)
Mission Day -- 214
Orbit Number -- 98085

	Pass Highlights:  station      AOS                LOS
	                  D24          140922            180500

Pass Summary:
Nominal pass.  All data was successfully recovered.  Performed high
voltage ramp-up activities for the SWICS and SWIMS instruments to
reconfigure them following the stationkeeping maneuver.

	     *  None

142000	BOT
142417	S/C Commanded to 76k ADC Downlink Format
142640	SSR B put in Record Operate Mode
142756	SSR A put in Playback Operate Mode
144706	S/C Commanded to Science Downlink Format
151059	SWICS High Voltage Ramp Up Begun
152542	SWICS High Voltage Ramp Up Completed
152559	SWICS Table Load Procedure Begun
153426	SWICS Table Load Procedure Completed
153450	SWIMS High Voltage Ramp Up Begun
154952	SWIMS High Voltage Ramp Up Completed
155004	SWIMS Table Load Procedure Begun
155230	SWIMS Table Load Procedure Completed
170028	SSR A Playback Completed
175020	S/C Commanded to ADC Downlink Format
175045	Poke Command sent to Active C&DH
175103	Poke Command sent to Inactive C&DH
175638	S/C Commanded to RTSW Downlink Format
180500	EOT

Operations Day -- 086/1998 (27 March 98)


	Operations Day -- 086/1998 (March 27, 1998)
	Mission Day -- 215
	Orbit Number -- 98086

	Pass Highlights:  station      AOS                   LOS
                                D46      204328            001500

	Pass Summary:
	Nominal pass.  All data was successfully recovered.  Continued with
the high voltage ramp-up activities for SWICS and SWIMS.

	     *  None

204500	BOT
204744	S/C Commanded to 76k ADC Downlink Format
204935	SSR A put in Record Operate Mode
205114	SSR B put in Playback Operate Mode
205359	ADS Program Started
211018	S/C Commanded to Science Downlink Format
211129	SWEPAM Calibration Begun
211227	SWEPAM Calibration Completed
211926	SWICS High Voltage Ramp Up Begun
213151	SWICS High Voltage Ramp Up Completed
213201	SWICS Table Load Procedure Begun
213417	SWICS Table Load Procedure Completed
213528	SWICS Table Load 128 Procedure Begun
213709	SWICS Table Load 128 Procedure Completed
213730	SWIMS High Voltage Ramp Up Begun
214701	SWIMS High Voltage Ramp Up Completed
214711	SWIMS Table Load Procedure Begun
214955	SWIMS Table Load Procedure Completed
235640	SSR B Playback Completed
0.000338	S/C Commanded to ADC Downlink Format
0.000401	Poke Command sent to Active C&DH
0.000418	Poke Command sent to Inactive C&DH
0.000818	S/C Commanded to RTSW Downlink Format
0.0015	EOT

Operations Day -- 087/1998 (28 March 98)

	Operations Day -- 087/1998 (March 28, 1998)
	Mission Day -- 216
	Orbit Number -- 98087

	Pass Highlights:  station      AOS                LOS
	                  D24          143837            180000

	Pass Summary:
	Nominal pass except for late AOS due to station problems.  No data
loss was incurred.  Performed SWICS and SWIMS high voltage ramp-up
activities.  Performed dump of inactiveC&DH (C&DH B) bins onto Idle SSR to
verify bins' contents.
	The Data for day 085 was recovered using a CDR playback from DSN.
100% data recovery was achieved using this method.

	     *  G98-0040 - DR# G03555 - Late AOS - due to "Azimuth Drive
had an excess torque bias"

143000	BOT
143837	AOS - Actual
144727	S/C Commanded to 76k ADC Downlink Format
144759	SSR B put in Record Operate Mode
144819	SSR A put in Playback Operate Mode
145613	ADS Program Started
150930	S/C Commanded to Science Downlink Format
151323	SWICS High Voltage Ramp Up Begun
152142	SWICS High Voltage Ramp Up Completed
152203	SWIMS High Voltage Ramp Up Begun
152814	SWIMS High Voltage Ramp Up Completed
164052	SSR A Playback Completed
164256	Inactive C&DH Block Bin Dump onto Idle SSR Begun
173222	Inactive C&DH Block Bin Dump onto Idle SSR Completed
173825	S/C Commanded to ADC Downlink Format
173909	Poke Command sent to Active C&DH
173926	Poke Command sent to Inactive C&DH
174745	S/C Commanded to RTSW Downlink Format
180000	EOT

Operations Day -- 088/1998 (29 March 98)


	Operations Day -- 088/1998 (March 29, 1998)
	Mission Day -- 217
	Orbit Number -- 98088

	Pass Highlights:  station     AOS               LOS
	                  D16         143459            182500

	Pass Summary:
	Nominal pass.  All data was successfully recovered.  The Inactive
C&DH (C&DH B) autonomy and time-tagged bins were dumped to the idle SSR to
verify their contents against the ground reference image.

	  *  None

144500	BOT
144923	S/C Commanded to 76k ADC Downlink Format
145058	SSR A put in Record Operate Mode
145221	SSR B put in Playback Operate Mode
145541	ADS program started
152218	S/C Commanded to Science Downlink Format
152324	Active C&DH Block Bin Dump Started
155942	Active C&DH Block Bin Dump Completed
171857	SSR B Playback Completed
172221	Inactive C&DH Autonomy Bin Dump to Idle SSR Sequence Begun
173751	Inactive C&DH Autonomy Bin Dump to Idle SSR Sequence Completed
173815	Inactive C&DH Time Tag Bin Dump to Idle SSR Sequence Begun
175125	Inactive C&DH Time Tag Bin Dump to Idle SSR Sequence Completed
180032	S/C Commanded to ADC Downlink Format
180114	Poke Command sent to Active C&DH
180130	Poke Command sent to Inactive C&DH
181214	S/C Commanded to RTSW Downlink Format
182500	EOT

Operations Day -- 089/1998 (30 March 98)

	Operations Day -- 089/1998 (March 30, 1998)
	Mission Day -- 218
	Orbit Number -- 98089

	Pass Highlights:  station      AOS                LOS
	                  DSS24        1423               1740

	Pass Summary:   Routine nominal pass with recorder dump.  No
instrument commanding
	Anomalies:  None

1423	DSS24 AOS
1446	Commanded spacecraft to 87648 bps ADC downlink format
1450	Commanded SSR B to Record mode
1452	Began SSR A playback
1501	Commanded spacecraft to Science format
1834	Commanded spacecraft to 498 bps RTSW downlink format
1840	DSS24 LOS

Operations Day -- 090/1998 (31 March 98)

	Operations Day -- 090/1998 (March 31,1998
	Mission Day -- 219
	Orbit Number -- 98090

	Pass Highlights:  station      AOS             LOS
	                  D16          14:58:00        19:00:00

	Pass Summary:
	Nominal pass.  All data was successfully recovered.  Performed
error check test for SSR B.  No errors were found.  Executed procedure to
check CRIS error counter


1500	BOT w/ D16
1504	VC2 acquired - ADC format
1506	SSR A placed in RECORD mode
1507	SSR B placed in PLAYBACK mode
1524	S/C commanded to SCIENCE format
1737	SSR B playback completed
1750	Executed  procedure to check CRIS error counter - nominal
1808	Executed procedure to scroll through SSR B 30 telemetry sections
for error checks - nominal
1834	S/C commanded to ADC format
1835	Poke commands issued to active and inactive C&DH
1849	S/C commanded to RTSW format
1900	EOT w/ D16