ACE Weekly Report: 03/22/2000

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally. A successful 
attitude maneuver was performed on 03/17/00. The next attitude 
maneuvers are scheduled for 03/24/00 and 03/31/00.
On 03/16/00, executed OCR SEP-072 (Rerun from 2/24/00) ; Instrument 
team changed Fan 3 SSD lo gain to hi to improve measurements of 
energetic He+.  Instrument team will leave this configuration for 
approx 1-2 weeks for observation.

On 03/22/00, another 26 meter automation test was conducted with ACE. 
This is the first of these tests in which good telemetry seems to 
have made it to the MOC. DSN station 16 verified commands at the 
station after CRC checking was disabled. No 5-16 monitor blocks were 
received and we were not able to uplink to the s/c. The DSN RF 
engineer will have to take a look at the new 2kW transmitter.

Michael J. Machado
Technical Lead, Real-time Spacecraft Operations Supervisor
Advanced Composition Explorer Flight Operations Team (ACE FOT)
Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc. (HTSI)
Phone:          +1 301 286-7071
Fax:            +1 301 286-0218

Business Address:
Goddard Space Flight Center
Mailstop 428.2
Greenbelt, MD 20771