ACE Weekly 12/05/03 - 12/11/03

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally. No maneuvers were 
executed this reporting period.  The next attitude maneuver will occur on 

The NOAA FTP server was down from DOY 03343 (Tuesday) - through DOY 03346 
(Friday). The
FOT discovered the problem and notified NOAA on Tuesday.  All products 
remained in
the FORMATS queue during that time and was successfully delivered when NOAA 
brought up their server.

Orbit Events:

The SEZ transit has begun. Its particulars remain basically the same as 
previously given. Closest angular approach to the Sun will be approximately 
0.58 degree closer than the September transit, which was 1.76 deg. To 
summarize the 24-day transit by epoch and SEV angle:

26 Nov    20:56Z   4.75 deg (inbound)
5 Dec      01:22Z   2.0 deg
8 Dec      18:17Z   1.19 deg (minimum)
12 Dec    19:27Z   2.0 deg
20 Dec    22:00Z   4.75 deg (outbound)

To date there has been no SEZ related problems encountered.

OCRs Executed:


Ongoing Activities:

Release 4.1.11 was delivered on 11/19/03 and is currently being tested by 
the FOT.  The next release (4.1.12) will be delivered on 12/16/03.  The SUG 
is currently being reviewed by the FOT and SGT.

Automation (ROBOTT):

- ROBOTT version 0.2 (Offline) is operational on String 1.   Version 0.3 is 
to be delivered on 12/15/03.
- ROBOTT Version 0.4 is to be installed on String 2 on 12/18/03. This 
release will include HSM, Offline, and Command & Control.
- The first draft of the SUG is expected soon.


DOYs 03342-03343 (12/08-09/2003) ACE Anomaly S03-0027 - SEPICA SSD 2 Temp 
Yellow High Violation
Mnemonic SSSSSD2T violated its Yellow High limit 11 times. Mark Popecki 
notified. IMPACT: None.   FOT received direction from Mark Popecki to make 
a limit change for this mnemonic and that has been completed.  See MOCR 

DOY 03340 (12/06/2003) ACE Anomaly G03-0122 - GDS 26m (DSS-16)  Exciter Problem
At 17:21, DSS-16 gave 'Go for Command', however the telemetry showed that 
both spacecraft receivers were 'Out-of-Lock'. Contacted DSS-16 of the 
problem and gave the station permission to perform a resweep of the 
spacecraft.  At 17:24, DSS-16 gave 'Go for Command'  a second time, however 
both the spacecraft receivers were still 'Out-of-Lock'.  Gave DSS-16 
permission to perform another resweep of the spacecraft.  At 17:27, DSS-16 
notified FOT of exciter problems and stated that the exciter would need to 
be rebooted.  At 17:29, FOT gave permission to resweep the spacecraft 
again.  At 17:31, DSS-16 gave successful 'Go for Command' with both 
spacecraft receivers 'In-Lock'.  IMPACT:  Delayed pass activities.  DR# G103801

DOY 03343 (12/09/2003) ACE Anomaly G03-0123 - GDS 34m (DSS-24)  DSS-24 RED
DSS-24 was declared RED due to exciter problems.  DSS-27 provided coverage 
for the support. There were no problems during the D27 support. 
IMPACT:  None.  DR#G103817.

Glen A. Miller
ACE Flight Operations Observatory Engineer
Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc.
Goddard Space Flight Center
Building 14, Room W10A
Mail Stop 428.2
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Office: 301-286-7071
Pager: 800-425-3174
Fax:    301-286-1729