ACE Weekly Report 02-13-02

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.  Attitude
maneuvers were successfully performed on 02/05/02 and 02/14/02.  The
next attitude maneuver is scheduled for 02/22/02.

02/10/02  AR# G02-0020 MOC received duplicate telemetry for ~2 minutes
from D24.  Station was experiencing problems.  Channel 1 rebooted and no
further problems experienced during the support (DR# G100801).

02/12/02  AR# G02-0021 MOC experienced commanding problems during precal
activities.  The FOT was unable to send a test block to D27.  IP NOC
contacted and FOT able to command after all Isis processes restarted.

02/12/02  AR# G02-0022  MOC experienced ~11 minute telemetry dropout due
to Isis crash.  IP NOC contacted and all Isis processes restarted.  All
affected SSR data was redumped prior to the end of the support.