ACE Weekly Report:  02-14-01

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.  Z-axis
Control maneuver activities were performed on 02-06-01 and 02-07-01.
The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for 02-16-01.

SWICS, SWIMS, SWEPAM-E and SWEPAM-I had ramped down their high
voltage power supplies prior to Z-axis Control Maneuver activities.
SWICS and SWIMS began their high voltage ramp up activities on
02-07-01 and completed their activities on 02-08-01.  SWEPAM-E and
SWEPAM-I began and completed their ramp up activities on 02-08-01.

The next phase in ACE's testing of the new DSN 34m uplink system took
place on 02-10-01.  Station D24 used the new 34m uplink system to
support the entire pass.  The pass went smoothly and without
incident.  ACE is attempting to schedule real time supports on
Stations 54 and 34 in which NO_OP commands will be sent.  This test
will be performed prior to using the new 34m uplink system to support
a nominal pass.

On 02-13-01 the FOT successfully executed a SIS OCR.  The routine
command sequence issued is intended to better prepare the instrument
for the next large solar event.  The commands sent last week did not
have the anticipated effect.