ACE Weekly Report:  08-23-00

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.  An Attitude 
maneuver as well as two Z Axis Control maneuvers were successfully 
executed on 08-17-00.  The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for 
08-29-00.  A StationKeeping Maneuver will also be performed.

In preparation for the upcoming Z axis control burns on 08-17-00, 
several instruments ramped down their high voltage power supplies. 
SWICS, SWIMS, SWEPAM-E, and   SWEPAM-I were ramped down on 08-16-00.

On 08-17-00 the S/C was reconfigured from the HGA to the -Z Broadbeam 
antenna.  Three maneuvers were performed during the 10 hour support: 
1 Attitude Reorientation and 2 Lissajous Z Axis Control burns.  The 
S/C was reconfigured to the HGA after all maneuver activities had 
successfully completed.  The nominal SSR daily dump was not completed 
due to insufficient time on the HGA.

On 08-18-00 the ~8.5 hour support allowed SSR activities to return to 
their nominal configuration while sustaining no data loss;  106 
slices of SSR A and 585 slices of SSR B played back.  6 minute 
Attitude Maneuver successfully completed.  The StationKeeping 
Maneuver scheduled for today was postponed until August 29th.  This 
will allow for additional tracking data and analysis.
SWEPAM-E and SWEPAM-I completed their high voltage ramp up activities 
and have returned to their normal operating modes.  SWICS and SWIMS 
began their ramp up activities and completed their activities over 
the weekend.
During the support ACE sustained ~13 minute data loss due to problems 
with the INIF Fanout.  SSR data lost during this period was redumped 
prior to the scheduled EOT (G00-0042).  Instrument ramp ups were 
delayed ~110 minutes due to problems with INIF.  When the fanout had 
been rebooted earlier in the support, data stopped flowing to the ASC 
and NOAA.  While it appeared all processes were running, it was 
finally decided to restart the ISIS software.  This solved the 
problem and the instrumenters could now see their data.  Instrument 
ramp ups continued without further incident.