ACE Weekly Report:  08-09-00

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally. An Attitude 
maneuver was successfully executed on 08-09-00.  The next attitude 
maneuver is scheduled for 08-17-00.  ACE's next Z axis control burns 
are scheduled for August 17th and 18th.  The last Z axis control 
burns were performed in February 2000.

On 08-02-00 ACE experienced an ~10 minute telemetry dropout.  TGC 
telemetry channels were switched and telemetry was once again 
received.  All SSR data lost during dropout was successfully 
recovered during the remainder of the support (DR# L04594).

On 08-04-00 ACE experienced ~26 second telemetry drop caused by a 
"bump" of the ABR routers at GSFC performed by the IP NOCC.  The FOT 
was advised in advance;  the impact on the support was minimal.  The 
affected SSR data was successfully recovered (AR# G00-0038).