Operations Day -- 244/1997 (1 Sept 97)
Operations Day -- 244/1997 (September 1, 1997)

Mission Day -- 8
Orbit Number -- 97244

Support Team:
SA:  Jackie Maldonado/Mike Machado     SC:  Dave Myers/Ken Hibbard

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS      LOS
                           D24       14:36:07          19:25:00

Pass Summary:
SIS CR #16 completed in addition to dumping SSR B

Data Recovery Statistics
(indicates percent of data recorded on the S/C or collected in R/T for a
given day that has been recovered on the ground):
Day 97/237 - 99.9%
Day 97/238 - 100%
Day 97/239 - 99.8%
Day 97/240 - 100%
Day 97/241 - 100%
Day 97/242 - 99.994%
Day 97/243 - 100%

     *  G-20:  DR # G02694 - Delayed AOS from 14:25:00 to 14:36:07 due to
                                                    Rcvr predicts.  Used
'sky' predicts from Book.
     *  G-21:  Received TPOCC event message " Tlm decom could not read
telemetry packet from packet extractor - closing connection.  Return link 1
and 3 to Packet Extractor frame client was terminated without proper clean
MOR string crashed as a result.  MOC software recycled and Operations
continued in the MOR.

     1.  Played back SSR B - 578 slices.  Redumped 236 slices.  Had to
redump slices 0-181 due to the MOR crash.  FOT had not yet logged which
slices needed redumping.
     2.  Sent SIS commands at PI's request (CR#16).

Operations Day -- 245/1997 (2 Sept 97)
Operations Day -- 245/1997 (September 2, 1997)

Mission Day -- 9
Orbit Number -- 97245

Support Team: George Wofford (SA), Brian Pickrell (SC)

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS      LOS
                           D24         1430       2230

Pass Summary:
ACE operations observed a nominal pass.   Performed attitude maneuver to
re-orient HGA.  Thrusters underperformed in this maneuver, 4deg. were
obtained instead of 6 deg.  FDF will review the maneuver design

Data Recovery Statistics
(indicates percent of data recorded on the S/C or collected in R/T for a
given day that has been recovered on the ground):
Day 97/237 - 99.9%
Day 97/238 - 100%
Day 97/239 - 99.8%
Day 97/240 - 100%
Day 97/241 - 100%
Day 97/242 - 99.994%
Day 97/243 - 100%
Day 97/244 - 100%

1.  AR # G-22:  TPOCC crash during recorder dump.  Being investigated.

1.  Performed an attitude maneuver to orient the HGA.  Maneuver duration
was 90 seconds
2.  Executed OCR # 18 - CRIS activity
2.  Executed OCR # 19 for ULEIS
3.  Executed ULEIS high voltage ramp up session 3, 4, and 5 which take the
instrument up to 2800 volts

Operations Day -- 246/1997 (3 Sept 97)
Operations Day -- 246/1997 (September 3, 1997)

Mission Day -- 10
Orbit Number -- 97246

Support Team:  SC- B. Pickrell   SA- R. Gresser

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                              D24        14:34:00            19:25:00

Pass Summary:
All activities are nominal.  Successful recorder dump collected

Data Recovery Statistics
(indicates percent of data recorded on the S/C or collected in R/T for a
given day that has been recovered on the ground):
Day 97/237 - 99.9%
Day 97/238 - 100%
Day 97/239 - 99.8%
Day 97/240 - 100%
Day 97/241 - 100%
Day 97/242 - 99.994%
Day 97/243 - 100%
Day 97/244 - 100%
Day 97/245 - 100%

G-23     DR# G02702 - late AOS due to Predicts problem (8 minute RT data loss)
G-24     Data drop due to SFG-3 INIF problem (5 minute RT data loss)
G-25     Two command blocks built with same frame #192
G-26     DR# N44083 - JPL "Big Pipe" data drop (1 minute RT data loss)

1. Redumped ~20 minutes of Day 245 data from SSRA before regular SSR
playback operations was initiated.
2. Dumped 547 slices of SSRB data (2.28 hours) with 0.5 hours of redumps
required to capture data lost during initial dump
3. Sent commands to ULEIS (OCR#20, OCR#21) and delayed ULEIS high-voltage
ramp-up session scheduled for this day at instrumenter's request.
4. Dumped/compared all active C&DH block, autonomy, and timetag bins (No

Operations Day -- 247/1997 (4 Sept 97)
Operations Day -- 247/1997 (September 4, 1997)

Mission Day -- 11
Orbit Number -- 97247

Support Team:  SC -B. Pickrell     SA -R. Gresser

Pass Highlights:  Station         AOS               LOS
                           D24            14:27:43         20:15:00

Pass Summary:   No data drops or TPOCC crashes

Data Recovery Statistics
(indicates percent of data recorded on the S/C or collected in R/T for a
given day that has been recovered on the ground):
Day 97/237 - 99.9%
Day 97/238 - 100%
Day 97/239 - 99.8%
Day 97/240 - 100%
Day 97/241 - 100%
Day 97/242 - 99.994%
Day 97/243 - 100%
Day 97/244 - 100%
Day 97/245 - 100%

G-27     Protoserver needed reboot by IP NOC during pre-pass operations

Activities:     Many added instrument activities.     Because of time
limitations, the verification of Inactive CDH Bin Contents was not done.
Added instrument activities:
1.   15:53:00     Sent command /SWIMS_OP_HTR_DIS to disable SWIMS
operational heater
2.   15:55:00     OCR #23 CRIS commands sent
3.   16:40:00     Session 6 ULEIS_HV_VAC_NEW procedure run
4.   17:02:00     Session 7 ULEIS_HV_VAC_NEW procedure run - problem with
5.   17:58:00     Sent command /SWIMS_OP_HTR_ENA to enable SWIMS
operational heater
6.   18:05:00     OCR #24 ULEIS commands sent to "reset" ULEIS - added
submnemonic to first cmd in OCR #24
7.   19:40:00    Completed ULEIS_HV_VAC_NEW for sessions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8
8.   19:01:00     Sent command in OCR #23 step 6 for CRIS

Operations Day -- 248/1997 (5 Sept 97)
Operations Day -- 248/1997 (September 5, 1997)

Mission Day -- 12
Orbit Number -- 97248

Support Team:  SC - D. Myers, K. Hibbard     SA R. Gresser

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS              LOS
                                   D16          14:33:00     20:35:00

Pass Summary:     No data drops during pass.

