ACE Weekly Report:  04-25-01

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.  An attitude
maneuver was performed on 04-20-01.  The next attitude maneuver is
scheduled for 04-26-01.

Maneuver Start Time=16:16:46	Maneuver End Time=16:21:13
Pre-Maneuver  HGA = -.9987 deg.  Sun Angle =  6.3285 deg.
Post-Maneuver  HGA  = 4.0 deg. Sun Angle =  8.4 deg.
Current S/C range:     1428416.465 km

SSR B's 30 telemetry sections were scrolled through on 04-19-01 to
verify the number of SBEs and DBEs.  It continues to have zero DBEs
and SBEs.  SSR A's 30 telemetry sections had been scrolled through on
04-18-01.  No DBEs or new SBEs were detected;  15 SBEs were
originally detected in December 1999.

G01-0031:  Station D27 notified the FOT at BOA that they were 'Red'
and would be unable to support ACE on 4-20-01.  Station D16 was
available and the support was transferred to the new site.  All
activities were performed without any problems (DR# G06916).

G01-0033:  DSN Goldstone experienced a commercial power failure at
16:18:00 on 4-25-01.  This resulted in ~30 minute telemetry dropout.
Station 16 returned with diesel generators and an uplink was
established at 16:48:30.  All affected SSR slices were recovered
without incident prior to the scheduled EOT (DR# G06932).