ACE Weekly Report 09-26-01

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.  An attitude 
maneuver was performed on 09/20/01.  The next attitude maneuvers are 
scheduled for 09/26/01 and 10/02/01.

String 2 has been relocated to Building 14, Room W10F.  FOT Checkout 
is expected to begin Monday, October 1st;  it is scheduled to take 
~10 days.

S01-0007:  9/23/2001 SWICS SSCGR20V violated its yellow low limit at 
14:00:11.  Value returned within limits at 14:00:35.  Instrument PI 
notified and value monitored for remainder of support.  Plot faxed to 
Instrument PI following the support.