ACE Weekly Report 03-13-02

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.  Attitude
maneuvers were successfully performed on 03/01/02 and 03/08/02.  The
next attitude maneuvers are scheduled for 03/14/02 and 03/19/02.

FOT terminated the support ~40 minutes early on 03/09/02 to accommodate
a JPL/TDRS request.  All remaining SSR data captured during the
following support.

FORMATS 2001.01D1 installed on string 3 on 03/11/02.  Developer and FOT
testing has been completed.  String 2 installation is slated for next

03/07/02 DOY 066 AR# G02-0028  Isis software went into panic during
the realtime support.  IP NOC was contacted and software was restarted.
No telemetry received from 14:50:57-14:56:33.  All affected SSR data was
redumped.  No further problems experienced during the support.

03/11/02 DOY 070 AR# G02-0029  Telemetry stopped flowing to MOC ~13
minutes prior to the scheduled end of track (EOT).  FOT contacted
Station.  Station informed FOT they were investigating and that the
antenna would not be back online prior to EOT.  FOT released the station
~2 minutes early (DR #G100898).