ACE Weekly 05/07/04 - 05/13/04

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally. An attitude 
maneuver was successfully executed on 05/12/04. The next maneuver (attitude 
& stationkeeping) is scheduled for 05/27/04.

Orbit Events:

 From Craig Roberts (FDF):
The next ACE transit of the old Solar Exclusion Zone (SEZ) will run from 
05/19/04 to 06/14/04. For the first time ever, ACE will transit the solar 
disk on 06/01/04. On that date, the Sun's angular radius is 0.2629 degree 
(as seen from Earth's center). The solar transit will last nearly 21 hours 
(again, as seen from Earth's center). The main features of this transit are 
given in the following table (times are UTC).

5/19    01:42   4.75 deg inbound
5/27    07:45   2.0 deg inbound
5/30    23:39   0.63 deg inbound
6/01    01:18   0.2629 deg (kissing solar disk inbound)
6/01    10:46   0.197 deg (radius of closest approach to solar center)
6/01    22:14   0.2629 deg (kissing solar disk outbound)
6/02    23:28   0.63 deg outbound
6/06    11:15   2.0 deg outbound
6/14    07:18   4.75 deg outbound

The 0.63 deg epochs are included because that radius represents the closest 
approach during our last transit in February/March. ACE will spend almost 
exactly 3 days within this zone.

OCRs Executed:

05/12-13/04 - SWM-032 - Adjust SWIMS MCP voltages, in hopes of tracking 
down a high background condition that has been present since the recent HV 

Ongoing Activities:

- Transition from GTAS to TAPS occurred on 03/18/04. All trending 
activities are being accomplished using TAPS. No problems have been noted 
to date.
- Installation of TAPS release 4.3 is tentatively scheduled for the first 
week of July 2004.  All open DRs will be fixed in this release.

Automation (ROBOTT):

- Release 0.6 installed on String 2 on 04/09/04.  FOT testing has been 
   -- 25 DRs were tested.  24 DRs have passed verification.  1 DR (color 
allocation) still needs additional work.
   -- 12 additional DRs have been opened as a result of FOT Testing.
- 15 DRs are OPEN to date.
- Release 0.6 installed to String 1 on 05/13/05. Operations has moved to 
String 2 and will remain there until FOT testing on String 1 is completed.
- SUG development is ongoing.  A DRAFT version has been delivered and is 
still being reviewed by the FOT.  Comments will be provided to the developer.
- FOT training on ROBOTT began 05/05/04 and additional sessions are being 

Extra Spacecraft Activities:

SWIMS instrument commanding under direction from Jim Raines (Univ. of 


DOY 04130 (05/09/04)  ACE Anomaly G04-0035 - TAPS Fanout Connection Down
During post-pass activities the FOT discovered TAPS had not received any 
data from the entire support and was not connected to fanoutace.   A check 
of the TAPS connections to the fanout revealed no connections between both 
TAPS systems and the fanout.  TAPS was restarted but the connection was 
unsuccessful.  TAPS was rebooted and the connection to the fanout was 
reestablished.  IMPACT:  Delayed postpass activities.  All data was 
subsequently ingested via CDR file and the Daily products were generated 
and reviewed.

DOY 04134 (05/13/04)  ACE Anomaly G04-0036 - MAD (DSS-54) 
Degraded/Corrupted Data
At 15:09:21.5, the MOC received 5 invalid frames during support with 
DSS-54.  There were also other VC2 hits during the time 14:44:00 to 
15:29:00, but these were due to network problems sending the data to the 
MOC out of order.  A delog was performed on the history files and the 
Source Assembly in the DDD Header indicated that the source of the 5 
invalid frames was DSS-16.    IMPACT:  None.  All data was recovered 
through redumps of the SSR.  DR# N102151
Glen A. Miller
ACE Flight Operations Observatory Engineer
Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc.
Goddard Space Flight Center
Building 14, Room W10A
Mail Stop 428.2
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Office: 301-286-7071
Pager: 800-425-3174
Fax:    301-286-1729