ACE Weekly Report:  06-13-01

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.  Attitude
maneuvers were successfully performed on 06-08-01.  The next attitude
maneuver is scheduled for 06-15-01.

As part of continued diagnostic efforts to fix the ULEIS shutter
motion problems, OCR ULEIS-051 was started on 06-13-01.  The OCR will
be completed during the next support on 06-14-01.

Real-time operations were transitioned back to the MOR on Monday,
June 11th.  They had been temporarily transitioned from the MOR to
the third string in Building 14 on Tuesday, 05-29-01.  This allowed
the FOT to complete the final phase of their string 3 TPOCC 5.1

G01-0045:  The MOC was unable to establish IP communications with the
Station from the third string where real-time operations were to
begin on 06-11-01 (DOY 162).  The IP NOC and the TSMs were notified.
Real-time operations were transitioned to the MOR once communications
could not be established prior to the scheduled BOT.  The cause of
the problem with ISIS on the third string is under investigation.

G01-0046:  Station 16 notified the FOT at the BOT that they were
experiencing transmitter problems on 06-12-01 (DOY 163).  AOS was
delayed ~2.5 hours while maintenance was performed.  The support was
extended ~2 hours.  The SSR playback was not completed during the
support.  The remaining ~20 minutes of data were recovered during the
following support on DOY 164.

Jacqueline Maldonado Snell
Honeywell Technology Solutions Incorporated (HTSI)
Goddard Space Flight Center
Bldg. 3 Rm N135C, Code 428.2
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Phone: (301) 286-7072
Fax:   (301) 286-0218