ACE Weekly Report (05/17/02 05/23/02) All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally. An attitude maneuver was successfully performed on 05/17/02. The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for 05/28/02. An engineering test is in progress to determine a new HGA constraint. The current constraint is 5.5 degrees, however the FOT has been given authorization to drift to as much as 6.0 degrees prior to maneuvers. The constraint was increased on 26 April, as part of a several step process that will occur over the next two months with the maximum constraint being reached by late June, when the spacecraft will be at its maximum range. This approach allows the spacecraft to drift until the new constraint is violated, at which time an attitude maneuver is executed. Date: HGA angle reached prior to Attitude Maneuver (degrees): 03/28/02 ~4.8 04/04/02 ~4.8 04/11/01 ~5.1 04/18/02 ~5.2 04/26/02 ~5.6 05/06/02 ~5.8 05/17/02 ~5.9 Analysis is ongoing, though no degradation in signal strength has been seen. Anomalies: 05/18/02 DOY 138 - ACE Anomaly #G02-0059 Router went bad at JPL and was replaced. All data was recovered. (DR #N100430) 05/22/02 DOY 142 ACE Anomaly #G02-0060 Monitor block data was offline from 14:58:46 - 15:16:33. A reboot of the SCP was required to bring data back online. As a result of the SCP reboot, real-time data was offline from 15:15:29 - 15:16:30. All data was recovered. 05/23/02 DOY 143 ACE Anomaly #S02-0013 The mnemonic SSDLUCNT, which is the S3DPU Latch-up Counter, violated the science configuration monitor with a value of 1. This mnemonic has been violating since DOY 137. Mark Popecki was notified and informed the FOT that none of the Science data had been impacted, but he is going to investigate the cause of the Latch-up.