ACE Weekly 11/15/02 - 11/21/02

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally. No attitude 
maneuver was performed this week. The next maneuver is scheduled for 11/26/02.

OCRs Executed:


Ongoing Activities:

On DOY 323, there was an NSP PIT scheduled from 16:30:00 to 18:15:00. Data 
was online from both GDS(DSS-16) and GDS(DSS-24)for 57 seconds. All 
spacecraft frames received by the NSP PIT were correct (compared 
with  spacecraft frames received during the nominal support with D16).
Station 24 requested that the FOT send NOOP commands to the station so that 
some troubleshooting could be performed on some commanding problems.  The 
FOT sent a total of 30 NOOP commands to Station 24 from 18:46:31 
through  19:05:02.  All commands generated a matching command echo.  The 
Ground Receipt Time for the NSP PIT was 0.087msec behind the Ground Receipt 
Time for D16.


The HGA Angle Constraint Report is still being reviewed.


Day 02319 (11/15/2002) ACE Anomaly #S02-0026 SSS75I Limit Violation
SSS75I violated the YL Limit of 11. The value went down to 9.8mA at 
15:16:10 and returned to 11.76mA at 15:18:11. Mark Popecki was notified and 
requested the FOT monitor it closely.

Day 02320 (11/16/2002) ACE Anomaly #G02-0124 GDS(DSS-16) Degraded Telemetry
The FOT received numerous VC2 hits throughout the pass. D16 and JPL were 
informed but they were not seeing anything abnormal. The FOT asked D16 if 
they could move from channel 1 to channel 2 (TGC-2). After the channel 
switch, the VC2 hits cleared up for about 30 minutes and then started to 
appear again. The FOT asked D16 if they would swap the TGC's, however D16 
informed the FOT that they didn't have a spare TGC. The FOT requested that 
D16 reboot channel 1 and move from TGC2 CH2 to TGC2 CH1 and this cleared up 
the VC2 hits for the remainder of the pass. D16 stated the cause was 
possibly a LAN problem. DR#G101884.

Day 02321 (11/17/2002) ACE Anomaly #G02-0125  GDS(DSS-66) Delayed AOS
D66 was having problems with both of the TGC channels. AOS was delayed by 
about 7 minutes. IMPACT:  None.  All data was recovered.  DR#M101151.

Day 02322 (11/18/2002) ACE Anomaly #G02-0126  TPOCC Not Extracting VC4
The VC4 Packets were not updating throughout the entire pass.  The same 
problem was also seen on String 3 where Automation was running.  String 2 
was later used to troubleshoot the problem during the pass.  The VC4 data 
was extracted but not when using the g_aceup procedure.  The problem was 
attributed to running the proc "enif_disconnect.prc" prior to the pass. The
procedure enif_disconnect.prc disconnects the 3 RTN (55553 port). MOCR 
02-0907 has been submitted to create a version of enif_disconnect.prc that 
won't disconnect the 3 RTN port and therefore will prevent this problem 
from happening again.  IMPACT: None.  All VC4 was extracted and processed.

Day 02322 (11/18/2002) ACE Anomaly #G02-0127  INIF Fanout Crash
FOT notified prior to pass start that INIF fanout had crashed and IPNOCC 
was trying to bring the system back online.  FOT given the option to switch 
to new ACE Fanout system which has been successfully tested.  IPNOCC was 
unable to re-establish INIF Fanout.  FOT switched over to new fanout per 
OCD GND-77.  All passes now are configured with the new fanout.

DOY 02323 (11/19/2002) ACE Anomaly Report #G02-0128 GDS(DSS-16)Dual TLM 
Channels Online
At 17:14:00, FOT noticed that there were two telemetry channels online to
the MOC. Contacted D16 of the problem and at 17:14:57 one telemetry channel
was taken offline. The second telemetry channel apparently came from
Station 24, which had downlink with the spacecraft due to a scheduled NSP
PIT. IMPACT:  None.  All data was recovered. DR#G101899.

DOY 02325 (11/21/2002) ACE Anomaly Report #G02-0129 GDS(DSS-66) CPA Swap
At the beginning of the pass, the /BIN_CLEAR command did not have 
a  corresponding command echo. The command was transmitted 3 times with no 
success, and then commanding was paused. Contacted Station 66 about 
the  commanding problems and asked D66 to monitor the command as it was 
sent to
the spacecraft. The command was transmitted 3 more times with no success,
and then commanding paused again. Station 66 did not see any command and
then stated that there was a problem with the Command Processor Assembly
(CPA). Station 66 then swapped CPAs and commanding was resumed. The
/BIN_CLEAR command was verified by the spacecraft on the seventh
transmission attempt. IMPACT:  Delayed commanding. All pass objectives 
met.  DR#M101164.

Glen A. Miller
Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc.

ACE Flight Operations Team
Goddard Space Flight Center
Building 14, Room W10A
Mail Stop 428.2
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Office: 301-286-7071
Fax:    301-286-1729