Data Recovery Statistics
(indicates percent of data recorded on the S/C or collected in R/T for a
given day that has been recovered on the ground):
Day 97/237 - 99.9%
Day 97/238 - 100%
Day 97/239 - 99.8%
Day 97/240 - 100%
Day 97/241 - 100%
Day 97/242 - 99.994%
Day 97/243 - 100%
Day 97/244 - 100%
Day 97/245 - 100%
Day 97/246 - 99.994%
Day 97/247 - 99.98%

1.   DR #G02712
2.   Automatic overlay fails for bin loads - resulted in miscompares for
dump and GRI

Activities:     Added instrument activities and directives:
1.     15:05:00     SWEPAM operations  - power ON for both SWEPAM E & I
2.     ULEIS procedure ULEIS_INTRNL_CAL1
3.     Sent directives for subsets OFF and subsets ON
4.     16:18:00    CRIS OCR #25
5.     18:15:49     ULEIS OCR #26  sent command ULEIS_VAL_AE_CMD
6.     18:20:00     ULEIS OCR #27

Removed SSR A checkout - moved to Day 249

7.     19:51:00     OCR #28     SWEPAM I philimit command sent

Operations Day -- 249/1997 (6 Sept 97)
Operations Day -- 249/1997 (September 6, 1997)

Mission Day -- 13
Orbit Number -- 97249

Support Team:   SC- D. Myers     SA - R. Gresser

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                            D24          14:17:02          19:08:00

Pass Summary:  Good pass with one Packet Extractor crash and one display crash

Data Recovery Statistics
(indicates percent of data recorded on the S/C or collected in R/T for a
given day that has been recovered on the ground):
Day 97/237 - 99.9%
Day 97/238 - 100%
Day 97/239 - 99.8%
Day 97/240 - 100%
Day 97/241 - 100%
Day 97/242 - 99.994%
Day 97/243 - 100%
Day 97/244 - 100%
Day 97/245 - 100%
Day 97/246 - 99.994%
Day 97/247 - 99.98%
Day 97/248 - 100%

1.  Anomaly #30 -  DR #G02714     Interlock problem solved by delay of AOS
by one minute
2.  Anomaly #31 -  DR #G02715     At high data rate acquisition, LMC needed
3.   Anomaly #32 - crash of TPOCC displays on AC1XT3
4.   Anomaly #33  - crash of TPOCC due to packet extractor buffer

Activities:     Added the following changes to operations:
1.    15:34:00/15:44:33  OCR #29     CRIS commands sent - success
2.    During SSR A checkout -operations killed final proc S_A_RED_FORMATS
so it was NOT run
3.     Informed Comm Manager that  pass had ended so IP NOC could
troubleshoot system if needed.

Operations Day -- 250/1997 (7 Sept 97)
Operations Day -- 250/1997 (September 7, 1997)

Mission Day -- 14
Orbit Number -- 97250

Support Team:     SC - G. Wofford     OE  - J. Volosin   SA - R. Gresser

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                                    D24          14:18:00          21:15:00
                                    D16          14:32:41          19:00:00

Pass Summary:  Performed 2 orbit, 2 attitude maneuvers.  First engineering
burn was aborted approximately half way through.  Meeting will be held with
FDF to review the maneuvers.
Also approximately half hour of Recorder B playback completed.  Remainder
of playback will be performed on Day 251

14:56:14     Commanded to CDH B on RF configuration +Z with fluctuation of
AGC between -125.312 and -130.00
17:21:37     Send /UNLOCK command . Thruster abort command was sent to end
first maneuver.  Sent command for Thruster Setup and was locked out of
commanding.  Sent TELLTALE_CLEAR then the Thruster Setup again.  This time
commanding was NOT locked out.

maneuver cmd file name                      start/stop times of maneuvers
a1997250_04cmds                                  15:59:58/16:06:53
          thruster_abort command sent        16:05:45
a1997250_05cmds                                   17:35:25/17:40:00
a1997250_06cmds                                   18:56:59/19:00:00
a1997250_07cmds                                   19:35:59/19:39:25

Operations Day -- 251/1997 (8 Sept 97)

Operations Day -- 251/1997 (September 8, 1997)
Mission Day -- 15
Orbit Number -- 97251

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                   D24        14:15                  21:15

Pass Summary:
   -Finished dumping slices 113-707 of SSR B
   -Dumped SSR A
   -Executed OCR #17, Procedure SEP_ALARM_MON_OP

   -Frequent VC1 and VC2 frame drops seen between 16:45 and 17:00. IP NOC
is checking into this.

   - Redumped ~30 hours of recorded data that could not be recovered on day
251 due to maneuver operations (1440z-1800z)
  - Dumped additional 24 hours of recorded data from overnight period
   -Executed OCR #17 to perform SEPICA commanding (21:05z)

Operations Day -- 252/1997 (9 Sept 97)


Operations Day -- 252/1997 (September 9, 1997)
Mission Day -- 16
Orbit Number -- 97252

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS              LOS
                  D24         14:20            20:00

Pass Summary:
   -Dumped SSR B
   -Placed redundant eps processor into trickle VT7
   -Set selectable telem byte on inactive side for HOTFILLDRN_VLV_T  to
address 2089
   -Set sellable telem byte on active side for SSMVF2t to address 1377
   -Executed OCR# 30 for ULEIS shutter calibration (Caused Autonomy BIN 28
to fire)
   -Executed OCR#31 for recovery and reconfiguration ULEIS instrument power on
   -Began execution of C_INACT_BIN_DUMP
   -Terminated activities  for inactive bin dump due to ULEIS anomaly (S-6)

Data Recovery Statistics
(indicates percent of data recorded on the S/C or collected in R/T for a
given day that has been recovered on the ground):
Day 97/237 - 99.9%
Day 97/238 - 100%
Day 97/239 - 99.8%
Day 97/240 - 100%
Day 97/241 - 100%
Day 97/242 - 99.994%
Day 97/243 - 100%
Day 97/244 - 100%
Day 97/245 - 100%
Day 97/246 - 99.994%
Day 97/247 - 99.98%
Day 97/248 - 100%
Day 97/249 - 100%
Day 97/250 - 99.97%

   -ULEIS instrument total current exceeded the 0.6A autonomy limit  (see
Anom Rep S-6)
  (ULEIS  instrument team acknowledges 0.6A autonomy limit is too low)

    -1523 Began playback of recorder B at
    -1630 sent command for setting selectable telemetry byte to inactive
      Temperature = 30.41 which is within limits
    -1640 set command for setting selectable telemetry byte to active side
    -1733 Playback of SSRB completed
    -1742 Began redump of missing packets from SSRB playback
    -1751 Completed redump of missing packets
    -1818 Began activities for inactive bin dump to SSRB
    -1800 began execution of OCR #30  (steps 1 and 2 completed)
    -1823 executed command from OCR #30 with autonomy bin 28 firing (see
anomaly report S-6)
    -1900 terminated activities for inactive bin dump to recorder B due to
ULEIS anomaly
    -1925 began execution of OCR #31 for ULEIS reconfig (steps 1 and 2
completed no HV ramp up)
    -1945 command sent for disabling Uleis survival heater

