ACE Weekly 08/22/03 - 08/28/03

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally. An attitude 
maneuver was successfully executed on 08/27/03. The next attitude maneuver 
is scheduled for 09/02/03.

Orbit Events:

The next SEV transit will occur during the 09/01/03 - 09/23/03 time frame. 
Expected minimum SEV angle will be 1.76 degrees.

The essential timeline based on a 30-min step scan for this 22 day, 8.5 
hour event is:
- SEZ entry (4.75 deg inbound) on Sept. 1 at 0100Z
- Minimum Sun-Earth-ACE angle = 1.760 deg on Sept. 12 at 0800Z
- SEZ exit (4.75 deg outbound) on Sept. 23 at 0930Z

OCRs Executed:


Ongoing Activities:

Trending, Analysis and Plotting System (TAPS) development continues with 
emphasis being placed on fixing the DRs attributed to prior releases. 
Release 4.1.6 was installed successfully on 08/05/03 and is currently in 
test by FOT. Release 4.1.7 is tentatively scheduled for installation during 
the week of 09/01/03.

Automation (ROBOTT):

- Offline testing is progressing well on String 2. There are a few minor 
issues, but nothing that is keeping the system from running nominally. We 
expect to be finished testing this new release on String 2 by the end of 

- FOT currently training on the Automation system.

- Automation Team testing of HSM and Command & Control on String 3 has 
resumed, delivery date to FOT is still TBD.

NSP Demo:

An NSP Demo with DSS-24 was performed successfully on DOY 238 
(08/26/03).   All 3 bit rates were acquired (498, 7968 & 87648bps) and 33 
commands were transmitted to the spacecraft.  The Ground Receipt Time (GRT) 
was good and within 10 milliseconds of our earlier pass with DSS-16.  No 
data corruption was found.


DOY 03237 (08/25/2003) ACE Anomaly G03-0078 - GDS 34m (DSS-24) Telemetry 
Loss of telemetry from DSS-24 from 16:09:37 - 16:17:54 due to TLP4 
(Telemetry Processor 4) problem.  IMPACT: Delayed pass activities.  All 
telemetry was subsequently recovered.  DR# G103249
Glen A. Miller
ACE Flight Operations Observatory Engineer
Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc.
Goddard Space Flight Center
Building 14, Room W10A
Mail Stop 428.2
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Office: 301-286-7071
Pager: 800-425-3174
Fax:    301-286-1729