ACE Weekly Report 10-03-01

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.
An attitude maneuver was performed on 10/02/01.  The next
attitude maneuvers are scheduled for 10/08/01 and 10/12/01.

String 2 has been relocated to Building 14, Room W10F.  FOT
Checkout began on Tuesday, October 2nd and is scheduled to take ~10 days.

OCR CRIS-011 was executed on 10-01-01 to turn on the Image
Intensifier following last week's solar activity.

OCR SEP-097 was executed on 10-03-01 to allow use of spare SEPICA
  memory for data processing again.  This had previously been done in
September 2000.  "When SEPICA was put into standby mode for a current
violation on 6/14/01, it was restarted with the default memory".

September Data Recovery Statistics:  99.990%

A demo support with Station 24 has been scheduled for 10-12-01 to
allow the ACE FOT to exercise the new 34m Uplink (UPL) system.

G01-0101 9/27/01 MOC experienced problems with first command
sent to S/C due to problems with the Station's command processor.
The station was notified and swapped command processors;  no further
problems experienced during the support (DR #G100348).