ACE Weekly Report 01-09-02

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.  Attitude
maneuvers were successfully performed on 12/21/01 and 01/02/02.  The
next attitude maneuver is scheduled for 01/14/02.

OCR CRIS-011 executed on 01-03-02 to turn on the image intensifier back
on.  It had been turned off during recent solar activity.

OCR ULEIS-071 executed on 01-08-02 to increase the gain of the Start2
micro channel plate.

ACE continues to experience degraded telemetry and command failures
during its supports with Station D27.  The ACE NOPE has been notified
and an investigation is on going.

12/24/01  AR# G01-0134  MOC experienced degraded telemetry during the
D27 support.  Station notified.  The RF Loop Bandwidth was increased
from 100 to 300 Hz, improving the data quality for the remainder of the
support.  Numerous redumps performed to capture affected slices.  One
command was also retransmitted, most likely due to a bit flip in the
acquisition sequence (DR#G100649).

12/29/01  AR# G01-0136  MOC experienced degraded telemetry throughout
D27 support.  Station notified.  FOT informed that station had seen two
drops which they believed to be the cause of the degraded telemetry.
Insufficient time during the support to redump all of the affected
slices.  Remaining redumps will be performed during the following

01/01/02  AR# G02-0002  MOC experienced degraded telemetry throughout
D27 support.  Station notified.  The RF Loop Bandwidth was increased
from 100 to 300 Hz, slightly improving the data quality.  Insufficient
time during the support to redump all of the affected slices.  Remaining
redumps will be performed during the following support (DR #100666).

01/01/02  AR# G02-0003  One command transfer frame failure occurred
during the support with D27.  Command was retransmitted and verified by
the spacecraft (DR# G100667).

01/02/02  AR# G02-0004  Two separate command transfer frame failures
occurred during the support with D27 (DR# G-100669).  Both commands were
verified by the spacecraft.