ACE Weekly 06/11/04 - 06/17/04

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.  No maneuvers were=
executed this reporting period.  The next attitude maneuver is scheduled=20
for 06/25/04.

Orbit Events:

ACE has completed the latest Solar Exclusion Zone (SEZ) transit. The=20
critical SEZ period (SEV < 0.63=B0) occurred 5/30/04 to 6/2/04.  While ACE=
was crossing the solar disk on 06/01/04, DSS-27 was able to lock onto=20
medium-rate data.  On 06/02/04, however, signal strength was less and=20
DSS-24 and DSS-27 were only able to lock onto hi-rate after the SEV angle=20
was above 0.51=B0. Nevertheless, the FOT was able to capture all science=

5/30    SEV=3D0.68=B0-0.64=B0 DSS-24 able to lock on hi-rate
5/31    SEV=3D0.43=B0-0.38=B0 DSS-24 able to lock on hi-rate
6/01    SEV<0.26=B0               DSS-27 able to lock on med-rate
6/02    SEV=3D0.45=B0-0.51=B0 DSS-24 & DSS-27 able to lock on med-rate
6/02    SEV>0.51=B0               DSS-24 & DSS-27 able to lock on hi-rate

OCRs Executed:


Ongoing Activities:

- Transition from GTAS to TAPS occurred on 03/18/04. All trending=20
activities are being accomplished using TAPS.
- Installation of TAPS release 4.3 is tentatively scheduled for the first=20
week of July 2004.  All open DRs will be fixed in this release.

Automation (ROBOTT):

- Release 0.6 was installed on String 1 on 05/13/04.
   -- Release 0.6 will not be used operationally, however testing is=
- Release 0.7 has been delivered to String 3 and undergoing test at this=
- SUG development is ongoing.  A DRAFT version has been delivered and=20
comments have been provided to the developer.
- FOT training on ROBOTT began 05/05/04 and additional sessions are being=20

Extra Spacecraft Activities:

Day 04163 (6/11/2004) - Ran the procedure s_tlm_sections.prc for SSR B.  No=
new errors
were detected.

Day 04164 (6/12/2004) - Ran the procedure s_tlm_sections.prc for SSR A.  No=
new errors
were detected.


DOY 04163 (6/11/2004) ACE Anomaly G04-0050 - Unable To Configure MOC For=20
Security scan executed on 06/10/04 left MOC in an inoperable state.  FOT=20
unable to configure MOC for support on any of the THREE operations=20
strings.  Workstations affected: AC1FE1A, AC2FE1A, AC2XT3 (this xterm was=20
completely dead and had to be replaced), AC3XT1, AC3WS2, AC3WS1.  Paged=20
TSMs and upon their instruction rebooted the front-ends for both Strings 1=
and 2.  After the reboot, the FOT was able to utilize String 1 for=

DOY 04164 (6/12/2004) ACE Anomaly G04-0051 - GDS (DSS-16) Uplink Dropped=20
During TCP Swap
Uplink dropped when DSS-16 swapped TCPs. RCVR_A_AGC yellow low limit (value=
=3D -121.11dB;  limit =3D -120dB).  Rcvr B also lost lock at this=20
time.  IMPACT:  None

DOY 04163 (6/11/2004) ACE Anomaly G04-0052 - GDS (DSS-16) Old Desktop Used=
by DSS-16
DSS-16 used the wrong desktop on 6/9/2004 and 6/11/2004.  When DSN=20
transitioned to the new 26m Upgrade/Automation equipment on March 24, 2003,=
the original desktop had channel 2 in 'bypass mode'.  Unfortunately, the=20
channel 1 data occasionally showed 'bypass mode on' and 'Sync Word Bit=20
Errors=3D32' in the DSN telemetry headers.  This caused DPS to have session=
failures.  This was finally corrected on May 25, 2004 (RRQ-TCP-120) with a=
new desktop (with channel 2 no longer in bypass mode).  But on June 9,=20
2004, DSS-16 had switched back to the old desktop.    NOPE notified and=20
station configured the correct desktop.  IMPACT:  DPS session failures on=20
6/9/2004 and 6/11/2004.  FOT had to manually approve DPS sessions to=20
process data.
Glen A. Miller
ACE Flight Operations Observatory Engineer
Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc.
Goddard Space Flight Center
Building 14, Room W10A
Mail Stop 428.2
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Office: 301-286-7071
Pager: 800-425-3174
Fax:    301-286-1729