ACE Weekly Report: 05-16-01

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally. An attitude
maneuver was successfully performed on 05-16-01. The next maneuver is
scheduled for 05-24-01 and will include a Station Keeping (SK-21) orbit
maneuver and attitude maneuver.


No instrument OCR's were performed.  Sepica instrument is still observing
30Kv supply voltages which is currently set at 3.23 Kv


G01-0040: Madrid DSS-66 antenna experienced an x-axis hydraulic problem
shortly after AOS.  Station was unable to re-acquire two-way for commanding
and DSS-66 declared the antenna system red (Ref DR#L05248).  Madrid DSS-54
antenna was scheduled for 50 minute support.  All SSR playback data was
fully recovered on next day support which was lengthened to 4hrs and 40
G01-0041: Goldstone SPC-10 contacted ACE MOC indicating that commands with
a source code of DSS-66 and destination code of (092) ACE S/C ID were being
aborted at the Complex Monitor and Control (CMC). ACE MOC was not
commanding during this period.  This was the same problem experienced
5/08/01.  Further investigation by ACE/DSN NOPE indicated that mystery
commands were coming from the DTF-21 (Test Facility) Ref DR#L05273.

Additionally during this support.  DSS-66 was performing 26-M Auto
Proficiency testing and erroneously forwarded data to ACE MOC which was
already receiving telemetry from Goldstone DSS-27.  JPL Comm was contacted
and the data was taken offline.

Dave Myers
Honeywell Technology Solutions Incorporated (HTSI)
Goddard Space Flight Center
Bldg. 3 Rm N135C, Code 428.2
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Phone: (301) 286-7014
Fax: (301) 286-0218