Operations Day -- 253/1997 (10 Sept 97)

Operations Day -- 253/1997 (September 10, 1997)
Mission Day -- 17
Orbit Number -- 97253

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                              D24             14:10       Command Mod down
at 19:10, pass unattended until 22:10

Pass Summary:
   -Con Scan (conical scan functions of the DSN 34-m station) tested during
   -SSR B placed in record, SSR A dump started
   -OCR 32 executed (ULEIS)
   -OCR 36 executed (ULEIS)
   -Changed selectable telemetry byte on C&DH A
   -OCR 35 executed (SEPICA)

Data Recovery Statistics
(indicates percent of data recorded on the S/C or collected in R/T for a
given day that has been recovered on the ground):
Day 97/237 - 99.9%
Day 97/238 - 100%
Day 97/239 - 99.8%
Day 97/240 - 100%
Day 97/241 - 100%
Day 97/242 - 99.994%
Day 97/243 - 100%
Day 97/244 - 100%
Day 97/245 - 100%
Day 97/246 - 99.994%
Day 97/247 - 99.98%
Day 97/248 - 100%
Day 97/249 - 100%
Day 97/250 - 99.97%
Day 97/251 - 99.96

   -Displays crashed on ac1xt2 when a display page was brought down -
Anomaly # G-34

   -Con Scan activated at D24 at 14:15. Con Scan brought down at 14:35 due
to AGC fluctuations between -118 and -131.
   -SSR B placed in record, SSR A dump started
   -OCR 32 execution began at 15:10. ULEIS_BINLD_NEW completed at 15:33.
ULEIS_HV_VAC_NEW sessions 1-8 completed 16:18. OCR 30 steps 3-7 reexecuted
at 16:44, as per request by OCR 32.
   -SSR A dump completed, no slices redumped
   -OCR 36 executed 17:29 (ULEIS activity)
   -/TLM_BYTE_SELECT ADDRESS=3179 command sent 17:30
   -OCR 35 executed 17:41 (SEPICA activity)

Operations Day -- 254/1997 (11 Sept 97)

Operations Day -- 254/1997 (September 11, 1997)
Mission Day -- 18
Orbit Number -- 97254

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                 LOS
                   D24        14:15:15            19:10:00

Pass Summary:
  -  Placed SSR A in record mode
  -  Played back SSR B
  -  Executed the following OCR's :   #37, #38,  #39,  #40, #33
  -  1516 TPOCC Packet Extractor crashed, system back up at 1522
  -  Performed redump of missed slices from SSR B
  -  Commanded S/C back to 7968 bit rate and into ADC format
  -  Issued commands to re-enable SWIMS OP HTR and disable SWIMS SURV HTR
  -  INACTIVE_BIN_DUMP not performed due to time constraints and Instrument ops

Data Recovery Statistics
(indicates percent of data recorded on the S/C or collected in R/T for a
given day that has been recovered on the ground):
Day 97/237 - 99.9%
Day 97/238 - 100%
Day 97/239 - 99.8%
Day 97/240 - 100%
Day 97/241 - 100%
Day 97/242 - 99.994%
Day 97/243 - 100%
Day 97/244 - 100%
Day 97/245 - 100%
Day 97/246 - 99.994%
Day 97/247 - 99.98%
Day 97/248 - 100%
Day 97/249 - 100%
Day 97/250 - 99.97%
Day 97/251 - 99.96

  - Late AOS (5min) covered by DR# G02738 and DR# G02739  (Bad 1 way
predicts) G35
  - Packet extractor crash during SSR B playback   G36
  - Display crash on AC1XT2   G37

  -  1452  Started playback of SSR B  (557 slices for 2 hrs and 42 mins)
  -  1516 - 1522  Killed mission and reinitialized after packet extractor crash
  -  1531  Executed OCR 38 for disabling SWIMS OP htr and enabling SWIMS
  -  1620  Executed OCR 37 for sending CRIS and SIS cmds.
  -  1634  Executed OCR 39 for Sepica Procedure  SEP_CMD.PRC
  -  1730  Redumped missing slices of SSR B
  -  1743  Reconfigured S/C to 7968 Bit Rate
  -  1803  Executed OCR 40 for ULEIS commanding
  -  1815  Executed OCR 33  ULEIS_HV_VAC_NEW_2 for HV ramp up step 9
  -  1840  Performed end of pass activities

Operations Day -- 255/1997 (12 Sept 97)
Operations Day -- 255/1997 (September 12, 1997)

Mission Day -- 19
Orbit Number -- 97255

Support Team: OE - J. Volosin  SA - G. Wofford  SC - D. Myers

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                              D24           14:13:45            19:10

Pass Summary:
   -SSR A dumped, SSR B placed in record
   -Executed OCR # 34 (ULEIS)
   -Executed OCR # 41 (CRIS)
   -Executed OCR # 42 (ULEIS)
   -Performed Inactive C&DH bin dump to idle SSR. Played back inactive bin

Data Recovery Statistics
(indicates percent of data recorded on the S/C or collected in R/T for a
given day that has been recovered on the ground):
Day 97/246 - 99.994%
Day 97/247 - 99.98%
Day 97/248 - 100%
Day 97/249 - 100%
Day 97/250 - 99.97%
Day 97/251 - 99.96
Day 97/252 - 99.95%
Day 97/253 - 99.94%
Day 97/254 - 99.94%

   -ULEIS shutter would not open when executing commands in OCR #34 at
15:16. ULEIS shutter opened after execution of OCR #42 at 16:30. See
Anomaly S-7.
   -/PLAYBACK_S1 SSRA command did not execute in the proc
C_INACT_SSR_TO_ACTIVE. Command worked fine when built from the GUI. See
Anomaly S-8.

