ACE Weekly 07/25/03 - 07/31/03

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally. An attitude 
maneuver was successfully executed on 07/25/03.  The next attitude maneuver 
is scheduled for 08/07/03.

Orbit Events:

The next SEV transit will occur during the 09/01/03 - 09/23/03 time 
frame.  Expected minimum SEV angle will be 1.76 degrees.

The essential timeline based on a 30-min step scan for this 22 day, 8.5 
hour event is:

- SEZ entry (4.75 deg inbound) on Sept. 1 at 0100Z

- Minimum Sun-Earth-ACE angle = 1.760 deg on Sept. 12 at 0800Z

- SEZ exit (4.75 deg outbound) on Sept. 23 at 0930Z

OCRs Executed:


Ongoing Activities:


Trending, Analysis and Plotting System (TAPS) development continues with 
emphasis being placed on fixing the DRs attributed to the current release. 
Testing is progressing on both TAPS#1 and TAPS#2. The next release (4.1.6) 
is projected to occur on 08/05/03.

Automation (ROBOTT):

FOT testing of ROBOTT Release 0.1 is ongoing. CRON testing on String 2 is 
progressing, although some minor problems have occurred.

Command & Control (C&C) ES still in development phase. Testing results and 
corrections still need to be made.  Expected development testing by the 
Automation Team to resume at the end of August.

The next release of Offline should be ready for the FOT to test on String 3 
by the end of next week.


DOY 03206 (7/25/2003) - ACE Anomaly G03-0063 - GDS 26m (DSS-24) TLP Swap / 
Telemetry Outage
At 15:57:52, telemetry dropped out from DSS-24.  DSS-24 switched from TLP-5 
to TLP-2 and telemetry was back online at 16:08:46. IMPACT: Delayed 
maneuver activities. Maneuver executed nominally and all telemetry was 
acquired. DR# G103077

DOY 03207 (7/26/2003) - ACE Anomaly G03-0064 - GDS 26m (DSS-16) Command 
Verification Not Received From S/C
At 15:44, during G_INITIAL_CONTACT, the Bin_Clear command was not verified 
by the S/C.  After 3 attempts at transmitting the command, DSS-16 was 
notified.  The station confirmed receipt of the command and said it was 
radiated.  At 15:47, with DSS-16 monitoring their system, commanding was 
resumed and again the command didn't get to the S/C.  The FOT requested 
DSS-16's command mod index - DSS-16 stated it was 0.86.  DSS-16 then reset 
the command mod index and at 15:52 commanding was resumed.  Verification 
was finally received from the S/C.  IMPACT:  Delay in commanding from 15:44 
to 15:52.    DR# G103084

DOY 03207 (7/26/2003) - ACE Anomaly S03-0014  Limit Violation -  SSCPAM5V 
Red High Limit Violation
At 17:44:15 SSCPAM5V violated the red high limit of -4.5V, at a value of 
-4.373.  It returned within limits at 17:45:16.  Notified Jim 
Raines.  IMPACT:  Unknown at this time.  FOT will continue to monitor.

DOY 03207 (7/26/2003) - ACE Anomaly S03-0015  Limit Violation - SSCGR20V 
Yellow Low Limit Violation
At 17:08:46 SSCGR20V violated the red low limit of 17V, at a value of 
16.1.  It returned within limits at 18:09:10.  Notified Jim 
Raines.  IMPACT:  Unknown at this time.  FOT will continue to monitor.

DOY 03210 (7/29/2003) - ACE Anomaly G03-0067 - GDS 26m (DSS-16)  TCP and 
Frame Synch Problems
The FOT informed DSS-16 during the prepass briefing that the S/C would be 
coming up in 498 bit rate.
When DSS-16 put telemetry online at the 498 bit rate the FOT noticed the 
SFDU header bit rate read 87648 bps vice 498 bps.
At 12:39:12 telemetry went offline due to reported TCP problems.  Telemetry 
was back online at 12:50:24.  IMPACT:  Clock calibration file will be 
wrong.  DR# G103101, G103102

DOY 03212 (7/31/2003) - ACE Anomaly G03-0068 -  SIMSS Runtime Halt
SIMSS stopped running and generated a "runtime halt" dialog box.  The DSN 
Monitor Client window was continuously displaying the following 
line:  Socket Exception: Connection reset by peer: JVM_recv in socket input 
stream read.   IMPACT:  SIMMS didn't capture the 0158 data from the 
beginning of the support

Glen A. Miller
ACE Flight Operations Observatory Engineer
Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc.
Goddard Space Flight Center
Building 14, Room W10A
Mail Stop 428.2
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Office: 301-286-7071
Pager: 800-425-3174
Fax:    301-286-1729