ACE Weekly Report:  02-28-01

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.  Both an
attitude maneuver and a Stationkeeping maneuver were performed on
02-23-01.  The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for 03-02-01.

Attitude Maneuver       Start Time=15:59:22 End Time=16:04:38
Stationkeeping 	Start Time=17:24:32 End Time=17:26:22
Pre-Maneuvers  HGA = -1.64 deg.  Sun Angle =  11.41 deg.
Post-Maneuver  HGA  = 4.18 deg.   Sun Angle =  6.02  deg.
Current S/C range:      1520467.860  km

G01-0017:  Offline script offline.gen halted due to /trend partition
being full.  Files were archived to tape and the script completed
without incident.

G01-0018:  DSN Transmitter problems resulted in temporary loss of the
command carrier on 02-24-01 (DOY 55).  Station D16 contacted and the
problem was resolved shortly thereafter.  No further problems
incurred doing the support (DR #G06777).

G01-0019:  On 02-26-01 (DOY 57) Station D24 informed the FOT during
PreCal that due to problems with the new Uplink command system, the
legacy system would be used to support the pass (DR #G06781).

G01-0020:  The FOT had contacted the MSOCC DOC on 02-26-01 to report
the failure of the MOR's 4mm tape drive. Hardware maintenance/TELOS
came and removed the MOR's 4mm tape drive without first powering down
the workstation it was attached to (workstation 1).  In addition a
replacement drive was not provided and the cabling was left hanging.
The device is 'daisy-chained' to several pieces of equipment; its
removal impacted the ability of the remaining devices to communicate.
This occurred ~1 hour before the beginning of activities.  At the
beginning of the support, the MOC's data processing software was
non-responsive; it runs on the workstation that was locked up due to
the problem with the 4mm tape drive.  Displays that are nominally run
off the affected workstation during a nominal support could not be
brought up.  In addition the FOT experienced a TPOCC anomaly at BOT
and the MOR string needed to be recycled.  It is not known if this
was due to the 4mm tape drive issue.   Realtime activities were then
transitioned to the MAR and the support continued without further
incident.  Product delivery was delayed ~6 hours as a result.