ACE Weekly 02/28/03 - 03/06/03

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally. An attitude 
maneuver was performed on 03/04/03 successfully. The next attitude maneuver 
is scheduled for 03/07/03.

Orbit Event:

SEV Transit
On 03/06/03, at 1754Z, ACE began a Solar Exclusion Zone (SEV) transit that 
will conclude on 03/20/03 at 1518Z. The minimum SEZ angle of 2.68 degrees 
will occur on 03/15/03 at 2326Z.

NOTE: Be advised that telemetry dropouts may occur during this time period.

The next expected SEV transit is to occur:

Entry: 06/01/03 at 1442Z
Minimum angle: 2.18 degrees on 06/13/03 at 1618Z
Exit: 06/25/03 at 1652Z

OCRs Executed:


Ongoing Activities:

Trending, Analysis and Plotting System (TAPS) development continues with 
emphasis being placed on fixing the DRs attributed to the current release. 
TAPS Patch 4.1.1 was installed on TAPS #2 on 02/27/03. Testing is 
progressing on TAPS#2. TAPS#1 is still under control of the development team.

Automation (ROBOTT):

Moving of the Offline subsystem has been delayed pending approval of 
updated offline activities and testing of those activities. The release of 
the Command & Control subsystem has been delayed until completion of 
WIND/POLAR automation task, new release date is TBD.

HSM is currently being tested by the FOT on string 3. HSM has been working 
well except for a few random problems that need to be addressed. It will go 
through several iterations before being moved to string 2. Once any piece 
of the ROBOTT software is moved to string 2, it will referred to as an 
'engineering' version and any problems will be documented via CDS.


DOY 03062 (3/3/2003) - ACE Anomaly Report G03-0009 - TPOCC Erroneous Limit 
TPOCC generated a 2nd red low limit message for SSS2KAV and SSS2KBV without 
an intervening "return within limits" message. This is similar to what 
happened on Days 02341, 02361, and 03051.  See AR 02-0141, 03-0006, and 
03-0009 for more information.  IMPACT:  None.  FOT is investigating the matter.

DOY 03064 (3/5/2003) - ACE Anomaly Report G03-0010 - DSN GDS(DSS-66) 
Delayed AOS
DSS-66 had problems with TGC 4. AOS was delayed until 12:47:43 (about 3 
minutes late). IMPACT:  None.  All data was recovered.  DR# M101446.

Glen A. Miller
Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc.

ACE Flight Operations Team
Goddard Space Flight Center
Building 14, Room W10A
Mail Stop 428.2
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Office: 301-286-7071
Pager: 800-425-3174
Fax:    301-286-1729