ACE Weekly Report:  01-03-01

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.  An attitude maneuver
was successfully executed on 12-28-00.  The next attitude maneuver is scheduled
for 01-04-01.

Maneuver Start Time=17:32:39	Maneuver End Time=17:37:14
Pre-Maneuver  HGA = -1.43 deg.  Sun Angle =  6.328 deg.
Post-Maneuver  HGA  = 4.2 deg. Sun Angle =  11.45 deg.
Current S/C range:  1529794.651    km

 In addition to the nominal attitude maneuver, a stationkeeping maneuver (SK-18)
 will also be performed on 01-04-01.  The expected fuel expenditure is expected
 to be less than .15 kg.  This is well below the limiting value;  no
 instrument high voltage
 ramp downs will be required.

 On 12-31-00 the DPS session failed to capture data at the beginning
 of the support.
 DPS was recycled and all data was captured without further incident
 [AR# G00-0062].

 No problems were experienced with the Clock Calibration files
 in the MOC as a result of the year rollover.

 Jacqueline Maldonado Snell
 Honeywell Technology Solutions Incorporated (HTSI)
 Goddard Space Flight Center
 Bldg. 3 Rm N135C, Code 428.2
 Greenbelt, MD 20771
 Phone: (301) 286-7072
 Fax:   (301) 286-0218