ACE Weekly Report:  05-24-00

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally. An Attitude 
maneuver was successfully executed on 05-22-00.  The next attitude 
maneuvers are scheduled for 05-26-00 and 06-02-00.

On 05-23-00 MOC sustained ~8 minute telemetry loss due to problems at 
Station 66.  FOT performed SSR redumps;  all SSR data successfully 
captured  (DR# L04340).

On 05-23-00 ACE performed 26m automation test support with Station 16 
(off-shift).  FOT objectives were to verify on-time AOS as well as 
the receipt of valid tracking data.  FOT verified receipt of good 
telemetry and Monitor data at scheduled BOT.  No ranging was 
performed;  Station 16 was not aware of the need for Ranging during 
the ACE support.  This function has yet to be successfully tested. 
In addition the automated transmitter was Red for the entire support; 
the legacy system transmitter was used for command uplink.  All 
downlink used automated system.