ACE Weekly 11/01/02 - 11/06/02

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally. A triple maneuver 
("dog-leg" attitude and a station-keeping maneuver) was performed 
successfully on 11/01/02.  The next maneuver is scheduled for 11/13/02.

OCRs Executed:


Ongoing Activities:

The HGA Angle Constraint Report is still being reviewed.


Day 02305 (11/01/2002) ACE Anomaly #S02-0024 Temperature YL Limit Violations
At 13:15:51 TANK_B1_T violated the YL limit of 10 at 9.6472 C.  Returned 
within limits at 13:15:56.  At 13:31:20 TANK_A2_T violated the YL limit of 
10 at 9.6472 C.  Returned within limits at 13:31:27.  This has happened 
before.  Reference AR S02-0003 and S02-0023 for other occurrences.  Under 

Day 02305 (11/01/2002) ACE Anomaly #S02-0025 SC_OP_HTR_I violated cfgmon
At 15:01:58, the SC_OP_HTR_I violated the low cfgmon of 0.83.  The value 
fluctuated between 0.439208 and 0.454894 until 15:35:58 when it went back 
to 0.83.  Preliminary analysis indicates that the +X side panel thermostat 
shut off.  The heater that corresponds to this thermostat is the 
X_PANL_OP_HTR and the current associated with this heater is part of the 
SC_OP_HTR_I.  Under Investigation.

Day 02306 (11/02/2002) ACE Anomaly #G02-0122 GDS(DSS-16) Corrupted data 
from DSN
On days 306 and 307, the MOC received corrupted data from GDS(DSS-16).  D16 
was notified and they did not see anything abnormal on their end.  On Day 
307 at 16:26, D16 switched from TGC (Telemetry Group Controller) 4 Ch 1 to 
TGC 4 Ch 2 and this seemed to correct the corrupted frames however there 
were many wrong spacecraft id's.  Analysis on the FOT side found that the 
data had failed the Reed-Solomon check and had become corrupted somewhere 
between the Reed-Solomon Decoder and the CDR recorder.  The data type 1 CDR 
file, which is Channel 1 data, was downloaded and it also failed the 
Reed-Solomon check.  The data type 2 CDR file, which is Channel 2 data, was 
then downloaded for comparison and the data was not corrupted.  The FOT 
also notified ASC and told them they would need to download the data type 2 
CDR file in order to receive better quality data.  DR#G101785

Day 02309 (11/05/2002) ACE Anomaly #G02-0123 GDS(DSS-27) Delayed AOS
Prior to AOS, GDS(DSS-27) stated that they were having troubles getting the 
antenna pointed.  At approximately 16:50, GDS(DSS-27) stated that they had 
fixed the azimuth problem with the antenna, however there was now a problem 
with the elevation.  GDS(DSS-27) stated that a technician was on his way to 
the antenna but would take approximately 25 minutes to reach the 
antenna.  Data was online at 17:20:34. IMPACT: Unable to complete full dump 
during schedule pass time.  However, the data was retrieved during the next 
day's pass with no problems.

Glen A. Miller
Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc.

ACE Flight Operations Team
Goddard Space Flight Center
Building 14, Room W10A
Mail Stop 428.2
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Office: 301-286-7071
Fax:    301-286-1729