ACE Weekly 10/31/03 - 11/06/03

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally. An attitude 
maneuver was successfully executed on 11/06/03. The next attitude maneuver 
is scheduled for 11/21/03.

Orbit Events:

The next SEV transit will occur November 26th through December 20th. The 
minimum SEV angle expected will be approximately 1.19 degrees.

OCRs Executed:

DOY 03308 - OCR EPAM-005
17:08:43 - Sent the first of two commands, EPAM_OP1_SET SELECT_STROBE = 32, 
to set the F-STROBE to the HIGH threshold.
18:13:06 - Sent the second of two commands, EPAM_OP1_SET SELECT_STROBE = 
28, to set the M-STROBE to the HIGH threshold.

DOY 03310 - OCR CRIS-011
17:04:27 Sent the first command, CRIS_PONII.
17:05:30 Sent the second command, CRIS_IIGAIN PARM=219
Both of these commands are used to turn the CRIS Image Intensifier back ON.

OCR SWPX-036 was scheduled for execution on DOY 03301 (10/28/03) but was 
delayed by Jim Griffee because of the solar activity. It is now scheduled 
for execution the week of 11/10/03.

Ongoing Activities:

Release 4.1.9 was delivered on 11/04/03 and was found to have a problem 
generating Long Term Trending (LTT) products.  Release 4.1.10 was delivered 
on 11/06/03 and is currently being tested by the FOT.

Automation (ROBOTT):

- ROBOTT version 0.2 (Offline) is operational on String 1.

- ROBOTT Version 0.3 was installed on String 2 (11/05/03) following the FOT 
verification of fixed Offline and HSM DRs on String 3.  The FOT is 
currently testing the release on String 2.

- Command & Control is still being tested by the Automation team and the FOT.

- The first draft of the SUG is expected soon.


DOY 03304 (10/31/2003) ACE Anomaly S03-0024 - SSCPAP5V Limit Violation.
The FOT performed a replay of the VC4 data from Day 301-302 to see if there 
were any limit violations due to the X17 class solar flare and CME.  The 
mnemonic SSCPAP5V violated the yellow low limit of 4.25V 2 times on day 
302.  For the first violation, the value dropped to 4.112 from 06:50:30 to 
06:51:18.  The second time, the value dropped to 4.064 from 07:02:51 to 
07:03:39.  Jim Raines notified.  IMPACT:  Unknown.  FOT will continue to 

DOY 03304 (10/31/2003) ACE Anomaly S03-0025 - SWPE_OVRCNTALRM Limit Violation.
The FOT performed a replay of the VC4 data from Day 301-302 to see if there 
were any limit violations due to the X17 class solar flare and CME.  The 
mnemonic  SWPE_OVRCNTALRM violated the yellow high limit 5 times from Days 
301-302.  The first violation was on day 301 from 20:08:06 to 
20:29:26.  The second violation was on day 301 from 21:05:42 to 
21:18:30.  The third violation was on day 301 from 21:29:50 to 
21:44:06.  The fourth violation was on day 301 from 22:01:10 to 
22:26:46.  The fifth violation was from day 301 at 22:31:02 to day 302 at 
10:29:58. Jim Griffee notified.  IMPACT:  Unknown.  FOT will continue to 

DOY 03306 (11/02/2003) ACE Anomaly G03-0109 -  GDS 34m (DSS-27) Antenna Red
DSS-27 informed the FOT that the antenna was red during the pre-pass 
briefing at 15:25. At 18:40, DSS-27 reported the antenna was working and 
telemetry was online at 18:49:09. The pass was extended until 22:15 in 
order to complete the SSR playback. IMPACT:  Delayed pass activities.  All 
telemetry was recovered.  DR#G103611

DOY 03308 (11/04/2003) ACE Anomaly G03-0110 -  GDS 26m (DSS-16) Command 
At 16:06:20 the FOT was unable to send commands to the spacecraft. After 
several attempts the FOT requested DSS-16 manually reset the command 
modulation index to 0.86, but there was no success in commanding.  ACE FOT 
requested DSS-16 re-sweep but still no success.
FOT requested that DSS-16 reapply the command modulation (flip ON the 
command subcarrier).  DSS-16 configured the command subcarrier from "only 
ON when sending a command" to "always ON".  FOT was able to command 
successfully.  The FOT requested that DSS-16 reset the command modulation 
to "only ON when sending a command".  FOT then sent a /NO_OP command to 
verify status of command modulation; success with command modulation back 
to a nominal state.  IMPACT: Unable to command to the spacecraft for ~17 
minutes.  Delay of pass activities for ~17 minutes. DR# G103617

DOY 03308 (11/04/2003) ACE Anomaly S03-0026 - S3DPU_CONV_SEC_I Limit Violation
The mnemonic S3DPU_CONV_SEC_I violated its red high limit once at 15:58:28. 
The mnemonic came back within limits at 15:58:29. Mark Popecki 
notified.  IMPACT: Unknown.  FOT will continue to monitor.

Glen A. Miller
ACE Flight Operations Observatory Engineer
Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc.
Goddard Space Flight Center
Building 14, Room W10A
Mail Stop 428.2
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Office: 301-286-7071
Pager: 800-425-3174
Fax:    301-286-1729