ACE Weekly 07/02/04 - 07/08/04

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.  No attitude 
maneuvers were executed this reporting period.  The next attitude maneuver 
is scheduled for 07/09/04.

Orbit Events:

The next ACE SEV transit will occur in the mid-Aug to early Sep '04 

OCRs Executed:


Ongoing Activities:

- Transition from GTAS to TAPS occurred on 03/18/04. All trending 
activities are being accomplished using TAPS.
- Installation of TAPS release 4.3 is tentatively scheduled for 
07/19/04.  All open DRs will be fixed in this release.

Automation (ROBOTT):

- Release 0.7 has been delivered to String 3 and undergoing test at this time.
   -- FOT testing continues.
   -- Installation on String 2 tentatively scheduled for 07/12/04.
   -- Installation on String 1 tentatively scheduled for 07/29/04.
- SUG development is ongoing.  A DRAFT version has been delivered and 
comments have been provided to the developer.
- FOT training on ROBOTT began 05/05/04 and additional sessions are being 

Extra Spacecraft Activities:



DOY 04188 (07/06/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0062 - GDS 34m (DSS-27) Dropped Blocks
At 12:35, the FOT noticed VC2 sequence errors (dropped blocks) and notified 
DSS-27.  The station checked and reported everything appeared nominal.  The 
FOT then contacted JPL COMM to report the same problem.  At 12:50, the FOT 
contacted the CD Manager at GSFC to request they check to insure the 
problem was not with the fanout.  At 12:52, DSS-27 reported they would 
switch to a backup channel in order to troubleshoot the problem.  At 12:53, 
the backup channel was put online.  At 13:07, the FOT informed DSS-27 that 
the dropped blocks ceased.  However, minutes later, the VC2 sequence errors 
started to reappear.  At 13:16, the TSS informed the FOT that they may have 
isolated the problem.  However, after 20 minutes, the VC2 sequence errors 
continued.  The errors continued throughout the entire pass. 
IMPACT:  Degraded telemetry throughout pass.  All data subsequently 
recovered.  DR# G104594

DOY 04188 (07/06/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0063 - GDS 34m (DSS-27) Telemetry Outages
Numerous telemetry dropouts throughout pass.  Related to ACE Anomaly 
G04-0062. IMPACT:  Telemetry outage (15:09:43 - 15:11:54) occurred during 
the execution of procedure s_auto_redumps requiring SSR-B slices 514-523 to 
be redumped on Day 189.  All telemetry subsequently recovered.   DR# G104594
Glen A. Miller
ACE Flight Operations Observatory Engineer
Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc.
Goddard Space Flight Center
Building 14, Room W10A
Mail Stop 428.2
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Office: 301-286-7071
Pager: 800-425-3174
Fax:    301-286-1729