ACE Weekly Report 12-05-01

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.  An attitude and
a StationKeeping maneuver were successfully performed on 11/29/01.  The
next attitude maneuver is scheduled for 12/07/01.

OCR CRIS-011 was executed on 11/27/01 to turn on the Image Intensifier.

OCR SWPX-033 was executed on 11/30/01 to adjust the auto overcount
safing threshold parameter.

OCR SEP-099 was executed on 12/04/01 to increase the SEPICA 30kV
setpoint from 19 to 21 (dec).  This raised it from 3.8kV to 4.2 kV.

The 11/24/01 ACE support was rescheduled on 11/23/01 from Station D24 to
D27 to accommodate a Genesis project request.  There was no impact to

FOT Checkout of String 1 continues.  This should be completed by

Three 26m Automation demos were performed on 11/14/01 and 11/15/01; one
with each DSN site.  The FOT has completed its analysis and generated a
summary reports with their results.  Once issues raised during the demos
are addressed, additional demos will be scheduled.

11/22/01 AR# G01-0123  MOC experienced ~2.5 minute telemetry dropout at
the start of the D27 support.  Station notified and problem resolved by
DSN.  Commanding delayed ~2.5 minutes.

11/22/01 AR# G01-0124  MOC experienced telemetry dropout when antenna
stopped tracking spacecraft.  Station D27 notified and telemetry
returned ~13 minutes.  All affected SSR slices were redumped during the
support.  No additional problems were experienced (DR# G100533).

11/26/01 AR# G01-0125  FOT detected MOC Clock Calibration file was
corrupted at BOT.  A backup is made daily of the Clock Calibration file
prior to its being updated; the backup copy of the file was used.  The
system was recycled and there were no additional problems during the

11/27/01 AR# G01-0126  MOC Calibration File corrupted.  FOT failed to
remove corrupted files from the directory following the 11/26/01 anomaly
per policy.  The Clock Calibration file is updated during prepass
activities using a delivered script and the previous two days of raw
observation files.  Since the raw observation file for 11/25/01 was
corrupted, this then caused the Clock Calibration file to become
corrupted on 11/27/01 when the script was run.  FOT removed raw data
files and deleted the erroneous entry in the file.  The system was
recycled and there were no additional problems during the support.

11/29/01 AR# G01-0128  MOC experienced degraded telemetry throughout
the D66 support.  Station notified, channels switched and TGCs swapped.
While quality did improve, it was still degraded.  Insufficient time in
support to redump all affected SSR slices.  Remaining data will be
redumped during the next support (DR# M100320).

12/03/01 AR# G01-0130  D27 contacted the MOC during the support and
asked if commands were being sent to the site.  The MOC was not.  Once
the alarm was cleared at the site, FOT verified command link via
transmission of no_op command (DR# G100573).