ACE Weekly Report:  07-26-00

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally. An Attitude 
maneuver was successfully executed on 07-18-00.  The next attitude 
maneuver is scheduled for 07-28-00.

On 07-20-00 ACE suffered a power hit to the Prime Real-time String of 
equipment during a support.  The FOT relocated to the backup string 
of equipment in the MAR.  The FOT was commanding when the loss of 
power occurred.  The FOT completed all activities before the 
scheduled EOT.  All science data lost during ~10 minute failover was 
recovered from the SSR (AR G00-0034).  FOT later informed that 
corrective maintenance on building 3 Uninterrupted Power Supply 
(UPS)-20 was responsible for the anomaly;  "A tripped circuit breaker 
while in by-pass mode resulted in a power loss".

On 07-22-00 ACE suffered ~5 minute telemetry dropout due to problems 
with JPL's Big Pipe.  The problem was resolved real-time and all 
activities were completed during the support (G00-0035).