   -SSR A dump started, SSR B placed in record mode at 14:46
   -OCR # 34 execution started at 15:16 - ULEIS shutter problem occurred
(See Anomaly report S-7)
   -OCR # 41 started (CRIS activity) at 15:25
   -OCR # 42 executed at 16:30 - ULEIS shutter problem resolved
   -SSR A dump finished and redumps complete at 17:22
   -Inactive C&DH set to record on SSR A at 17:23
   -OCR # 41 completed at 18:04 - CRIS activity
   -SSR A dump completed (Inactive C&DH bins) at 18:43 - SSR A playback
anomaly S-8

Operations Day -- 256/1997 (13 Sept 97)
Operations Day -- 256/1997 (September 13, 1997)

Mission Day -- 20
Orbit Number -- 97256

Support Team: AM Jeff Volosin (OE), George Wofford (SA), Dave Meyers (SC)
PM Mike Machado (OE), Ruth Gresser (SA), Brian Pickrell (SC)

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                              D24               14:15*               00:42
(* Site problems delayed AOS by~40min)
                              D16                14:22                19:15
                              D42                00:40
02:45* (* Pass extended ~30 min to complete ops)
Pass Summary:
Engineering maneuver and initial OSM segment performed along with an
attitude correction maneuver and a spin rate change maneuver.  Numerous
problems at D24 and D16 caused operational problems during the pass.

Data Recovery Statistics
(indicates percent of data recorded on the S/C or collected in R/T for a
given day that has been recovered on the ground):
Day 97/246 - 99.994%
Day 97/247 - 99.98%
Day 97/248 - 100%
Day 97/249 - 100%
Day 97/250 - 99.97%
Day 97/251 - 99.96
Day 97/252 - 99.95%
Day 97/253 - 99.94%
Day 97/254 - 99.94%
Day 97/255 - 99.96%

* DR#G02744 D24 AOS was delayed by ~30 minutes because of equipment
problems at the site.  FOT failed over to back-up (D16) site to begin
* DR#GH02745 D16 experienced equipment problems ~15 minutes prior to the
engineering maneuver start time.  FOT failed back to prime (D24) site to
perform maneuver.
* DR#G02750 data drop  during OSM possibly due to telemetry system reboot,
bad predicts causing pointing errors and resulting in bad AGC from S/C
* DR#G02751Reboot RCP and BVR at DSN station 24
* DR#G02752 data drop due to tuning at DSN station 24

14:15 Expected D24 AOS time - Equipment problems prevented site from
acquiring (DR G02744)
14:22 AOS at D16
14:32 FOT failed over to D16 to begin maneuver prearations
14:45 Moved operations to the -Z broadbeam antenna (434 bps tlm rate)
14:56 Turned on Radial catbeds for maneuvers
15:41 D16 telemetry dropped out due to equipment problems at the site (DR
15:50 FOT failed over to D24 to perform engineering maneuver
16:03 Engineering maneuver start-time (completed at 16:14)
16:25 FOT attempted to command to inactive C&DH via the  +Z broadbeam
(unsuccesful due to increased spacecraft range and weak AGC)
17:22 Attitude correction maneuver start-time (completed at 17:25)
18:04 Operations returned to the HGA
18:30 SSRB playback initiated (playback stopped by FOT at 19:56 to begin
manuever prep)
19:15 D16 LOS
20:10 Moved operations to the -Z broadbeam antenna (434 bps tlm rate)
20:14 Turned on Radial catbeds for maneuvers
20:28 DSN updates pointing predicts to prepare for OSM segment
21:30 OSM segment started
21:52 D24 telemetry dropout began
22:00 Thruster abort issued in bypass mode without telemetry
22:15 D24 telemetry back on-line
23:01 Operations returned to the HGA
23:15 Spin down maneuver
23:19 D24 telemetry dropout began
23:49 D24 telemetry back on-line
00:27 Handover to Canberra
02:19 completed SSR B playback started in the AM

Operations Day -- 257/1997 (14 Sept 97)
Operations Day -- 257/1997 (September 14, 1997)

Mission Day -- 21
Orbit Number -- 97257

Support Team: AM J. Volosin(OE), G. Wofford(SA) D. Myers(SC)   PM M.
Machado(OE), R. Gresser(SA), B. Pickrell(SC)

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                              D24          14:25:31*            00:20:00
(*site problems delayed AOS by 5min
                              D42          00:54:00*            02:20:00
(*site problems with Low Rate acquisition and patched in external lines to
TGC channel
Pass Summary:
 OSM segment 2 and segment 3 performed with 2 spin rate change maneuvers
and attitude maneuvers.  Numerous problems with data acquisition and
increases in the time spent maneuvering did not allow the FOT adequate time
for an SSR dump.

Data Recovery Statistics
(indicates percent of data recorded on the S/C or collected in R/T for a
given day that has been recovered on the ground):
Day 97/246 - 99.994%
Day 97/247 - 99.98%
Day 97/248 - 100%
Day 97/249 - 100%
Day 97/250 - 99.97%
Day 97/251 - 99.96
Day 97/252 - 99.95%
Day 97/253 - 99.94%
Day 97/254 - 99.94%
Day 97/255 - 99.96%

* DR#G02753 D24 AOS was delayed by ~5 minutes
* DR#A01734 D42 AOS delayed by ~45 minutes
* DR#G02757 Ranging data drop out - needed ranging re-enabled
* DR#G02759 Data drop

14:20 Expected AOS delayed by station problems DR G02753
14:25 AOS at station D24
14:47 turned on Radial Catbed heaters in preparation of maneuvers
15:55 Attitude maneuver start
15:59 Attitude maneuver stop
16:30 first segment start
17:21 First segment stop
17:33 Second segment start
18:02 Second segmetn stop
18:14 DSN switch to T1 channel 1
18:50 Attitude maneuver start
18:53 Attitude maneuver stop
19:09  Spin-down start
19:10  Spin-down stop
19:38  OSM segment 3 part 1 start
20:29  OSM segment 3 part 1 stop
20:39 Ranging enable problem DR G02757
20:41 OSM segment 3 part 2 start
21:32 OSM segment 3 part 2 stop
21:46 OSM segment 3 part 3 start
21:52 D24 said using newest predicts
22:00 Catbeds turned off
22:05 OSM segment 3 part 3 stop
22:07 Catgeds turned on
22:31 sent transponder heater disabled command - CDHB RF timed out first
time to +Z
22:15 MAR workstation 1 crashed
22:33 Reboot of Mission
22:51 to 22:55 data dropout DR G02759
23:14  Spin-down start
23:16  Spin-down stop
23:55 Expected AOS at Canberra
00:05 Handover from D24 to D42 (D42 unable to acquire 2-way DR A01734)
00:45 AOS at Canberra
1:23 Attitude maneuver start
1:28 Attitude maneuver stop
2:08 Sent trandsponder heater disable command - incorrect configuration
caught in g_end_day proc
2:20 EOT at Canberra

Operations Day -- 258/1997 (15 Sept 97)
Operations Day -- 258/1997 (September 15, 1997)

