ACE Weekly Report:  03-21-01

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.  Attitude
maneuvers were performed on 03-16-01 and 03-20-01.  The next attitude
maneuver is scheduled for 03-26-01.

3-16-01  Maneuver Start Time=16:16:58	Maneuver End Time=16:23:39
Pre-Maneuver  HGA = -4.03 deg.  Sun Angle =  12.97 deg.
Post-Maneuver  HGA  = 4.40 deg. Sun Angle =  5.52 deg.
Current S/C range:     1463352.092 km

3-20-01  Maneuver Start Time=15:56:42	Maneuver End Time=16:00:43
Pre-Maneuver  HGA = -1.05 deg.  Sun Angle =  9.56 deg.
Post-Maneuver  HGA  = 4.35 deg. Sun Angle =  5.52 deg.
Current S/C range:     1456773.068 km

G01-0022 - Station D16's Metric Pointing Assembly (MPA) needed a
complete reboot just prior to the scheduled AOS on 3-21-01 (DOY 080).
While AOS was delayed ~20 minutes, all nominal activities were
completed prior to the scheduled EOT (DR# G06845).