ACE Weekly Report:  01-10-01

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.  An attitude maneuver
was successfully executed on 01-04-01.  The next attitude maneuver is scheduled
for 01-16-01.   In addition to the nominal attitude maneuver, a stationkeeping
maneuver (SK-18) was also performed successfully on 01-04-01.

Attitude Maneuver Start Time=17:32:39	Attitude Maneuver End Time=17:37:14
Pre-Maneuver  HGA = -1.4 deg.  Sun Angle =  4.81 deg.
Post-Maneuver  HGA  = 4.4 deg. Sun Angle =  10.45 deg.
Current S/C range:  1534544.731    km

 On 01-09-01 FOT executed OCR SEP-086 under the direction of M.
 Popecki.  He has noticed that following attitude maneuvers the
 pressure in SEPICA's Fan 2 has increased.  He is hoping to increase
 the Fan 2 pressure above a particular threshold in order to restart
 the high voltage.  The commanding performed on 01-09-01 was to
 increase the power used by the instrument in order to increase the
 Fan 2 pressure.  The Instrumentor and FOT continue to monitor SEPICA
 housekeeping for any changes in the Fan's pressure.

 On 01-10-01 the IPNOC was contacted after there were problems
 initializing the INIF software during prepass activities.  The
 problem was resolved shortly and no further problems were experienced
 during the pass.

 The raw observation file for day 009 was corrupted; this was
 discovered on 01-10-01.  The Clock Calibration file is updated during
 prepass activities using a delivered script and the previous two days
 of raw observation files.  Since the raw observation file for day 009
 was corrupted, this then caused the Clock Calibration file to become
 corrupted on day 010 when the script was run.  A backup is made daily
 of the Clock Calibration file prior to its being updated; the backup
 copy of the file was used.  The corrupted raw data files were removed
 from the directory.  There have been no further problems with the
 Clock Calibration file.  The cause of the corrupted raw observation
 file for day 009 is still unknown.