ACE Weekly Report 09-12-01

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.  An attitude maneuver
was performed on 09/07/01.  The next attitude maneuver is scheduled 
for 09/14/01.

The FOT has completed its checkout of the relocated string 3 in 
Building 14, W10F.
String 2 is the next string scheduled to be moved; the move date is TBD.

OCR ULEIS-063 was executed on 9/10/01 to correct the 'erroneous Motor Motion
Flag occurrence when autonomous shutter motion is enabled' and re-enable
autonomous shutter motion.  The error condition had been detected when the
autonomous motor mode had been enabled on 7/23/01.  The ULEIS team had
disabled the autonomous mode on 8/08/01.  The FOT has implemented additional
monitoring of ULEIS telemetry to monitor the status of the motor motion flag.

G01-0092:  9/12/2001 ACE experienced ~5 minute telemetry drop out.  The FOT
notified the Station and data back online at 14:44:47.  No further 
problems experienced
during the support.  Insufficient time for FOT to complete recovery 
of SSR data during
the support;  all affected SSR slices were recovered during the next support.

Jacqueline Maldonado Snell
Honeywell Technology Solutions Incorporated (HTSI)
Goddard Space Flight Center
Bldg. 14 Rm W10B, Code 428.2
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Phone: (301) 286-7072
Fax:   (301) 286-1729