>ACE Weekly Report:  03-29-00
>All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally. An attitude
>maneuver was successfully executed on 03-24-00.  The next attitude
>maneuver is scheduled for 03-31-00.
>On 03-23-00 AOS was delayed ~35 minutes due to problems with Station 
>16's exciter.  It was determined that as a result Station 16 would 
>not be able to support coherent ACE operations.  ACE operations were 
>transferred and successfully completed on Station 27 (DR# G05848).
>On 03-25-00 ACE sustained a brief IP hit with their connection to JPL
>(DR# G68929).  There was no impact to ACE operations.
>Weekly SWEPAM calibrations were performed on 03-27-00.
>On 03-28-00 AOS was delayed ~20 minutes due to antenna controller 
>problems (DR# G05859).

Jacqueline Maldonado Snell
Honeywell Technology Solutions Incorporated (HTSI)
Goddard Space Flight Center
Bldg. 3 Rm N135C, Code 428.2
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Phone: (301) 286-7072
Fax:   (301) 286-0218
E-mail:   Jacqueline.Snell.1@gsfc.nasa.gov