Mission Day -- 22
Orbit Number -- 97258

Support Team: AM J. Volosin(OE), J. Maldonado(SA) K. Hibbard(SC)   PM M.
Machado(OE), G. Wofford/R. Gresser(SA), B. Pickrell(SC)

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                              D24              14:17:00*         00:17:00
(*site problems delayed AOS by 7min
                              D42              00:05:00            02:10:00
Pass Summary:
 OSM 3 segment 1 and segment 2 performed with spin rate change maneuver and
attitude maneuver. SSR A dump to slice 506 set SSR A in record and SSR B in
Idle in preparation for possible dump on day 259

* DR# G02760 delayed AOS by 7 minutes
* DR# G02761 ranging enable problems with station D24

14:10 Expected AOS at D24
14:17 Actual AOS at D24 DR#G02760
14:31 Sent telltale clear command to clear bin fired flay due to SSRA going
to Idle
14:48 Completed turn on of Radial Catbed heaters
16:30 First segment of OSM 3 started
17:21 First segment of OSM 3 ended
18:25 Segment 2 of  OSM 3 ended  -  segment 3 NOT run since sun angle is
less than 4 degrees
18:35 reset RF timer, put CDH B back to +Z
19:05 rebooted MOR software
19:49 Attitude maneuver started
19:58 Attitude maneuver ended
20:22 Spin-down maneuver started
20:23 Spin-down maneuver ended
22:24 Attitude maneuver started
22:28 Attitude maneuver ended
23:25 VC2 received in MOC
23:54 data drop of VC1 because of 2 high rate data streams in MOC at same time
00:16 data drop of VC1 beacuse of 2 high rate data streams in MOC at same time
00:17 LOS at D24
1:45 sent abort bit command to SSR A and started recording on SSR A
1:48 sent abort  bit command to SSR B  and ran s_ops_plbk_complete
2:10 LOS at D42

Operations Day -- 259/1997 (16 Sept 97)
Operations Day -- 259/1997 (September 16, 1997)

Mission Day -- 23
Orbit Number -- 97259

Support Team:
          Jackie Maldonado (SA)          Ken Hibbard (SC)
Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                              D24               1330                 1850
Pass Summary:
Dumped section of both SSRA and SSRB in an effort to retrieve as much data
as possible from OSM time period.


     *  Telemetry received in MOC at 1330, but Carrier could and was not
brought up until  1351.
     *  Commanded S/C to Science @ 1403.
     *  Began Dumping SSR B, Segment 1.
     *  Started Daily SSR Operations:
                - Record SSR B, Segment 0           - Dumped SSR A, Segment 0
     *  Dumped all Block, Time Tag, and Autonomy Bins from Active C&DH.
     *  Changed to ADC @ 1752, at FDF's request.
     *  Performed End of Day Activities
     *  LOS @ 1850

Operations Day -- 260/1997 (17 Sept 97)
Operations Day -- 260/1997 (September 17, 1997)

Mission Day -- 24
Orbit Number -- 97260

Support Team:
     Jackie Maldonado (SA)          Ken Hibbard (SC)
Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                              D24               1346                 1850

Pass Summary: Nominal pass with dump of inactive C&DH bins

     *  Initial Activities
     *  Commanded S/C to Science
     *  Daily SSR Operations
               -  Record Segment 0 SSR A     - Playback Segment 0 SSR B
     *  Inactive C&DH Bin Dump Sequence on to SSR B
               Note:  Playback Segment 1 command had to be sent twice.
     *  Set Selectable Telemetry Byte on the Inactive C&DH = 2089
     *  Commanded S/C to 6944 ADC
     *  End of Day Activities

Operations Day -- 261/1997 (18 Sept 97)
Operations Day -- 261/1997 (September 18, 1997)

Mission Day -- 25
Orbit Number -- 97261

Support Team:
     Jackie Maldonado (SA)          Ken Hibbard (SC)
Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                              D24               1326                 1631

Pass Summary:  Pas  was shortened due to Lewis spacecraft emergency.  SSR
dump was not completed due to reduced pass time.


     *  Note:  Pass was shortene due to Lewis S/C Emergency
     *  AOS @ 1326, but Carrier could not be brought up until 1350.  This
is due to the views not incorporate 10.3 degree masking
     *  1353z  Commanded S/C to Science
     *  Performed Daily SSR Operations
          -  1354z  Record Segment 0 SSR B
         -  1357z  Playback Segment 0 SSR A
     *  1622z  Commanded S/C to ADC
     *  1620z  Sent Abort  Bit command to SSR A to terminate Playback @
Slice 555 of 569
     *  Asked 24 to keep Carrier up until 1635 and give us 5 minutes of
their PostCal time.  They said okay, but we did not end up needing it and
released them at 1631z

Operations Day -- 262/1997 (19 Sept 97)
Operations Day -- 262/1997 (September 19, 1997)

Mission Day -- 26
Orbit Number -- 97262

Support Team:
Jeff Volosin (OE)     Jackie Maldonado (SA)     Ken Hibbard (SC)
Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                              D16                1404                  2135

                              D46                2130                  2145
(pass continued unattended until 2340)

Pass Summary:   Performed pre-OSM attitude correction maneuver, 800 pulse
OSM Segment (split into four 200 pulse sections), a post-OSM spin down
maneuver, and a post-OSM attitude correction maneuver.  SSR data was not
played back during this pass.

Data Recovery Statistics
(indicates percent of data recorded on the S/C or collected in R/T for a
given day that has been recovered on the ground):
Day 97/237 - 99.9%
Day 97/238 - 100%
Day 97/239 - 99.8%
Day 97/240 - 100%
Day 97/241 - 100%
Day 97/242 - 99.994%
Day 97/243 - 100%
Day 97/244 - 100%
Day 97/245 - 100%
Day 97/246 - 99.994%
Day 97/247 - 99.98%
Day 97/248 - 100%
Day 97/249 - 100%
Day 97/250 - 99.97%
Day 97/251 - 99.96
Day 97/252 - 99.95
Day 97/253 - 99.94
Day 97/254 - 99.94
Day 97/255 - 99.96
Day 97/256 - 90.65
Day 97/257 - 65.53
Day 97/258 - 45.86
Day 97/259 - 99.95
Day 97/260 - 99.90

