ACE Status - Z Axis Control Final Update

Operations Day - 204/2001 (July 23, 2001)
Pass Highlights: station: DSS-16     BOT=13:05:00     EOT=16:35:00

Pass Summary:
Nominal pass and recorder playback.  Instrument ramp downs performed in
preparation for tomorrow's maneuver activities.
	- SWICS     -  SWIMS     -  SWEPAM-E     -  SWEPAM-I

Operations Day - 205/2001 (July 24, 2001)

Pass Highlights: stations: DSS-16     BOT=13:00:00     EOT=21:05:00
BOT=20:50:00     EOT=23:20:00
BOT=23:00:00     EOT=01:15:00

Pass Summary:
S/C reconfigured from the HGA to the -Z Broadbeam antenna.  Five maneuvers
were performed during the ~ 12 hour support:  2 Attitude Reorientations and
3 Lissajous Z Axis Control burns.  The final attitude reorientation maneuver
returned the spacecraft to within mission HGA constraints.  This allowed
the S/C to be reconfigured from the -Z Broadbeam to the HGA prior to the
scheduled EOT.

The seven hour support scheduled for day 206 should allow for the completion
of the remaining maneuvers and will allow SSR activities to return to nominal
configuration while sustaining no data loss.  Maneuvers currently planned for
day 206 are a Stationkeeping burn, an Attitude Reorientation,  and a Spin Rate
Correction burn, if needed.  Instrument High Voltage Ramp Ups will 
also be performed.


Operations Day - 206/2001 (July 25, 2001)

Pass Highlights: stations: DSS-16     BOT=13:27:00     EOT=20:00:00

Pass Summary:
Two maneuvers were executed today:  a Stationkeeping and an Attitude 
a Spin Rate Correction was not needed.  All science data was 
recovered and the SSRs
were returned to their nominal configuration.  No instrument ramp ups 
were performed;
all are scheduled for tomorrow, DOY 207.
Jacqueline Maldonado Snell
Honeywell Technology Solutions Incorporated (HTSI)
Goddard Space Flight Center
Bldg. 14 Rm W10B, Code 428.2
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Phone: (301) 286-7072
Fax:   (301) 286-1729