ACE Weekly 10/18/02 - 10/24/02

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally. A "dog-leg" 
attitude maneuver was executed this week to a HGA target angle of 6.5 deg. 
with no problems to report. A triple maneuver ("dog-leg" attitude and a 
station-keeping maneuver) is scheduled for 11/01/02.

OCRs Executed:
  ULEIS-029 - DOY 020296, 10/23/02, 17:20:36, Turn ON Front (Start 1) HVPS
  ULEIS-030 - DOY 020296, 10/23/02, 17:29:36, Turn OFF Front (Start 1) HVPS

Ongoing Activities:

The HGA Angle Constraint Report is still being reviewed.

Two 26M demo tests with DSN were performed this week.

DOY 02289 - Successful test was completed with only minor issues with the 
Ground Receipt Times (GRT).

DOY 02290 - No analysis was performed on DSN Monitor Data.  There were 
problems reacquiring 498bps rate data at end of pass otherwise the test was 


Day 02295 (10/22/2002) ACE Anomaly #G02-0119  TPOCC - Erroneous data
While running the procedure g_precal, a warning message was received that 
the command FSN 146 does not match clcw FSN 1.  After noticing the warning 
message, it was noticed that the standard header page had the S/C time, 
Total VC2 Packets, Total VC4 Packets, and the Ground Frame Sequence Numbers 
populated with data from the end of pass on DOY 294.  Then while running 
the procedure g_end_day, the result of the "snap ace_cmdstat" directive had 
an extra command that was transmitted on DOY 294.  IMPACT:  None. Under 

DOY 02297 (10/24/2002) ACE Anomaly #G02-0120 GDS(DSS-27) Mon Blocks Offline
DSN Monitor Blocks were offline from 15:51:23 to 16:18:48. IMPACT: Loss of 
DSN Monitor data. DR#G101738

Glen A. Miller
Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc.

ACE Flight Operations Team
Goddard Space Flight Center
Building 14, Room W10A
Mail Stop 428.2
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Office: 301-286-7071
Fax:    301-286-1729