     *  None

     *  1410z Initial Activities
     *  1429z  Radial Catbeds turned on
     *  1417z  Reconfigured C&DH A RF -> -Z and &DH B RF -> +Z deck.
     *  Attitude Reor begun at 155140, ended at 155356.
     *  OSM Segment 6, Piece 1 begun at 162957, ended at 171012.
     *  OSM Segment 6, Piece 2 begun at 172508, ended at 180348
     *  ACE NOPE called to say that DSN AGC was oscillating between -127
and -137 (anything less than -135 and autotrack loses lock).  Decision was
made to switch to predict based tracking.
     *  OSM Segment 6, Piece 3 begun at 181844, ended at 185620.
     *  OSM Segment 6, Piece 4 begun at 191132, ended at 194804.
     *  Brought C&DH B down to the -Z deck and then sent it back up to the
+Z deck.  Otherwise, C&DH B would have come down to -Z at 2026 (RF watchdog
     *  Spindown Burn begun at 202036, ended at 202108.
     *  Attitude Reor begun at 204732, ended at 210300.
     *  2027z  Diabled Xpndr heater which was enabled the 1st time C&DH B
RF Watchdog timer timed out
     *  Received numerous "CLCW not extracted " messages.  Hundreds of
limits went out and then came back in from 204956-205028 (S/C time)
     *  2057z  Radial Catbeds turned off
     *  2110z  Reconfigured C&DH A RF -> HGA, C&DH B RF -> -Z.
     *  2122z  Commanded S/C to 6944 ADC
     *  2130z  Handover from D16 to D46
     *  2133  Verified uplink through D46
     *  2140z  End of day activities performed
     *  Notified D46 that remainder of pass wold be Unattended.  Confirmed
with D46 times to:
               Terminate Telemetry @  214500
               Cmd Mod Off             @  214500
               Rng Mod Off              @  233900
               Xmtr Off                     @ 234000
               EOT                            @  234000.

Operations Day -- 263/1997 (20 Sept 97)
Operations Day -- 263/1997 (September 20, 1997)

Mission Day -- 27
Orbit Number -- 97263

Support Team:
Jackie Maldonado (SA)     George Wofford (SC)
Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                              D24             135216            1825

Pass Summary:  Nominal pass.  Attempted to recover SSR data from day 262
and 261 since this earlier data could not be recovered during maneuver
operations.  Playback was seriously affected by T1 problems and not all
data could be recovered.

     *  G49 - Numerous telemetry dropouts resulting from T1 problems
resulting in ~24 minutes of lost telemetry
     *  G50 - DR#G02777 - Telemetry dropout from 172653 - 175010.  D24
claimed " entered tune out 1 hour prior to EOT, snapped uplink frequency
causing them to drop lock."  Swept over a broader range and were able to
lock on telemetry.

     *  1427z  Initial Activities.
     *  SSR Contigency Bin had kicked off, putting SSR A to record Segment
1 in back orbit.
     *  1434z  Dumped Segment 1 of SSR A.
     *  Performed Daily SSR Operations:
          - 1513z  SSR A Record Segment 0
         -  1517z  SSR B Playback Segment 0
     *  1510z  Set Selectable Telemetry Byte for the Inactive C&DH = 2089
     *  1523z  Ran C_aut_1_2_snap to confirm bin fired = SSR Safing Bin.
Sent Telltale Clear to C&DH A to clear Bin fired flag.
     *  1810z  Commanded  S/C to ADC.
     *  1808z  Sent Abort Bit to SSR B, stopped playback at Slice 670 of 1023.
     *  1811z  Changed bitrate to 7968

Operations Day -- 264/1997 (21 Sept 97)
Operations Day -- 264/1997 (September 21, 1997)

Mission Day -- 28
Orbit Number -- 97264

Support Team:
               Jackie Maldonado (SA)          George Wofford (SC)
Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                                   D24       141619              182530

Pass Summary:  Nominal pass.  Attempted to recover as much data as possible
from day 263 and 262 to minimize data loss due to OSM activities.

     * S-9 - Cmd rejected due to cmd missing submnemonic in procedure
(downlink format command had format selected as '0')

     *  1427z  Initial activities performed
     *  1428z  Commanded S/C to 6944 Science
     *  1438z  Dumped Slices from Idle SSR (SSR B) prior to commencing the
day's Nominal SSR Activities.
     *  Nominal SSR Activities:
               -   1634z  Record SSR B, Segment 0
               -  1635z  Playback SSR A, Segment 0
     *  1705z  Commanded S/C to ADC per FDF's request.
     *  1810z  Abort Bit Command sent to SSR A at slice 364 of 605.
     *  1812z  Commaned S/C to 6944 ADC

Operations Day -- 265/1997 (22 Sept 97)

Operations Day -- 265/1997 (September 22, 1997)
Mission Day -- 29
Orbit Number -- 97265

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                  D24          13:51:00           18:15:00

Pass Summary:  Good pass with a redump done from Day 264 and all data
dumped from SSR B.  The problem with the EEPROM dump was solved by
correcting the GRI so a successful compare with 0 miscompares resulted.
The pass was extended by 15 minutes to 18:15.
Packet Extractor crash - reboot of mission and redump of ~6 minutes that
was lost from the crash.

13:51:00  AOS station D24
14:00:00  Expected AOS
14:03:58 Range initiation
14:11:45  Redump SSR A from Day 26 4 started
14:58:00 Packet Extractor crash and reboot
15:32:00 Completed redump SSR A from Day 264
15:39:02 Started dump from SSR B
16:11:47 Compare of CDH A EEPROM and GRI with 0 miscompares
17:59:00 Dump completed for SSR B
18:03:00 Changed to medium rate
18:05:00 DSN switched from T1 to T2 channel because of locked interface -
no loss of telemetry
18:15:00 LOS

Operations Day -- 266/1997 (23 Sept 97)
Operations Day -- 266/1997 (September 23, 1997)

Mission Day -- 30
Orbit Number -- 97266

Support Team: OE - J. Volosin, C. Cazeau  SA - R. Gresser  SC - B. Pickrell

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                                 D16            14:05:00           22:22:00

Pass Summary:  Excellent pass with only two 1 minute unexplained data
drops;  orbit maneuvers kept the spacecraft within the 22 degree sun
restraint; attitude maneuvers and spindown maneuver were successful.  Pass
ended early at D16 - D42 pass unattended.

data drop between 19:15:00 - 19:16:00
data drop between 19:32:00 - 19:33:00  with this drop D16 saw 18 seconds of
lost data

