ACE Weekly Report:  02-21-01

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.  An attitude
maneuver was performed on 02-16-01.  The next attitude maneuver is
scheduled for 02-23-01.

Maneuver Start Time=16:01:03	Maneuver End Time=16:06:42
Pre-Maneuver  HGA = -2.52 deg.  Sun Angle =  11.93 deg.
Post-Maneuver  HGA  = 4.27 deg. Sun Angle =  5.82 deg.
Current S/C range:  1531280    km

On DOY 050 (02-19-01) ACE performed 34m uplink system testing with
Madrid's D54.  Five NO_OP commands were successfully sent to both the
Active and Inactive C&DH processors for a total of ten commands.
Once a nominal support can be scheduled, an entire support will be
taken using the new uplink system at D54.

ACE has yet to test real-time commands on  Canberra's D34.  Once this
complex can be scheduled for commanding support a NO_OP test will be

G01-0014:  DSN RCC Reboot - Incomplete monitor data being received
from D24.  Station rebooted the RCC;  no further problems experienced
during the support (DOY 050:  02-19-01).

G01-0015:  TPOCC Processes Failures at Startup -  TPOCC did not start
properly at startup.  The mission was killed and restarted without
any further problems (DOY 050:  02-19-01).

G01-0016:  ACE did not receive DSN receiver status in the DSN Monitor
data transmitted to MOC.  Minimal impact to operations.