ACE Weekly Report 12-19-01

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.  An attitude
maneuver was successfully performed on 12/13/01.  The next attitude
maneuvers are scheduled for 12/21/01 and 01/02/02.

12/15/01 AR# G01-0132  Two separate transfer frame failures occurred
during support with D27.  Command and echo histories reviewed and no
error found.  Numerous VC2 hits also received; several SSR redumps

12/18/01 AR# G01-0133 Severely degraded telemetry received throughout
support with D27.  TGCs swapped and channels changed with no improvement
in data quality.  CDR replay needed to improve MOC capture of telemetry
(DR# G100631).  FOT efforts to perform CDR replay delayed due to the
removal of all MOC IP addresses from CDR Web request access list.  It is
unknown why FOT access was removed.  JPL contacted and IP addresses

12/18/01 AR# S01-0011 Two separate transfer frame failures occurred
during the support D27.  This is the third support in 11 days during
which transfer frame failures have occurred.  The first occurred on DOY
350, also with D27.  Prior to these three instances, it had been several
years since similar failures had occurred.  The ACE NOPE has been
notified of problem and is investigating logs.