14:05:00 - AOS at D16
14:15:00 - Expected AOS at D16
14:15:55 - Ranging initiated
14:32:00 - Radial Catbeds ON
15:10:00 - Radial Catbeds ON
15:45:07 - OSM 5 part 1  started
15:48:03 - OSM 5 part 1 completed
16:09:55 - OSM 5 part 2 started
16:59:31 - OSM 5 part 2 completed
17:14:27 - OSM 5 part 3 started
17:41:00 - CDH B RF watchdog first time out
18:03:15 - OSM 5 part 3 completed
18:08:00 - Radial Catbeds ON
19:15:00 - Data drop
19:16:00 - Data resumed
19:20:03 - OSM 5 part 4 started
19:32:00 - Data drop
19:33:00 - Data resumed
20:06:27 - OSM 5 part 4 completed
20:14:00 - Radial Catbeds ON
20:15:00 Reconfigured CDH B RF to -Z broadbeam in prep of maneuvers
20:25:00 - Reconfigured CDH B RF to +Z broadbeam in prep of maneuvers
20:34:00 - Sent command to disable transponder heater enabled by RF timeout
20:53:07 - Spindown maneuver started
20:53:39 - Spindown completed
21:21:55 - Attitude maneuver started
21:25:55 - Attitude maneuver completed
21:30:27 - Radial Catbeds OFF
22:22:00 - LOS D16
22:43:00 - Unattended pass with D42 confirmed

Operations Day -- 267/1997 (24 Sept 97)

Operations Day -- 267/1997 (September 24, 1997)
Mission Day -- 31
Orbit Number -- 97267

Support Team: OE - J.Volosin, C. Cazeau  SA - R. Gresser  SC - B. Pickrell

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                  D24         13:32:00         21:45:00
                  D42   Changed to unattended pass

Pass Summary:   Completed OSM6 , two attitude maneuvers and axial maneuver
which was aborted by a faulty timetag bin used for maneuver safing. This
abort caused the spin rate to be correct so no re-maneuvering and no
spindown were required.
Also SSR A went into Idle and autbin #41 fired as safing which caused SSR B
to record using Segment 1.  Roll over of TOT_CMD_CT.

* incorrect calculation of axial burn time for time tag bin during maneuvers
* monitor block data received from 2 stations

13:32:00 - AOS at D24
13:50:00 - Expected AOS at D24
13:53:00 - Range Mod ON
13:54:00 - Verified Autbin #41 fired for SSR safing
13:58:00 - Sent TELLTALE_CLEAR to clear Aut bin Fired
14:15:00 - Radial Catbeds ON
15:20:19 - Attitude maneuver start
15:23:31 - Attitude maneuver completed
15:30:00 - Radial Catbeds ON
15:44:51 - OSM6 part 1 started
16:34:27 - OSM 6 part 1 completed
16:49:23 - OSM6 part 2 started
17:21:55 - CDH B RF Watchdog first time out
17:37:55 - OSM6 part 2 completed
Roll over of TOT_CMD_CT from max at 65,535 to 658
17:52:35 - OSM6 part 3 started
18:40:19 - OSM 6 part 3 completed
18:45:00 - Radial and Axial Catbeds ON
18:49:00 - Inactive CDH RF to -Z
19:02:00 - Inactive CDH RF to +Z
19:20:03 - Attitude maneuver #2 started
19:24:19 - Attitude maneuver #2 completed
19:57:00 - Sent command to disable transponder heater
20:15:15 - Axial maneuver started
20:28:51 - Fire Aborted by faulty time tag bin
20:54:00 - Axial catbeds OFF
20:56:00 - Radial catbeds OFF
21:13:00 - Fluctuating DSN receiver in and out of lock, called Ops Chief to
correct 2 stations - both 24 and 42 - sending monitor block data to MOC
21:30:00 - confirmed unattended pass with D42
21:45:00 - LOS D24

Operations Day -- 268/1997 (25 Sept 97)

Operations Day -- 268/1997 (, 1997)
Mission Day -- 32
Orbit Number -- 97268

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                LOS
                  D24          13:42:00           18:20:00

Pass Summary: SSRB segment 1 dump completed. SSRA dump not completed before
abort bit was sent. ULEIS HV level 4-9 completed. SEPICA ops anomalous from
possible S3DPU reset.  RTSW downlink caused invalid redundant shunt
selected limit flag.

* During SEPICA HV operations, S3DPU appeared to put SWICS, SWIMS, and
SEPICA in standby - will be investigated by M. Popecki.  A similar incident
occurred during thermal vac.
 * c_adc procedure put downlink in high data rate for some reason.  Should
have gone into medium rate only

13:42:00 - AOS D24
14:15:00 - Expected AOS at D24
14:18:00 - Range mod ON
14:21:00 - Put SSRB in playback segment 1
14:55:00 - ULEIS HV levels 4 - 9
15:35:00 - SEPICA 30K operations
15:45:00 - SEPICA command operations
15:57:00 - Possible S3DPU reset
16:30:00 - Dump complete
16:30:00 - Put SSRB in record
16:30:00 - Put SSRA in playback
16:39:00 - sent SEPICA power off command
16:41:00 - ran procedure to power down SEPICA operations
16:55:00 - ran procedure to power on SEPICA and initialize operations
17:43:00 - sent abort bit to terminate SSRA playback
17:57:00 - Acquired RTSW downlink with faulty EPS redundant shunt select
18:16:00 - returned to ADC downlink at faulty high rate of data had trouble
acquiring, of course, until acquisition at high data rate.  Confirmed
faulty EPS redundant shunt selected parameter
18:17:00 - Returned to RTSW downlink
18:20:00 - LOS at D24

Operations Day -- 269/1997 (26 Sept 97)

Operations Day -- 269/1997 (September 26, 1997)
Mission Day -- 33
Orbit Number -- 97269

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                  D24          13:30:33          18:00:00

Pass Summary: First pass that acquired on RTSW. Problem with DSN channel
when acquiring on high rate data. Instrument ops with ULEIS, SWIMS, SWICS
and SEPICA.  Dump on SSRA to slice 960.

DR# G02797 for problem with channel 1, switched to channel 2. Caused
delayed in acquisition of high data rate at beginning of pass.

