ACE Weekly Report 02-28-02

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.  Attitude
maneuvers were successfully performed on 02/14/02 and 02/22/02.  The
next attitude maneuvers are scheduled for 03/01/02 and 03/08/02.

02/17/02  AR# G02-0023  Commands were not reaching the spacecraft during
initial contact activities.  Station notified and investigated; command
modulation had not enabled.  Command capability delayed ~5 minutes e(DR#

02/17/02   AR#  G02-0024  MOC lost uplink with spacecraft during
support.  Station notified; resweep performed.  Cause of problem unknown
(DR# G100829).

02/17/02   AR#  G02-0025  MOC received several out of order VC2 sequence
error messages.  FOT obtained corresponding CDR file and found VC2
frames in the correct order, indicating the problem occurred between CDR
and MOC.  These frames were not used by DPS in the associated MUX

02/18/02   AR#  G02-0026  Isis software crashed during initial contact
activities.  FOT contacted the IP NOC who reset the software.  FOT
resumed command activities with no further problems.