ACE Weekly 05/02/03 - 05/08/03

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally. An attitude 
maneuver (dog-leg) was executed on 05/07/03 successfully. The next attitude 
maneuver is scheduled for 05/22/03.

Orbit Events:

The next expected SEV transit is to occur:

Entry: 06/01/03 at 1442Z
Minimum angle: 2.18 degrees on 06/13/03 at 1618Z
Exit: 06/25/03 at 1652Z

OCRs Executed:


Ongoing Activities:

Trending, Analysis and Plotting System (TAPS) development continues with 
emphasis being placed on fixing the DRs attributed to the current release. 
Testing is progressing on both TAPS#1 and TAPS#2.

Automation (ROBOTT):

Testing of the Offline and HSM systems is progressing. Testing by the 
Automation team for Command and Control is still paused due to testing at 
WIND. The first release of Command and Control to the FOT is still TBD.

34m UPL Demo Passes:

Two 34m UPL demo passes were conducted this week with DSN DSS-54 (05/06/03 
& 05/08/03).  There were no problems with DSS-54 locking onto all the bit 
rates.  All commands sent were verified by the spacecraft.


Day 03125 (05/05/2003) - ACE Anomaly Report #G03-0036 - DSN 26m (DSS-66) - 
Incorrect Predicts
DSS-66 failed to acquire the spacecraft at the AOS.  DSS-66 did not have 
the current predicts.  Telemetry acquisition at AOS+13 
minutes.  IMPACT:  Delayed pass activities.  All telemetry recovered during 
pass.  DR# M101586

Day 03126 (05/06/2003) - ACE Anomaly Report #G03-0037 - TPOCC-ENIF 
Connection Lost
At 14:27:36, DSS-54 had reaquired the spacecraft at the high data 
rate.  However, no VC2 or VC4 data was flowing to the MOC at this 
time.  Earlier in the pass, at 15:30:36, while running the procedure c_noop 
in the low data rate the forward link connection to the fanout was 
terminated.  However, the foward link connection was re-established five 
seconds later.  It seems as though at this time both the VS2 and command 
echo ports were terminated as well.  However, there were no event messages 
to indicate this.  It was also noticed that both TAPS machines had lost VS2 
connections as well.  Both TAPS machines were recycled to re-establish all 
connections.  IMPACT:  None.

Day 03122 (05/02/2003) - ACE Anomaly Report #G03-0038 -AC2WS1 Reboot During 
/trend Access
String 2 workstation ac2ws1 rebooted while trying to create GTAS partitions 
on /trend drive.  Notified TSMs, opened Ticket Number 
2003050001.   IMPACT:  None.  Occurred on the backup string.  Problem has 
been corrected.

Glen A. Miller
ACE Flight Operations Observatory Engineer
Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc.
Goddard Space Flight Center
Building 14, Room W10A
Mail Stop 428.2
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Office: 301-286-7071
Pager: 800-425-3174
Fax:    301-286-1729