ACE Weekly Report 10-31-01

  All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.  An attitude
  maneuver was performed on 10/30/01.  The next attitude maneuvers are
  scheduled for 11/06/01 and 11/13/01.

  Two ULEIS OCRS were executed this week as part of an ongoing
  diagnostic effort to debug the autonomous shutter motion algorithm.
  OCR ULEIS-066 was executed on 10/19/01 and OCR ULEIS-067 on 10/22/01.

  SSR B's 30 telemetry sections were scrolled through on 10-23-01 to
  verify the number of SBEs and DBEs.  It continues to have zero DBEs
  and SBEs.  SSR A's 30 telemetry sections will be scrolled through and
  verified on 10-26-01.

  G01-0117  10/22/01  During precal activities, Station D27 notified
  MOC that there were not receiving the test block.  FOT verified their
  configuration.  IP NOC notified after error message found in Isis log
  window.  IP NOC restarted the processes and the FOT recycled the MOC
  Isis software.  No further problems experienced during support.

  S01-0009 10/31/01  SWICS PAPS -5V (SSCPAM5V) red high limit (-4.5V)
  violation.  17:30:06 for approx 20 seconds.  Voltage dropped from -5V
  to -4.5V three more times at 13 minute intervals.  Jim Raines