ACE Weekly Report:  08-16-00

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally. An Attitude 
maneuver was successfully executed on 08-09-00.  The next attitude 
maneuver is scheduled for 08-17-00.  ACE's next Z axis control burns 
are scheduled for August 17th and 18th.  The last Z axis control 
burns were performed in February 2000.

On 08-10-00 the Sequential Ranging Equipment (SRE) at D66 was 'red' 
for ~2 hours and 28 minutes during the support.  No ranging data 
available during this time.  There was no additional impact to ACE 
activities (DR# L04619).

On 08-13-00 ACE experienced ~16 minute loss of telemetry due to 
problems with telemetry Channel 1.  Station 54 switched to telemetry 
Channel 2, which corrected the problem.  No further problems were 
experienced for the remainder of the support.  All SSR data was 
successfully recovered (DR# L04626).

On 08-14-00 telemetry ceased flowing to the MOC due to scheduled 
fanout maintenance at GSFC.  IP NOCC reset the fanout processes and 
re-established telemetry after ~8 minutes.  All SSR data was 
successfully captured during the support (AR# G00-0041).

On 8-16-00 SWICS, SWIMS, SWEPAM-E and SWEPAM-I High Voltage Power 
Supplies were ramped down in preparation for the upcoming Z Axis 
Control Burns.  They are scheduled to begin ramp up activities on 
Friday, 08-18-00.