ACE Weekly Report:  03-28-01

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.  Attitude
maneuvers were performed on 03-26-01 and 03-28-01.  The next attitude
maneuver is scheduled for 04-04-01.

3-26-01   Maneuver Start Time=15:46:34	Maneuver End Time=15:50:14
Pre-Maneuver  HGA = -3.5 deg.  Sun Angle =  11.245  deg.
Post-Maneuver  HGA  = 1.3 deg. Sun Angle =  7.53 deg.
Current S/C range:     1444271.579 km

3-28-01  Maneuver Start Time=17:53:14	Maneuver End Time=17:58:55
Pre-Maneuver  HGA = -2.27 deg.  Sun Angle =  9.35 deg.
Post-Maneuver  HGA  = 4.5 deg. Sun Angle =  4.8 deg.
Current S/C range:     1439083.259 km

OCR SIS-026 was executed on 3-27-01 to "optimize data return for the
short range, low energy events by slightly modifying the on-board
processing scheme".

G01-0023 - Station D16's Metric Pointing Assembly (MPA) needed a
complete reboot just prior to the scheduled AOS on 3-25-01 (DOY 084).
While AOS was delayed ~15 minutes, all nominal activities were
completed prior to the scheduled EOT (DR# G06857).

G01-0024 -  ACE experienced ~1 minute data dropout during SSR dump on
3-23-01.  All affected data was redumped; no further problems were