13:30:33 - AOS at D24 at low data rate format - RTSW
14:00:00 - Expected AOS at D24
14:03:00 - Range mod ON
14:03:58 - Downlink command didn't reach s/c, resent after a /RESYNC, high
data rate acquired at DSN but then problem occurred with channels.
14:20:00 - Acquired high data rate after DSN switched to channel 2
14:25:00 - FDF requested doppler rate change - DSN reported  SOE incorrect
for doppler rate requested
14:38:00 - Started redump of SSR A begun on day 286 (slices 246 - 960)
15:05:00 - SWIMS operations begun OCR #45
15:49:00 - SWIMS operations completed
15:49:00 - SWICS operations begun OCR#46
16:05:00 -  SWICS operations completed
16:18:00 - SEPICA operations begun OCR#47
17:19:00 - SEPICA operations OCR#47 completed
17:19:00 - SEPICA operations OCR#49 begun
17:34:00 - SEPICA operations OCR#49 completed through #2
17:42:00 - ABORT BIT sent to SSR A - closed VC4 history files
17:51:00 - reconfigured SSR safing bins
17:57:30 - Acquired RTSW
18:00:00 - LOS D24

Operations Day -- 270/1997 (27 Sept 97)

Operations Day -- 270/1997 (September 27, 1997)
Mission Day -- 34
Orbit Number -- 97270

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                  D16          14:07:00          18:15:00

Pass Summary:  Good pass with NO problems from DSN.  Both recorders were in
idle with "Bin Fired" flag - Bin #42 SSR safing bin checked, next time get
time of bin fire.  Started SSR A recording, SSR B playback.  SWIMS, SWICS,
SEPICA, SIS, CRIS ops done.

MOCR's written for  1.  G_INITIAL_CONTACT  - need /RESYNC at beginning and
a cmd was dropped.
                                       2. SEP_30KOP - line 149 has an
apostrophe in the same line as /SEND and TPOCC flags an error
                                      3. C_RTSW - line 182 checks for a
mnemonic not found in RTSW format

Pre pass activities were not completed-oracle password unknown so backup
DPS not completed
14:07:00 - AOS D16
14:15:00 - Expected AOS at D16
14:19:00 - VC2 arrived at MOC
14:25:00 - Changed to Autonomy 1 format to check for Bin Fired.   Bin #42 -
SSR safing bin fired
14:28:00 - Sent Telltale Clear - next time find out time that the bin fired
- miscalculated SSR record time
14:40:00 - Put SSR A in record
14:43:00 - Put SSR B in playback
14:47:00 - FDF requested ADC format
14:50:00 - Returned to Science format
14:51:00 - SWIMS operations - HV session 2
15:01:00 - SWICS operations - HV session 2
15:38:00 - SEPICA operations OCR#50, #49
16:39:00 - SWIMS operations  - HV adjustment
16:48:00 - SEPICA 30K operations and command #3, 5, 9
17:02:00 - SIS and CRIS operations using OCR#43
17:25:00 - SIS and CRIS operations completed
17:50:00 - Abort bit sent to SSR B - stopped at slice 725
18:15:00 - LOS D16

Operations Day -- 271/1997 (28 Sept 97)

Operations Day -- 271/1997 (September 28, 1997)
Mission Day -- 35
Orbit Number -- 97271

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                  D24          13:56:00          18:20:00

Pass Summary: Good pass with no data drops.  DSN was sending monitor blocks
from two stations corrected by Ops chief who said to call Track Control if
this occurs again.  SSRA dump complete with SSRB recording. Miscompares due
to GRI not updating- IDR'd.

1.  Sent command to SSRA to read segment 0 slices between 960 - 1023 to
complete dump for day 271.  Command rejected by SSRA with LAST_COM_INV_A
flag set to 1. We resent command - rejected- then sent Abort Bit to reset
the flag to 0.  Before this playback
ended at slice 579.  Possibility that slice playback numbers were greater
than what could be played back at that time?

13:56:00 - AOS at D24
14:05:00 - Expected AOS at D24
14:08:00 - Range Mod ON
14:10:00 - Downlink command went out for high rate data
14:12:00 - High rate data arrived at MOC - 2 minute acquisition
14:20:00 - Tried to playback SSRB for redump - REC_PLAY_SEL = SSRA
therefore SSRB was playing back but CDHA did not see this.  For non-nominal
ops of SSR's  - check this parameter. It is set in G_INITAL_CONTACT to SSRA.
14:58:00 - SSRB placed in record mode
15:01:00 - SSRA placed in playback mode
15:09:00 - SWIMS operations begun
15:20:00 - SWICS OCR #51 operations begun
15:39:00 - DSN sending monitor blocks from 2 stations - reset - call Track
Control next occurrence
17:32:00 - SSRA redump - command rejected by SSRA
17:45:00 - SSRA redump terminated
18:09:40 - Downlink command sent for RTSW
18:13:54 - RTSW data arrived in MOC - 4 mins 14 secs acquisition time

Operations Day -- 272/1997 (29 Sept 97)

Operations Day -- 272/1997 (September 29, 1997)
Mission Day -- 36
Orbit Number -- 97272

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                  D24        13:45                 17:50

Pass Summary: Station DSS24 - good pass with no problems, no telemetry data
SSR B dumped, SSR A placed in record

   -SEPICA fan 3 pressure steadily, slightly increasing - Internal anomaly S-10

14:10 - SSR A placed in record
14:17 - SSR B dump started - 555 slices to be played back, 2.33 hr.
14:26 - SWIMS activities - High voltage ramp up sessions 4 and 5
14:35 - SWICS activities - High voltage ramp up session 2
14:40 - SWICS stepping table loaded - test table 2
14:54 - SEPICA activities - High voltage ramp up # 7
14:57 - SEPICA activities - commands sent to change data processing mode,
commands 29, 30, 31
16:11 - Set inactive selectable telemetry byte to 2089 - Hot fill drain valve
16:45 - Completed SSR B dump
17:02 - Issued SEPICA commands for urgent situation covered by anomaly S-10
17:45 - Spacecraft back in RTSW

Operations Day -- 273/1997 (30 Sept 97)

Operations Day -- 273/1997 (September 30, 1997)
Mission Day -- 37
Orbit Number -- 97273

Pass Highlights:  Station      AOS                   LOS
                 D66      13:32:59           16:50:00

Pass Summary:
Support with STA 66 was switched to STA 24 due to 66 being red.  Support
with D24 was good with no data drops.  SSR A playback was complete and SSR
B was placed into Record at 13:46:00.   Aut Bin miscompares (bin 30)  GRI
needs updating.

Anomaly # G-52  no support from station 66
Anomaly # G-51 TPOCC packet extractor crash during SSR A re-dump

13:32:59  AOS with D24
13:42:00  MOC started receiving VC2
13:45:00  Spacecraft commanded to SCIENCE format
13:46:00  SSR B placed in record mode
13:49:00  SSR A playback started
14:40:00  Executed OCR # 54  for  SEPICA with created procedure SEP_OCR54
14:54:00  Ran procedure for SEPICA high Voltage step 8 of procedure SEP_30KOP
15:39:00   Executed OCR # 44 for SEPICA
16:29:00  Completed redump of SSR A  (did not redump all missing slices due
to time and TPOCC crash
16:40:00  Spacecraft commanded to ADC format
16:43:00  Spacecraft commanded to RTSW.
16:50:00 LOS with D24